What does Swinging from the Castles mean?

AWOLNATION: Swinging from the Castles Meaning

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Swinging from the Castles Lyrics

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    Jan 1st 2013 !⃝

    This song is about what music has become, and how the new generation is nothing compared to how meaningful and heartfelt music used to be. The lyric, "The kids are blowing up the castles" is meant to represent how the new generation (the kids), are destroying the beautiful things that were around before them (the castles). They are getting rid of the establishments on which they were raised upon, and building new things.

  2. anonymous
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    Feb 1st 2012 !⃝

    i believe its about the music of today. nothing is original. everything is just a remix of something else, and now he's coming with something that belongs to him and no one else. the chorus is about how people choose the option of easier and quick money because they're just remaking something thats already been done, instead of pulling their music from within.
    as for please please make that dirty preacher freeze, there are two things--he wants music to stop being 'raped' in a sense, excuse me, or he wants those pretending to be one thing in the face of those who truly are that one thing, to cease.

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