What does One Tribe mean?

Black Eyed Peas: One Tribe Meaning

Tagged: Racism [suggest]
Album cover for One Tribe album cover

One Tribe Lyrics

One tri, one tri
One tribe, one time, one planet, one race
It's all one blood, don't care about your face
The color of your eye or the tone of your skin
Don't care where you are, don't care where you been

'Cause where we gonna go is where...


    #1 top rated interpretation:
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    May 17th 2011 !⃝

    This song is saying society needs to act as "one tribe". They need to see past our differences such as " the color of your eye or the tone of your skin, don't care where you are, don't care where you've been." People need to try and get along and stop fearing one and other "fear my brother and fear my sister, and shoot my neighbor with my big misle". We need to try to forget the evil I the world " forget about all that evil, the evil that they feed you". And in a respect the beps are saying "I don't wanna sound like a preacher" but I order to make it through the tough times we face we need to become one tribe "we are one tribe, one people."


    #2 top rated interpretation:
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    May 17th 2011 !⃝

    This Song means that society needs to start acting like "one tribe". Meaning see beyond our differences and not caring about things like "the color of eye of your or the tone of skin, don't care where you are don't care where you've been" and that we shouldn't fight & fear each other "fear my brother and sister and shoot my neighbor with my big missle" and that we try should forget about all the evil in this world " lets cast amnesia and forget about all the evil, the evil that they feed you". They also say that " i don't wanna sound like a preacher" so in a respect they are saying we need to be realistic but still we are one. " we are one tribe, one people"

  3. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Nov 4th 2022 !⃝

    The song One Tribe by Black Eyed Peas is about how there is so much violence in the world, with people judging each other just because they look different. The song uses the metaphor ‘let’s catch amnesia’ this metaphor means to forget about all the conflicts that we had in the past and to start again, start fresh. He also uses the metaphor of ‘Pangea’ which is a theory of the world being all connected without different continents, this suggests that we should all go back to living as one tribe where there weren’t different countries, we were all just one group of people all connected where our differences didn’t change who we were, and we would celebrate the things we have in common rather than our differences.

  4. anonymous
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    Sep 2nd 2017 !⃝

    and death and love and GOD and Jesus and Hinduism and swimming in blood

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  5. anonymous
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    Jan 21st 2015 !⃝

    One Tribe has a strong message about how we need to realize that we are all one tribe and we should become one like when the was one continent which was called Pangaea.

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