What does Miss Murder mean?

AFI: Miss Murder Meaning

Album cover for Miss Murder album cover

Song Released: 2006

Miss Murder Lyrics

Hey Miss Murder can I?
Hey Miss Murder can I?
Make beauty stay if I,
Take my life?


With just a look they shook
And heavens bowed before him.
Simply a look can break your heart.
The stars that pierce the sky;
He left them...

  1. anonymous
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    Jul 11th 2006 !⃝

    Sounds like the standard alt-rock anti-religious thing, especially the lyrics in the bridge. The only thing that doesn't fit is the chorus, which I'm guessing is just a pop hook. Read the lyrics, it's pretty obvious.

  2. anonymous
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    Jul 9th 2006 !⃝

    ok I think someone said afi+nirvana and that was kinda right this will sound really odd to someone who isn't familiar with the theorie but Courtney love killed Kurt Cobain check out www.justiceforkurt.com and I think it's about that,the lyrics fit perfect anyway.
    Hey Miss Murder can I -Kurt was beautiful,I think this is a sarcastic if I "commit suicide" will it make me more beautiful CL being miss MURDER
    Hey Miss Murder can I
    Make beauty stay if I
    Take my life?

    With just a look they shook,
    And heavens bowed before him.
    Simply a look can break your heart.-Kurt had really sad blue eyes

    The stars that pierce the sky
    He left them all behind
    We're left to wonder why
    He left us all behind -everyone was sad and shocked and wondered why he left us

    Hey Miss Murder can I
    Hey Miss Murder can I
    Make beauty stay if I
    Take my life?

    Dreams of his crash won't pass
    Oh, how they all adored him
    Beauty will last when spiraled down -again sad shocked and dreams of april 5th

    The stars that mistified
    He left them all behind
    And how his children cry
    He left us all behind-Frances Bean Cobain probably cries alot

    Hey, Miss Murder can I
    Hey, Miss Murder can I
    Make beauty stay if I
    Take my life?

    What's the hook, the twist, within this verbose mystery?
    I would gladly bet my life upon it
    That the ghost you love, your ray of light will fizzle out
    Without hope
    We're the empty set, just flowing through, wrapped in skin
    Ever searching for what we were promised
    Reaching for that golden ring we'd never let go
    But who would ever let us put their filthy hands upon it?-the hook,twist thing is about how it was murder and not suicide there is a conspiracy

    Hey Miss Murder can I
    Hey Miss Murder can I
    Make beauty stay if I
    Take my life?

    Hey Miss Murder can I
    Hey Miss Murder can I
    Make beauty stay if I
    Take my life?

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  3. St.J
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    Jul 7th 2006 !⃝

    Some one he loves sooo much he'll do anything for her.

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  4. anonymous
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    Jul 7th 2006 !⃝

    Many people think this song involves a lot about Jesus, but the chorus has nothing to do with Jesus. I've been reading a lot of peoples ideas about this song, and someone even said Davy's catholic. And someone's previous post was talking about how he was singing about Hitler, and that fits with most of the lyrics and even with the video.

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  5. anonymous
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    Jul 6th 2006 !⃝

    I agree with the hitler theory.

    "With just a look they shook" when the jews even heard a mention of hitler they wer terrified of being murdered,

    "And heavens bowed before him." and all the countries bowed before him as he took over, think about it.

    "The stars that pierce the sky" that's the bombs that shook the world during the war.

    "He left them all behind. We’re left to wonder why He left us all behind." when he was killed there was no body found, so his follower wondered y he just left them, commited suicide.

    "Hey Miss Murder can I?
    Make beauty stay if I,
    Take my life?" hitler prolly thought that by killing himself the world would remain caotic, just like he liked it.

