What does Hate Me mean?

Blue October: Hate Me Meaning

Album cover for Hate Me album cover

Hate Me Lyrics

(If you're sleeping are you dreaming
If your dreaming are you dreaming of me?
I can't believe you actually picked me.)

(”Hi Justin, this is your mother, and it's 2:33 on Monday afternoon.
I was just calling to see how you were doing.

  1. anonymous
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    Jun 15th 2007 !⃝

    This is out of the mouth of justin...

    That Blue October hasn't followed the ordinary path to success is clear from the first single from Foiled, "Hate Me," a song that recalls such aching rock anthems as Joy Division's "Love Will Tear Us Apart" or Jane's Addiction's "Jane Says" for songwriter Justin Furstenfeld's unflinching look at himself. It's a song portraying a man's selfishness in a relationship, then coming to terms with it, and admitting the mistakes.

    "I have to block out thoughts of you/So I don't lose my head/They crawl in like a cockroach/Leaving babies in my bed," he sings, the images underlined by the matter-of-fact sing-song way in which they're delivered. "It's like, let me just kind of clue you in on what it feels like in my own brain," he offers.

  2. anonymous
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    May 31st 2007 !⃝

    This I about Justin and his mother, if you just listen to the lyrics it could be any one he is talking about. But if you watch the video you realize it is him and his mother clearly, some people miss the "hey Justin, this is your mother" in the beginning of the song.

    It is a very sad song it is talking about how Justin is thinking about the relationship with his mother how he thought he was a burden and he wanted suicide and was I am guessing an alcoholic by this one line "I’m sober now for 3 whole months it’s one accomplishment that you helped me with the one thing that always tore us apart is the one thing I won’t touch again" or another part "You made me compliment myself when it was way too hard to take"

  3. anonymous
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    May 21st 2007 !⃝

    I think this song is about him stopping his drinking problem and he's saying sorry for the things he did during this drinking problem and asking for forgiveness.

  4. GibsonGirl64
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    May 6th 2007 !⃝

    IT IS NOT ABOUT HIS GIRLFRIEND! It is about his mother. And his addiction to drugs and alcohol. And how they both love each other. But he feels like he's pulling her down. So he wants her to forget him, because she's so much better than him. He's telling her to hate him. The lyrics support this.

  5. anonymous
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    Apr 25th 2007 !⃝

    This entire song is talking about the drug of all drugs HEROIN.. The worst drug that you could ever do.. He is talking about how happy he is for getting off of it but he is sad for hurting his mother for doing it and having to go to rehab. It is about how much he regrets it. It is also about Cocaine...

    But mostly it shows that his mom loves him still

  6. anonymous
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    Apr 12th 2007 !⃝

    This song is about drug addiction.. He doesn't want anyone to feel sorry for him.. and wants everyone to hate him and not think about him so it is easier on them. He doesn't feel worthy of love, but wants it so badly. He just doesn't want to hurt the people he loves. So he thinks that if everyone he loves hates him, then they won't have to suffer.

  7. Riveratt
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    Mar 24th 2007 !⃝

    Listen up – this song is about a man who is on medication for depression – the phone call at the beginning of the song is just a caring figure – if your depressed people are forever calling you trying to see if your ok – it gets to be old and can piss you off – its just a side note for the song. The song is about this person who is just not strong enough to handle a relationship – basically he fucked it all up by trying to become an alcoholic in which this beautiful woman helped him defeat, and he thanks her for it – but he was unable to help her with some crisis she was having and broke down and fell apart, leaving her to ask the question how could “How can you do this to me?”. He can't and didn’t help her – he’s too weak to help himself – so he wants her to hate him – to make it easier for her and for himself, the cowards way out, to dissolve the relationship. He wants her to be happy and feels that he is not worthy of her love and energy because he could not return it – once more he has failed life. People can tell if your sliding back into a depressed state – his mom cares about him and only called because he did sound normal on the phone do you want it line by line:
    I have to block out thoughts of you so I don’t lose my head
    They crawl in like a cockroach leaving babies in my bed
    - he trying to not think about a love he’s messed up trying to stop thinking about her, because it hurts so bad knowing that he has to lose her

    Dropping little reels of tape to remind me that I’m alone
    Playing movies in my head that make a porno feel like home
    - so many memories about the good times they had together and he’s remembering the sex they had, this is what he means about the porno, he’s talking about them

    There's a burning in my pride, a nervous bleeding in my brain
    - here he’s saying he knows he’s failed, hurts and is total agony

    An ounce of peace is all I want for you. Will you never call again?
    And will you never say that you love me just to put it in my face?
    And will you never try to reach me?
    It is I that wanted space
    - here he’s telling her what he wants for her – he still loves her so much it hurts – but he feels he’s failed as a man and is trying to push her away to save her from him, a loser in his own mind.

