What does Judith mean?

A Perfect Circle: Judith Meaning

Album cover for Judith album cover

Song Released: 2000

Judith Lyrics

You're such an inspiration for the ways
That I will never ever choose to be
Oh so many ways for me to show you
How the savior has abandoned you
Fuck your God
Your Lord and your Christ
He did this to you
Took all you had and
Left you this...

  1. anonymous
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    Jan 22nd 2010 !⃝

    The loving God which she had faith in wouldn't want her to be in pain any more than anyones parent wants their child can be in pain and since God gave us free will, God cannot control the pain any more than a parent can control a child's pain. The God her church believed in did this to her for a reason, she did something to deserve it, so "fuck YOUR god..." the one that would do this for a sin... But Jesus was sent here to forgive our sins.

  2. inspiredtool
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    Dec 4th 2009 !⃝

    This song is a description of the confusing emotions that Christian Fundamentalism can have on loving caring family members, especially children who not only see but feel the clear hypocrisy of the ridiculous dualistic trap. "Oh so many ways for me to show you how your dogma has abandoned you." Dogma is the established belief or doctrine held by a religion, ideology or an Organization: it is authoritative and not to be disputed,doubted or diverged from.(wikipedia) The damning nature of these perceptions leave you broken down and paralyzed never reaching the peace/salvation you are supposed to have."It's not like you drove a spiteful spear into his side": You don't hate Jesus. "Talk to Jesus Christ as if he knows the reason why", (as the church says): "He did it all for you." "Even though he's the one who did this to you, you never thought to question why?": A question even an innocent child would ask... "Your god, your lord, your Christ, is the god of the church of hypocrites. Fuck your god. It is not difficult for a clear minded individual to imagine the PAIN that can be experienced by one who has a heart for his mother and for God/Truth in Maynard's position. This is a song along the journey twards enlightenment. A person learns a lot faster and often deeper through painful experiences than enjoyable ones. And a word to anonym-ass; Think before you speak. Maynard is not an atheist. Go back to your "I love Sarah Palin blog", foolish one.

  3. anonymous
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    Mar 2nd 2009 !⃝

    "Maynard says "Fuck your God", your god of hate, judgement, and punishment, because his God, nay, the TRUE God, is a God of love and compassion"

    Maynard is an atheist, he has no god.

  4. fastfordfocus
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    Jan 12th 2009 !⃝

    I think this song is about the dependency of modern man on unnatural means of self preservation such as pacemakers, condoms, brain medicine, antibiotics, wheelchairs, orthopedic shoes, airbags, etc.
    I think that he feels trapped in a codependent relationship with society and the modern American lifestyle. He wants to change, but he's afraid that there is no escaping the lifestyle he was born into. I think he is using the song as a warning that everything is about to collapse.

  5. Kummen
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    Dec 27th 2008 !⃝

    Judith (Judith Marie) is Maynards mother. He is really inspired by her. In the album 10000 days by tool he sings about her. Judith had major problems with her health. In the songs wings for marie (pt 1 and 2) he sings about her suffering and in this song he sings abou how this "god" tortures her. This is only what i think it might be. feel fre to say i'm wrong

  6. anonymous
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    Nov 23rd 2008 !⃝

    One accurate interpretation will suffice, thank you. Why you would post some random, poorly thought out opinion when you've seen an excellent summation posted already shows that you're just needing to garner some degree of attention. We've got it.

  7. Anoniminion
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    Sep 1st 2008 !⃝

    The meaning to this song is painfully obvious to anyone who has hear the song 10,000 days. 10,000 is about his mom, Judith Marie.

    Judith, is about his mom (you can make this accurate assumption, with just the name, let alone the meaning still helps the assumption greatly).

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  8. anonymous
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    Jan 19th 2008 !⃝

    I know that it is about his mothers health, and that she did keep her faith in god, but its like she was in a church group like she had bible night and stuff, and when this happened to her they would talk bad about her that she would leave a room and they would talk bad behind her back. And really she kept her faith for so long it says like she never did anything wrong to deserve this!

  9. T_REV
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    Jan 18th 2008 !⃝

    Haha of course this is about his mum! the title... JUDITH! his mums name was judith I don't think that that's a coinincidence at all! maynards mother spent roughly 10,000 days in paralysis before she died. (yes that's how the album got its name) in 10k days. Maynard is obviously angry at god for letting something like that happen to her. but later he says in jambi that he realises she saved him and 'but you changed that all for me. lifted me up turned me round' but in judith he is saying she didn't deserve any of it!
    "its not like you killed someone. Its not like you drove a hateful spear into his side. praise the one who left you broken down and paralyzed" that right there is damning evidence in itself even if it werent for the title of the song and the ties it has with some of maynards other songs

  10. anonymous
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    Jan 15th 2008 !⃝

    This is definetly about maynards mum. The song title of course. even in 10,000 days it's about his mum but see here, we all know how maynards mother was paralyzed after her stroke and yet she still kept faith even then.