    "Dreams of his crash won’t pass" the world will never forget what he did

    "Or how they all adored him." at first most people did adore htler, before he really started killing the jews people thought that he was on tha right track

    "And how his children cry" he made so many jews terrified to even leave a room, ruined so many lives and I justy can't imagine all tha tears that fell from the eyes of so many

    yea well I think I have explained enough but just think about it ppl. o yea.....my name is SELINA

  6. anonymous
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    Jul 6th 2006 !⃝

    I think it talks about the denial of religion being authentic and how Jesus supposedly left human kind behind, and how "heavens bowed before him" and "how they all adored him", we're "empty set just floating trought, wrapped in skin" refers to humans as souless and no eternal life "ever searching for what we were promised", and the golden ring I think refers to a halo, "reaching for the golden ring we never let go, who would ever let us put our filthy hands upon it" and how humans are just too sinful to go to so called heaven or the paradise.

    Just my thoughts, Julian kuckimonster2@hotmail.com

  7. anonymous
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    Jul 6th 2006 !⃝

    I agree with the person that said it was about hitler, it actually fits if you read the lyrics and think about it

  8. anonymous
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    Jul 3rd 2006 !⃝

    I think its About the expresion die young stay pretty its say in I give my life will you let miss beauty stay so he's saying that if he give his life he'll always have his beauty and adore him for the handsome man he was

  9. anonymous
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    Jul 2nd 2006 !⃝

    Opinion: afi = nirvana
    ?will his death produce the same phenomenon?

    starts with the thoughts of suicide.
    miss murder is (death- "miss" single women romantic never really 'has' anyone whom she chooses.)
    immortalized in beauty and power. The height of popularity. just like Kurt Cobain
    Take my life? -hmmm I wonder-
    the people cry "whoa - oh -oh"
    unravels from there! to a hook of questions and a twist of stories.
    hopes, in spite of --really? you think? my idol my guiding light?

    "we're the empty set....filthy hands upon it"
    davies philosophy of life and the influence of 'stars' and there goal of the unreachable.

  10. anonymous
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    Jun 29th 2006 !⃝

    Rather than being about someone like Jesus in the past tense, I think this song is in the future sense. Like much of the materials being issued forth there is a consistancy with the ideals of western Heroism. Its either an individual call to a reawakening, or plea to a collective realization.
    The artist I think is conceptualizing a struggle in which he pits himself, only to spark amongst others intrigue and self reflection more on his feelings and the sentiments his combination of symbols surrounds him with.
    Just a thought.

  11. anonymous
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    Jun 25th 2006 !⃝

    He is singing about Hitler, who killed himself and left everyone behind. In the Music Video he's waving his arm back and forth to the Nazis below the balcony. The four flags represent the swastika.

  12. mightymuffin5042
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    Jun 24th 2006 !⃝

    Just to add, the "golden ring" could be from 'The Catcher in the Rye' where at the end of novel Holden's younger sister is riding on a merry-go-round. On merry-go-rounds is a golden ring, or use to be, that riders could try to grab resulting in a prize. However, there is some risk in going for the gold ring. The rider might even fall. So the gold ring represents a hope, a dream, and the chances that we must take to grab it. In 'Miss Murder' the "golden ring" could be the unattainable or what the character desires, fantasizes about and longs for.

  13. anonymous
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    Jun 23rd 2006 !⃝

    mishima yukio


    I fits along with the song lyrics, eerily well to the video, and is the sort of thing that I think Davey would be interested in taking the time to write a song about.

    That is one idea. I have heard many different takes from people. I just personally do not buy the whole Jesus thing people are getting out of it.

  14. anonymous
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    Jun 22nd 2006 !⃝

    Okay, okay, kids. This is what this song is about. If you know a lot about biblical history, it has a lot to do with jesus. He left everyone behind (and the stars, too) and his people are left to wonder why. you get it?? and then the song (verbose mystery blah) is like contradicting the first part. like its stating that jesus is "verbose" or the idea of his is. I have no fucking idea what verbose is...look it up.

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  15. Yudorka
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    Jun 18th 2006 !⃝

    In the part where Davie is like ,Whats the hook the twist within this verbose mystery?, I would gladly bare my life upon it. , means he'll give up his life for a beutiful woman.

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