What does She Talks To Angels mean?

Black Crowes: She Talks To Angels Meaning

Album cover for She Talks To Angels album cover

Song Released: 1991

She Talks To Angels Lyrics

She never mentions the word addiction
In certain company
Yes, she’ll tell you she’s an orphan
After you meet her family

She paints her eyes as black as night, now
She pulls those shades down tight
Yeah, she gives a smile when the pain...

  1. anonymous
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    Oct 10th 2018 !⃝

    I figured its about a young lady that had a dysfunctional home life_
    "yeah she'll tell you she's an orphan- after you meet her family"

    _tied to a string of traumatic events, including her child taken away (or passed)

    "She keeps a lock of hair in her pocket, wears a cross around her neck.- yeah the hair is from a little boy"

    Ultimately, this led to a drug/alcohol addiction and a dark place in her life.
    She may have came close to death but god had other plans in store.

    "The cross is someone she has not met. Not yet"

    In the dark she found the light, as she was receptive to communication with angels.

    "She talks to angels. Says they all know her name. She talks to angels. They call her out by her name"


  2. anonymous
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    Oct 8th 2018 !⃝

    She has an addiction of some sort. The reason is.. she lost her son. She keeps his lock of hair always with her. She talks to Angels. But they talk back, meaning... she’s hearing voices. She closes the curtains, wants to be alone in the dark. Also darkens her face. Dark, Deep depression. Her family disowns her. She’s alone, dark, depressed and on the verge of suicide. Very depressing song.

  3. anonymous
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    Sep 29th 2018 !⃝

    It's about this....plain and simple, she lost her son, her family disowned her, and the onlyrelief is the drugs that even for a second, make everything alright. The angels are her family that she loves and misses so much. She can't stand the pain of being away from her angels one of them being her son that she has had to bury. I know bc I wear the same locket of that hair n talk to the same angels. Hell I even really even happen to paint my eyes as dark as night now. Peace.

  4. anonymous
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    Jul 25th 2018 !⃝

    I think it's about Cricket.

  5. anonymous
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    Jun 20th 2018 !⃝

    I think that the song says everything my partner tried to say to me. It kills me to think about it, Im the one who put the drugs in his hand. The guilt is far to much.

  6. anonymous
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    Jun 3rd 2018 !⃝

    Don't read into it. See if for what it is.For example the hair is from a little boy, (who passed) and the cross from someone she has not met,not yet. (Jesus) No heroin, someone who just didn't belong in that family. Strong girl then and now. Yea, she talks to angels.

  7. anonymous
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    May 18th 2018 !⃝

    It is about a 18 year old girl...who had her son to die as a baby around 2 years old ...she had no part of drugs she was not like her family at all ...she was hated by her family because she new and loved God...she really talked to angels...this keep her strong...she was put out with know were to go and was lost in the world...in this time of her life...she did carry his hair with her and a cross around her nick...she would go out at night and set by her self ...see I know this is true because I am that girl...it happened in 1975

  8. anonymous
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    Mar 4th 2018 !⃝

    She never mentions the word of addiction.. in certain company.. a young lady.. who has let live get her down.. through her struggles and failures she has hurt the ones closiest to her..no matter how hard she tries it’s never enough..( family).. in certain company.. Yea..she’ll tell u she’s an orphan after u meet her family.. (cause she’s the out cast.. the black sheep.. disappointment to them..has caused her to b liner) she paints her eyes as black now. She hides behind the hair spray & make up.. . and pulls them shades down tight..hiding herself inside where the world and family can’t c her... she gives u a smile when the pain comes. She know the pain gonna make everything all right.. she hurts deep I️ side.. she’s a disappointment to her self.. the smile is a gesture needing someone to believe n her.. the smile is a lie to herself and her family.. saying everything gonna b alright.. it hurt her that she can’t stop.. she knows another hit.. another drag.. another bet.. will temporarily cover the pain she hides inside.. she talks to angels.. they call her out by her name.. she talks to angels.. they call her out by her name.. as she sits n the dark.. try n to figure out what happened to her.. the girl she used to b.. where did she go.. she can’t even look her girls n the eyes anymore.. the person n the mirror she doesn’t know.. ) she cries.. cries for forgiveness.. for help for love..she cries cause her husband and daughter deserve so much more.. then her.. the angels her her cries.. time and time again.. my poor family they deserve so much more.. she keeps a lock of hair n her pocket.. memories of a time when she wasn’t so screwed up.. when she could look her girls n the face.. the cross she carries.. cause she needs him.. but she don’t know how now.. cause everything she’s ever done she has screwed it up.. and she’s afraid she’ll mess it up too. She don’t no no lover.. she doesn’t know what Love is.. she doesn’t know how to love afraid of failure.. people who have never been addicted..don’t have a clue.. it’s hard.. it’s hard.. We know we’re hurting our loved ones.. and we hate it.. wished we were better.. that’s not what we wanted.. i promised.. if uve had never sit n the dark crying and crying begging .. for God to help you.. repeating this is not me this is not me.. i don’t know what to do God.. please.. then u don’t have a clue what addiction is.

