What does Lily mean?

Alan Walker: Lily Meaning

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Lily Lyrics

Lily was a little girl
Afraid of the big, wide world
She grew up within her castle walls
Now and then she tried to run
And then on the night with the setting sun
She went in the woods away
So afraid, all alone

They warned her, don't go...

  1. anonymous
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    May 12th 2022 !⃝

    I believe Lily is her own safe side and control, hence the castle is her control of the environment. But she gets curious and leaves the safety of the her familiar environment and founds herself in a strange new place (the woods is often viewed as a mysterious and dangerous place). Either herself or her parents tell her not to leave but she peruses the satisfaction of knowing what’s out there. The creature is actually her wild and more dangerous side, a side with less or in this case no control. She falls victim to her own spell and eventually breaks it, like how ice gives suddenly to the immense pressure. She stops herself before doing something reckless and stupid (you can interpret what situation this was. Ex: A risky relationship, jumping off a cliff)This side of her is hidden away and remained unknown from her until this point, but wasn’t able to resist knowing what it could show her. She then literally asks for help in an urgent manner but now she can’t quiet the voice inside her. We don’t know if she falls victim again, but there is still more here. The wild side of her assumed everything would turn out ok and was left unsatisfied when she chickened out. I hope this can broaden your horizons on this song. And remember the artists that wrote this song may have created multiple meanings, so don’t be afraid to experiment with your own ideas

  2. anonymous
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    May 8th 2022 !⃝

    I think that it's about trying to get away from the monsters that poison your life without becoming the monsters.
    Maybe lily has really bad anxiety and she's afraid to make a friend. one day she tries to and the friend she makes is toxic and mean. and for a while Lily just thinks that that's how friendship is but then she realizes that this is not a good friend and she tries to get away and make new friends, but she's already contaminated and no one wants to be her friend because she doesn't know how to be a good one

  3. anonymous
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    Apr 29th 2022 !⃝

    I feel that the "castle" was how she saw her parents. The "woods" was how she (lily) found out that her mother and father were demons which was when her mother and father fought all the time and the "monster" was her father taking her away from her mother. so... what do ya'll think

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  4. anonymous
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    Apr 27th 2022 !⃝

    Lily is a girl who has benn sheltered all her life and when she finally gets out into the real world she does not know how it feels so she gets scared and runs away crying help because her parents always came to her rescue but they are not there so they cant help her.

  5. anonymous
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    Apr 23rd 2022 !⃝

    My interpretation is that a demon keeps trying to get access through humans to get time to be apart of there temple. I know alot about demons and all of you who listen to that song are in for it even I am. We have all gave access to something spiritual. Whoever made that song knew exactly what they were doing. Demons have mind control so it's no surprise she was hypnotized. Everyone on Earth needs to wake up and learn about what's out there. Remember life and death are in the tongue. Do not let anyone in that knocks on your heart. The chosen will know what I'm talking about. Goodluck to all. Remember don't say or challenge Satan or any God. That's all they need to hurt you.

  6. anonymous
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    Apr 15th 2022 !⃝

    I think Lily is a girl in the castle that wanted to go out of the castle and see more but her parents warned her to stay but she did not listen so when the sun set she went out into the woods and saw a creature that said that she could trust him so then she did and then when it says walking on the thin cold ice means she knows somethings wrong and so she tries to escape but she keeps hearing the creature say she can trust it.

  7. anonymous
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    Jan 15th 2022 !⃝

    I think it's about abusive relationships and domestic violence of hasband and wife.

    lily was sheltered all her life by her family so when she grow up she met a Prince who enchanted her easily, because she didn't know anything about outside world. Then one day she got tired of being mistreated and abused by her husband, and tried to ran away from him. But he started begging not to leave him and promised to change and become the Prince Charmed he was before, so she was enchented by him again and stayed. After some time abuse started again and she decided to break down this time for sure, but her husband started begging her again and everything repeated. Singer lets the listeners to think on their own what will happen to Lilly will she ever be free or get stuck in this.

  8. anonymous
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    Dec 14th 2021 !⃝

    My interpretation:

    I think it might be captivity. And how Lily is so sick of having helicopter-parents. Always so protective and always wants her to stay inside the castle walls. Then one day, lily runs away into the woods, and the people (most likely referring

    to her parents) told her not to go, but failed. While at the forest, lily sees creatures roaming. One tells her “follow everywhere I go, over the top mountains and valley low” Lily forms a bond with the creature. Not knowing what the creature could do. So they go on adventures (Top mountains & valley low) Then the creature hypnotises Lily, making her obsessed with being out in the “big wide world”

    She ends up far away from her castle walls, on ice, and the curse breaks. When she realises what the creature did, she tries to run, but can still hear the creature catching up, still saying what they said before.

