What does Blue Sunshine mean?

Blue October: Blue Sunshine Meaning

Album cover for Blue Sunshine album cover

Blue Sunshine Lyrics

I see your heart beat through the bedsheets
I feel your pulse against the floor
I sleep the sadness that no one else sleeps
Feel me cunningly adore

As the tic tock clock lies Goldilocks
What a sick enchanted view
Of the white blot sin...

  1. anonymous
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    Sep 13th 2015 !⃝

    I just have to say, being a die-hard fan of this amazing band, (Justin is my hero.) I love seeing all the creative and complex things people think these songs are about lol.

    If anyones anyone a TRUE interpretation of any songs by them, read Justins book, Crazy Making . he writes an explanation on every song (and album) under the lyrics of each song. He explains what it means, why he wrote it, or what he was thinking when he wrote it.

    This song, for example, is about him dropping his first tab of acid and watching his girlfriend sleep all night. (And quite honestly the most beautiful song by them, in my opinion.)

    Seriously, anyone who likes these guys enough (honestly even if you don't) that book is beyond amazing. You really get into the mind of such a fascinating man.

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