What does Outlaws of Love mean?

Adam Lambert: Outlaws of Love Meaning

Album cover for Outlaws of Love album cover

Outlaws of Love Lyrics

Oh, nowhere left to go.
Are we getting closer? Closer.
No. All we know is No.
Nights are getting colder, colder

Hey, tears all fall the same.
We all feel the rain.
We can't change.

Everywhere we go, we're looking for the sun.


    #1 top rated interpretation:
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    Apr 16th 2012 !⃝

    Adam Lambert is a successful mainstream artist who is openly gay. This song talks about society's rejection of homosexual relationships. It reflects Adam's own struggles that it has caused in his life as it is something readily unaccepted and ridiculed.
    There is no doubt that this song applies personally to him even though he may not have written it.
    The title "outlaws of love" suggests that the couple are outside of society's laws and norms of relationships. Two men, not a man and a woman. This title creates piercing bittersweet imagery and presents a different perspective on the issue.

    The first verse talks about progress being made in looking for acceptance yet they're really just fighting a brick wall and the more they express their love openly and proudly, the more they are shut out and shunned. (Or so it feels.)

    The bridge talks about how no matter what the circumstances are, pain is pain and we are all human and can therefore sympathize. It then says that even though there are painful consequences, changing who they are and pretending to be something they're not, isn't an option.

    The first line of the chorus explains that in every situation, everyday, they must look for the silver lining. Trying to make the best of everything. Alternatively it could mean that they are surrounded be night and darkness, suggesting that they have been classed as "evil" when they just want to be happy and be accepted.

    The second line talks about the couple never being able to be comfortable and be themselves, but having to continuously watch their backs and fight off people's aggressive opinions.

    The third line is obviously referring to Christianity's discouragement if not outright aversion to homosexuality. However, this is disagreed with and it is clear that they will stay true to themselves.

    The fourth line talks about being branded (a permanent label or mark that has been forcibly given). This refers to derogatory name calling and labels.

    The second verse confirms that, through all of the pain and the emotional memory of past battles in defense of their rights to love each other, they will own it. It makes them wise. It talks about "hearts and homes" being broken which may refer to the their relationship and furthermore sexual preference having hurt those close to them as well. (Although Adam himself had supportive parents) This may have driven a wedge between family members etc.

    It then expresses that if society became accepting and had an open mind, we could achieve a lot more.

    Just my straightforward interpretation of a really beautiful song.


    #2 top rated interpretation:
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    Sep 3rd 2011 !⃝

    It's about the struggles Gay and Lesbian people go through every day. He talks about how we're all the same and that no one should be treated differently because of who they love.

  3. anonymous
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    Jun 17th 2015 !⃝

    I think that Adam is talking about the struggle of being gay, and how gay people aren't very easily accepted all around the world. 'Nowhere to grow old, we're always on the run' explains how people are hesitant to welcome the thought of gay relationships. Overall, the song is thoughtful and deep and beautiful and anythin in betweeen. Go Adam! :)

  4. anonymous
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    Oct 5th 2013 !⃝

    To me, the song has several meanings. One, he's talking about heart break in general. When he says, "everywhere we go we're looking for the sun," he's talking about the search for happily ever after. "With nowhere to grow old, we're always on the run." He talking about how he goes from relationship to relationship and is never satisfied. "They say we'll rot in hell, but I don't think we will." In this line, he's talking about disapproval of relationships in general, but then he says he doesn't think they will, which is saying that he believes love is truly innocent. This could be a personal confession about his struggle against society and how they view his sexuality. A beautiful song, but truly sad and heart breaking. Just my interpretation of it.

  5. anonymous
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    Jun 22nd 2013 !⃝

    my interpretation about this song doesn't just classify homosexuality even straight couples have difficulty being accepted by family, friends, communities, and societies. In one country a man could have as many wives as he wants but in America's society that is wrong, and therefore he is condemned to hell. when I heard him sing the part at the end of the chorus "outlaws of love" the image I got was of a straight couple running away from the rules society placed on them. No matter lesbian, gay, or straight "tears all fall the same" and I love this song

  6. anonymous
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    Jun 15th 2013 !⃝

    I think he is talking about how people are shunning people just because they are different. Society is basically saying they don't fit in with us. But there are those people who don't shun those people. The light, one of the things that can brighten their day.

  7. anonymous
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    Apr 24th 2013 !⃝

    I think his song is about special secret people like Freemasons? I can see lots of their signs in adam's songs! They try to hide and they are everywhere and always on the run.
    "we're LOOKING FOR THE SUN" this is one of the signs like we see in a lot of cartoons ending...and homosexuality which is born by them and homosexual people are OUTLAWS OF LOVE and it is said they will rot in hell in lots of holly books
    I cant get why ADAM is teaching us what they want?!!

  8. anonymous
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    Mar 29th 2013 !⃝

    Adam said he wrote it cause of the bulling he said it doesnt matter if soneone is with you a lover,family member,or even a friend it wont matter cause your with them thats what he said at his concert so yeah :) xoxox

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