    And then she tries screaming for help, and doesn’t get none, so then she ends up going into a never-ending loop of running.

    But this is just my opinion, pretty sure you all can think of something less cheesy

  9. anonymous
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    Dec 7th 2021 !⃝

    I think Lily is a little girl who does not want to live inside castle walls. The other people tryed to warn her but failed and she ran off. After a monster tryed to trick her into following him, but lily knew she was hypnotized and called for help.

  10. anonymous
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    Dec 6th 2021 !⃝

    I think it's about a little girl who is kept away from the outside world but one night she gets out and runs into the woods and finds a monster the monster makes her follow him through the woods and the spell breaks and she calls for help

  11. anonymous
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    Nov 17th 2021 !⃝

    A hallucination. She was scared, alone, lost and new to the world. Ain't it suspicious that the.. thing came when she was thinking of people warning her about monsters?

  12. anonymous
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    Jul 26th 2021 !⃝

    Here's my two (possibly ill-concieved) cents:

    There are many different ways you can interpret this (trafficking, drugs, relationship, mental issues) but the general idea seems to be one person/thing (say the monster) taking advantage of another person (say lily) and when lily finds this out she tries to escape but the monster invokes fear in her and does not let her escape.

  13. anonymous
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    Jul 21st 2021 !⃝

    Well I think it is about a girl named lily and her parents told hr not to go outside i think its like tangled but at last means "walking in the cold thin ice" would be like she had guts about the relationship and then she knew that he was just using her or kidnaping and then she ran out again and was begging for help

    Hope you like the explanation

  14. oveyalls
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    Jun 24th 2021 !⃝

    TW! Sexual Abuse - Abusive Relationships - Abusive Parents - Rape

    If you are uncomfortable with any of these topics, this is not for you!

    This came across me suddenly. There are some comments that I scrolled through that were on the same wavelength as how I see it, but none that truly see what I see.

    If you listen real closely, it seems as if Lily is in a sexually abusive relationship.

    It starts off by saying that Lily grew up in castle walls. This suggests her being sheltered. What sheltered insinuates is unknown.

    It could mean innocence, helicopter parents, or even abusive (although I would not say physically) parents. I personally see it as helicopter-borderline emotionally abusive. However, it could mean just innocence and she would have a desire to explore. For the sake of convience, I will continue with the helicopter parent route with mild emotional abuse.

    Lily, due to the helicopter/abusive relation with her parents, wants to flee the nest. So, she runs away from the situation at a young age (before adulthood).

    While roaming the streets trying to hide (the forest of concrete), she runs into a man. The age of this man is unknown, but I see it to be a older man (probably pedophilia) because of his silver tongue.

    The man becomes infatuated. He sees a young, pretty girl. He sees a meal. A meal that doesn't even know how much danger she is in because her parents suppressed her growth.

    Lily continues to hang out with the man, probably seeing him as a friend. She is completely oblivious of his true intentions. Of course, he makes advances that Lily finds to be uncomfortable, but she hasn't had friends before so she just thinks it's normal.

    Eventually, he makes his move. He uses Lily's innocence to sexually abuse her. This is when he starts to enchant her with adventures.

    However, these adventures are him roaming her body.

    "From the top of mountains (her breasts/chest) to the valley low (her bottom)."

    "Just let me in." I'm pretty sure you should be able to infer what I see with this line.

    When Lily wakes up, she's realizing that he isn't her friend. She's lost that innocence. She feels violated, used. With the spontaneous discovery comes the overwhelming to run. Afterall, she's already done it once.

    So she does. She's in a shady, ghetto part of town. People here would be more than willing to repeat the man's actions or worse.

    Even if she were to get to the main street before the man caught up for her and call for help, nothing would end up happening. It's not uncommon for people on the streets to openly ignore someone calling for help. Situations when people are getting stabbed in broad daylight could have easily been stopped if one of the many bystanders there had taken action, but they hadn't.

    So even when she runs, begging for help, she doesn't receive any. The man catches up to her and drags her back. She's stuck.

    Of course, the song is open ended, but it wouldn't be a stretch to say that she had been abused (sexually, physically, emotionally, mentally) until her death. Whether the man snapped and killed her for her insubordination or if she took her own life in a desperate hope to escape from the inescapable situation.

    My interpretation was rather dark, but I feel like it adequately covers all the major points, and brings awareness to real issues within the world. This situation is one that many people suffer, so it seems much more meaningful if this is the intention behind the song (although it is near guaranteed I'm just reading into it too much).

    Hope you enjoy my little theory!

  15. Ashnikko09
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    Jun 20th 2021 !⃝

    Lily is a young girl who did not listen to her parents,went outside the castle walls, and into the woods she went alone but then something came creeping and she got scared and was all alone.

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