  9. anonymous
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    Oct 12th 2017 !⃝

    When I hear this song, it make me think that she is hiding her addiction to what ever it maybe. She lies about her family or other things or may even struggle with borderline personality disorder. I think the lock of hair is from her own sons that she lost to the state due to her addiction. She wears dark makeup due to the pain that she feels inside. She pulls the shade down tight to hide the hurt in her eyes. She smiles when she feels the pain bc I believe she cuts and that relieves the pain she feels along with the drug use. The cross represents her spirituality with God. Even tho she's living a destructive life style that's one person she still has on her side and hope for. She talks to angels - maybe in an attempt to suicide? Or in prayer for guidance or maybe she really does talk to angels. It can happen...but That's what i get from this song. It legit sounds like me. Every single part of it.

  10. anonymous
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    Jul 21st 2017 !⃝

    This song has many meanings to many people. Grief is my take. Some are blessed to talk to angel's. Depends on the angel's you hear. Angel's are all around. Good and bad. Pulling shades down tight... she is reclusing. Paints her eye's as dark as night. She may have been beat or just simply dark from tears. But yes loosing a child is worse than being beat .

  11. anonymous
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    Jun 9th 2017 !⃝

    This song makes me think of a young lady that I know and love more than anything in this world. She a heroin addict, and amethamphetamine addict. She lost her children, her home, and everything she owns.

    Now she's lost her freedom, because she's in jail. I pray and wish more than anything that she can get clean and stay clean

  12. anonymous
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    May 23rd 2017 !⃝

    Simple to interpret. She is now addicted to heroin. Having been there, I know you only talk about it in certain company. (other users) the lock of hair is from either an aborted child, a child who died at birth or one who died from some other circumstance early in life.

    There are heroin addicts that feed their addiction in different ways. If you are homeless or a street person you get off wherever you can. If you have a home, you more than likely have a ritual because you don't have to rush. So, she gets ready by making herself up darkly and of course making sure the shades are down. This is a very hidden and private part of her grieving.

    Whatever has happened to her has affected her right to the very core of he soul. She has survivors guilt. And wants out. Now she's ready to slam a dose and smiles. The pain is obviously the needle. The Angels talk to her with the rush and subsequent high.

  13. anonymous
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    Feb 5th 2017 !⃝

    its about a young woman who lost her parents and brother in an accident but she survived, which is why the angels call her out by her name. (she tells you she's an orphan after you meet her family) The lock of hair is her brother's (She don't know no lover)She has survivor's guilt and therefore is addicted to cutting herself.

  14. anonymous
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    Dec 10th 2016 !⃝

    It's about a goth girl one band member was acquainted with in Atlanta who was a heroin addict. This was covered in a webisode done by the band.

  15. Buckneked
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    Jun 13th 2016 !⃝

    I live in the mid west, thus band has played here over several years.
    I just found them.

    I cried when I heard this song.

    9th grade prom, I was driven home.
    That was a high point.
    Vietnam when I was hardly 18.
    It was too good, 2 tours, then
    Germany for 3 yrs.

    Now they have to go to places
    To get blood, where you don't
    Want to think about, no drugs
    from The VA, a half gal of
    Bourbon Every two day,
    so they won't take the chance.
    100% but where do you turn?
    Don't want to sound like a
    Whinner,but damn.
    Don't have the guts to even
    Talk to Angels.
    Don't think they have them
    Where my train stops.
    Wish I could punch that
    Ticket myself.

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