What does Wicked End mean?

Avenged Sevenfold: Wicked End Meaning

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Wicked End Lyrics

Man's becoming more corrupt now, godless, wicked, and cruel
The soulless man stood silenced, Mary's words rang so true
Chastisement worse than the flood, spread the word, it's all through
Don't kill the messenger girl
As if we haven't swam...

  1. anonymous
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    Aug 11th 2023 !⃝

    Im agreed with this song, totally in islam also teach us about to beware about fake messiah a.k.a dajjal in islam, hope believers stick together fight against him... Thats why our religion not similar but we had something same storyline sorry bad english

  2. anonymous
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    Jan 18th 2017 !⃝

    A AVENGED SEVENFOLD song that want's us to beware about the teachings and warnings of the modern day Prophets that thought the doctrine of Christian Zionist Dispensationalism that prepared us for the coming of The Rapture. It's similar to what was ''fake Jew'' news of the Pharaisees that twisted the truth about the good words of God, who was actually always JESUS in the Torah. Where His words were also reinterpreted and changed a thousand years or so later in the Scofield Bible by this ''fake christian'' Zionist Illuminati to convince and bring the Jewish people home in order for the second coming of CHRIST, not necessarly by faith and love for Jesus Christ to return on His time. But wanting to force His comeback, first by world war 1 and 2, and now a nuclear war? that would bring on ''The Wicked End'' for the one global order. Wherefore all of us the True Believers in Jesus Christ should be prepared that we will be raised up to Heaven and won't be here tomorrow when that last day comes.

  3. anonymous
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    Sep 7th 2012 !⃝

    I belive this song is about the final half of the tribulation period. And in the break its about the guy relizing wats going on and take his wife and the tough it out till the wicked end.

  4. anonymous
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    May 20th 2011 !⃝

    I agree when that it's about 'The End of Days' from the book of Rev. But why is it called the wicked end? Is it because Hell will be on Earth? And he's not going to Heaven? Because on that day, all the believers will be taken to Heaven. And that's definitely not 'wicked.'

  5. anonymous
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    Aug 18th 2008 !⃝

    Anyone who can't see that this is talking about the end of life as we know it is an idiot. It says "we won't be here tomorrow" and "these will be our final days". It also goes on talking about the bible so you know there's something sad involved.

  6. anonymous
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    Nov 27th 2007 !⃝

    It says Adam was right and describes a world of misery...
    When they prophets tell the end is near and people are listening in a crowd the world will be fighting for survival.

    in the end we are all children from Adam, when he dusted the apple from that tree (can't remember the name) he savored each bite and we should do the same with each second we live.
    Although eating the fruit was a sin that costed humanity dearly already... Its coming back: a father's sins passed to his son...

  7. anonymous
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    Nov 18th 2007 !⃝

    "our" interpretation? who are you?

    but I think they're right. The one about the whole "end of days thing.

  8. anonymous
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    Mar 1st 2007 !⃝

    I believe you've all listened to our music to harshly and haven't interpreted the lighter side of the fact which is belief in the fact of a savior coming to save us all when our dying day has arrived.

  9. anonymous
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    Dec 8th 2006 !⃝

    yes it is derived frome the book of Rev. It depicts the "End of Days" when the world is at its utter most sinfull and wicked time. Signs of the end: out-breaks of new desies and famen,strange and vilent changes in the weather,and selfish gready people. Also there will be a brack in war and nations will join together we will all use the same curency and a man (the ati-christ) will have died and reserected himself to mock Jesus and will be a political man and try find his way into government (this man is not your friend).
    A line in the song goes: "...as the prophets shed the light on what's to come..." It describes the two prophets in the book of Rev. who will worn everyone that the Messiah is returning and that the end is near.
    It also refers to Adam and Eve who were the first to sin. "... Adam was right..." because he tryed to tell Eve it was a sin to eat of the tree of Knowlede, But Eve, having been desived by the serpent (the devil), conviced Adam to eat, thus beginig the fall of man.
    Lastly the part in the song that goes "walls are falling, churches burning, women ravaged, children crying, flesh is tearing, some still fighting..." is talking about the horor of this world that will become once God has left earth to parish. all who witness the end after Jesus has left with all his followers, living and the dead, will be given a final chance to be forgiven but must sufer hell on earth untill they have died.

  10. anonymous
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    Nov 13th 2006 !⃝

    Thats a positive...Matt talks about it in the issue of ap with them on the cover.

  11. anonymous
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    Sep 28th 2006 !⃝

    Ok if you look at the lyrics to this song it may seem really weird...But its really not...I haven't got the whole song identified but I'm pretty sure it's about the book of revalations in the cristian/catholic bible.. Its bout the day when the world will come to a end and how hell is gonna take over the earth and the how god will come down and fight back and and will take all the beilevers and go to heaven

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