    It's not like you killed someone
    It's not like you drove a hateful spear into his side
    Praise the one who left you
    Broken down and paralyzed
    He did it all for you

    broken down and paralyzed! his mum was paralyzed. This is song is pretty much saying that his mum didn't do anything to deserve her fate and that she believes god did it for a reason. (he did it all for you) when he says fuck your god he is rejecting her ideas and why she would keep faith in the lord after that. Maynard still can't understand why is mother would have such faith in her 'saviour' as she sees it and yet as her 'doom' as Maynard sees it.

  11. Ender
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    Sep 21st 2007 !⃝

    Basicly I think this is Maynard talking about his mom and christianity

    he starts off saying how his mother was such an inspiration for a way he will never live his life meaning the christian faith not sinning blah blah blah all that crap

    he then goes on to in a way mock it by saying that if jesus died for our sins then what do you have to worry about sin all you want he did it all for you

    he seems to be angry at god for leaving his mother broken down and paralyzed leaving her with just her faith which Maynard finds inspirational but will not be inspired to follow it I guess in a way he is glad that his mother believed so strongly in her faith till the very end of her life

    well that's just what I got out of the song so far

  12. anonymous
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    Sep 21st 2007 !⃝

    I have read each statement made about this song and I am left with the interpretation of this, if there is in fact a Creator with the title God, I seem to remember He instilled us with free will. That free will gives us the advantage of choosing when and what we are going to do. After thinking about this quite a bit, I don't think I would stop listening to the song, if I liked the tune, the beat, or the band, because of the lyrics in the song, because I would not be simply turned to the darkside over a song. Again, that's what free will gives you. Perhaps this song just represents that particular band member's struggles and his perception of them. It doesn't mean as a whole that he doesn't believe in God now, didn't believe in God then, or won't believe in God in the future. Free will = choice at any time, any way, whenever you feel like it. Take for instance Creed...the lead singer had a huge impact from his extremely religious upbringing and why he's mad at the world and I'm sure that some of his lyrics represent that, but you have to admit they have extremely catchy tunes.

    Probably one of the only things that doesn't keep me from dropping to my knees and having more faith in a Godly manifestation of religion is the mental, sexual, & physical abuse of children, many of you would say, "Oh, well that's free will, we make a choice and sometimes people suffer for it." well, I don't think that children ever did ANYTHING to warrant that sort of abuse and even though there is free will, it also states that God is supposed to know every single minor choice we make already, He know how our lives are going to play out, He knows who is going to make the choice of perish or eternal life, He knows who, when, where, and how. I think that is the epitome of cruelty. Letting it play out makes it seem as if we are puppets and He is simply pulling the strings occasionally to make sure we aren't Pinocchio's. To sit calmly by while a child is being molested and abused, without doing anything, because it's free will of the abuser, even though the child doesn't have a history to warrant that abuse, and it's going to effect them for the rest of their entire lives and can make them in turn an abuser...compassionate? I'm sure this will set off a firestorm.

    In reference to anonymous on the subject of the King's English, if we were speaking in that method, it would be olde English. If it were up to me, we would all be speaking Gaelic.


  13. leo86
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    Jul 2nd 2007 !⃝

    This song is not pro-christian whatsoever, anyone who says it's about a conversation between the devil and judas is an ass, if you don't believe me look it up, if you want further proof on APRIL 1 2005, Maynard had announced that he had found jesus latter he announced on the tool website that he was joking and when later asked about jesus he called him a "fucking punk and a lier", if you religious fundamentalist like the band you should go find a nice slow christian rock band then go hang yourself

  14. grantq
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    Apr 13th 2007 !⃝

    There is a difference between spirituality and what the masses follow as a set of belief systems to glorify self. We all carry around the illusion of who we think we are. This song explains the ignorance of religous groups, people are constantly seeking concepts and ideas outside of themselves to perpetuate their own false identity of who they think they are. This song to me describes how ridiculous christianity is. People torture themselves with shame and guilt over beliefs that humanity has forced upon them. "and they never thought to question why" , "he did it all for you", he did what for you ?? the sundayschool fairytell most live by, that can never live up to, causes people to stay seperate from who they really are, and perpetuates this false sense of self, who might never experiance who they really are, "are such an ispiration, for who I would never want to be".... So let these people keep torturing themselves with other peoples beliefs, Im sure this ties in with maynards mom, but this is raw truth I get from the song

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  15. anonymous
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    Mar 26th 2007 !⃝

    powerfix..dude I think you hit it exactly on..the song is about how people live there lifes so strict without actually "living" and think if they do anything wrong they will be sinning and go to hell..and its not like you actually "killed" someone. He is basically saying live life to the fullest..and don't always be afraid of the fact that you think you are "sinning" because you really didn't do anything wrong, its not like you killed someone? god isn't all strict..he has a sense of humor..dont belive me? go down to walmart and just look at people....=)

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