What does Say Something mean?

A Great Big World: Say Something Meaning

Album cover for Say Something album cover

Song Released: 2013

Say Something Lyrics

Say something, I'm giving up on you.
I'll be the one, if you want me to.
Anywhere, I would've followed you.
Say something, I'm giving up on you.

And I am feeling so small.
It was over my head
I know nothing at all.

And I will stumble...

  1. anonymous
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    Dec 3rd 2013 !⃝

    I love that christina was added to the song her voice is beautiful. Some people hold things in until it starts to fall apart and usually by this time it's to late to put the pieces back. Their saying because their love hasn't told them how they feel their moving on. They essentially just couldn't take it anymore. It is sad when this kind of stuff happens. Some people are just tough to crack "get to". In the end to make something work you must be able to communicate getting there may be tough but once you get there the sky's the limit.

  2. AndyB
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    Dec 3rd 2013 !⃝

    I'm surprised that so few think the lyrics to this song refer to how quiet God is. He communicates in many ways, but so often He seems to be absolutely quiet . . . even when one's antenna are up . . .and not only how quiet He seems to be, but for how long he is quiet. I'm going through a crisis of faith, wondering why, for many years, I have heard nothing. . . asking why my prayers seem to have no one listening, no one communicating back . . .now asking only that He "say something" . . .

  3. anonymous
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    Dec 3rd 2013 !⃝

    I think this song is about meeting your first true love. You feel like they are "the one", but you can't get a response from them. They may feel the same way about you, but you can't find out because they won't say what they are feeling. This has happened in my life, the person I thought was perfect, acted like they noticed me one minute and the next, it was as if I didn't exist. I tried to think it would take some time to work up to a relationship, but it never amounted to anything. Before either of us spoke, my 1st true love moved away. Now neither of us will ever know if it was meant to be or not. I'm trying to move on, but it's so hard to. This is a great song to get you through a tough time, I know it's helping me.

  4. anonymous
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    Dec 1st 2013 !⃝

    not just love.. a loved one, friend, brother, spouse, etc. Someone isn't explaining what they think. He is looking for a reason to stay but the lack of response is forcing him to give up and walk away.

  5. anonymous
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    Dec 1st 2013 !⃝

    This is a bit of an artistic and visual interpretation. I am a dancer; this is how I would imagine a routine to this song. It's about a couple. The girl is in the hospital, slowly dying. When you listen to the music, it sounds like a machine's beep. The lyrics "say something, I'm giving up on you," represent the fact that she isn't responding. He wants her to be okay and to literally say something, but he realizes her death at this point is inevitable, so he's losing hope. The lyrics "it was over my head, I know nothing at all," describe how this was a total shock to him, as if she may have been in a car accident, or something sudden may have been the cause of her death. It talks about how she is the one he loves, and he is saying goodbye- he loves her so much, and doesn't want to say goodbye to her, so he says goodbye to the world, killing himself and dying with her. Very sad and emotional song.

  6. anonymous
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    Nov 26th 2013 !⃝

    It true this song can be about anything but I do believe it is about a relatuonship or unrequited feelings for someone. They have found "the one". Sometimes as unfortunate as it may be we find "the one" at the wrong time in our lives. Maybe, the other person could not say something because it wasn't the right time. Now the other is giving up and they'll never know. Beautiful song.

  7. anonymous
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    Nov 26th 2013 !⃝

    When your having trouble in a relationship and you know that things are coming to an end but you want so badly to hang and make it work. You want to be "the one" for them but only if they want to accept you as theirs. You will do anything for them, follow them wherever they go but they wont do the same. You feel like you're the only one in the relationship trying to make it work. It seems like the other person has no hope but you want them to say something, anything to make you stay and keep on fighting. All these overwhelming feelings make you feel so small. Going into the relationship you didn't know what you were getting your self into. You have never loved like this before, there are going to be obstacles, you will stumble and fall but you will learn and keep going. After all the pleading and asking them to stay you just cant keep going, you are finally giving up, you are sorry that you couldn't get them to stay. I love you but I need to swallow my pride, accept defeat, and say goodbye.

  8. anonymous
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    Nov 25th 2013 !⃝

    Honstly The song isnt about a certain topic, if you watch the video it can be about a relationship, Saying goodbye to a loved one who is dying, losing an animal as a child and not understanding what has happened, Say Something is just a way of asking for an explanation of whats happening even if its questioning God himself. It hits a spot in everyone for everyone has dark times in their life. Its a explanation of life.

  9. anonymous
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    Nov 23rd 2013 !⃝

    I love this song especially when sung with christina aguillera. It's about pleading with someone to say something about what their feeling towards the other. The lack of communication is ruining whatever relationship they had. The way it is sung leads me to believe they also lacked communication maybe they never told the other person I need to hear how you feel. Maybe the other person needed someone to help them open up because they have put walls up for a reason. I believe in a story like this if it's love and it's meant to be it will be. It is amazing how something so small (such as lack of communication) in a relationship can end something that could have been so beautiful.

  10. anonymous
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    Nov 20th 2013 !⃝

    I needed you to say something. You didn't :(

  11. anonymous
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    Nov 20th 2013 !⃝

    If you notice, the timing and cadence of the song is similar to a heartbeat that is slowly dying. At the very end of the song, it is as if there is one final beat like on the machine in a hospital, and then that's it.

    The love or relationship is dying, perhaps the couple has had their ups and downs and he has always worked to keep the relationship going. He is tired and needs a heartbeat, a sign something to know the other person is willing to fight to keep the love alive.
    Say something!
    Sadly, he heard nothing, moves on by ending it and subsequently, the relationship/love dies.

    It is truly a beautiful song.

  12. anonymous
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    Nov 18th 2013 !⃝

    How can a song sounding so sweet and beautiful be so sad. "It was over my head" "your the one I love and I'm saying goodbye". Anywhere I would have followed you"

  13. anonymous
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    Nov 18th 2013 !⃝

    How can a song sounding so sweet and beautiful be so sad.

  14. anonymous
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    Nov 15th 2013 !⃝

    Come on folks life's to short just "say something". Right now. "Your the one I love". I don't want to give up.

  15. anonymous
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    Nov 15th 2013 !⃝

    I think this is about some type of relationship. Someone obviously shows more love. Maybe the other person feels the same way but has built up walls to protect themselves. They feel frightened to show their feelings for whatever reason. Sadly because they can not express themselves their love did not survive. It was lack of communication. They had doubt. Running in circles and never knowing. However, I believe if it is really love the one showing love shouldn't give up instead just come out and ask. You never know don't give up on love until you know for sure.

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