    I’m sober now for 3 whole months it’s one accomplishment that you helped me with
    The one thing that always tore us apart is the one thing I won’t touch again
    In a sick way I want to thank you for holding my head up late at night
    While I was busy waging wars on myself, you were trying to stop the fight
    - she was very good for him but it sounds like because of this struggle she helped him with he is embarrassed – once more feeling less of a man

    You never doubted my warped opinions on things like suicidal hate
    You made me compliment myself when it was way too hard to take
    - here he tells just how much she did for him she never tried to change him only help him get better and make him see that he was not a loser- tried to make him feel better about himself – he see this as more along the line of what a therapist should do for him not a lover – or better yet why can’t he seem to do it for himself?

    So I’ll drive so fucking far away that I never cross your mind
    And do whatever it takes in your heart to leave me behind
    - This is his solution run away, disappear so she moves on – he believes he’s doing it for her – he’s trying to give sometime back to her – he feels it will be easier for her if she gets pissed off at him for giving up and hates him for it – hoping she sees “what is good for her” and move on

    And with a sad heart I say bye to you and wave
    Kicking shadows on the street for every mistake that I had made
    And like a baby boy I never was a man
    - here he’s trying to do what he still believes is right – to leave – but he’s messing it up – he can cut and run – he knows what he needs to do but isn’t man enough to do it – until he hurts her so bad trying to break up he cracks and just wants his personal pain to go away – and she wants to know “How can you do this to me?” – after all she’s done for him – unfortunately this is where he becomes strong enough to leave – he broke this strong loving person down to tears trying to leave and knows that he can’t fail he has to leave because he’s too weak of a person to be in a equal loving relationship – its very hard to swallow when your crying – and in the end he prays that its all a dream – he has such low self-esteem he can’t even believe that she ever wanted to be with him – and still begs that its was only a dream – because he’s caused some pain.

    Give time – take time

  8. xEvanescence_Angelx
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    Mar 15th 2007 !⃝

    This song isn't hard to figure out. Read the lyrics and listen carefully. The song is about a guy in a relationship with a girl that he loves, but has to hurt in the worst way possible.
    He actually wants to stay with her, but he has to face his problems alone..and she really doesn't want to leave either.

    He wants her to forget about him and move on. He wants her to see what life is really about. The problem is he's remembering everything she did for him, how much she really helped him out with his life.

    "And with a sad heart I say bye to you and wave
    Kicking shadows on the street for every mistake that I had made
    And like a baby boy I never was a man"

    The last thing he really wants to do is let the love of his life go.

    After everything that they went through, she doesn't understand why he wants her to go.
    Hence the line: "And then she whispered “how can you do this to me?”

    It took me a while to understand this, but when I realized that it matched perfectly with something that was happening in my life, it made perfect sense.

  9. anonymous
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    Feb 28th 2007 !⃝

    The song's original intention was that of a man who had a violent break-up, due to his angry and destructive tendencies, towards himself and others. However Justin got a call from his mother about 3 or 4 months into his tour, and he realized that she always worried about him, and was there during his troubles. The video depicts a rebellious person, growing up. Then, when his mother dies he places the answering machine on her grave, with the message she had left on it. The conclusion of the video has him sitting next to his mother with the answering machine between them. I believe that the mother is not actually there, but is instead just a manifestation of his maturing throughout the whole ordeal.

  10. anonymous
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    Feb 27th 2007 !⃝

    Dah, He was a drug addict, probably Herion at one time. His mother helped him through it in "someway". He was against suicide at one time, but after such a sick addiction and a life w/o his father.....SUICIDE was maybe, just possibly, the answer. I don't know if he died of a drug overdose or a suicide, but it is obvious that he died!!!! All he wants is for his mother to please subliminaly(?sp) hate him so she can move on with her life and be ok b/c she already gave her whole entire life to him. He can not move on to Heaven or whatever is waiting for him until she feels peace. She will never, being a mother myself let go, but she finally did in the end and that is why he took the answering machine to the grave. They both were laid to rest. Him in another place and her on this god forsaken earth(remember the message in the beginning).

  11. anonymous
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    Feb 19th 2007 !⃝


    this gives you the REAL answer

  12. anonymous
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    Feb 13th 2007 !⃝

    The song Hate Me is about justin's drug addiction. In the begining there is a recording of his mother, and how she is worried about him, then there are scenes through out that mirror what it is about. The video shows him as a kid in the bath, innocent. Then it shows him getting yelled at by his mother, because she caught him with pot. After there is a scene where he is lying on the ground and his mother is kneeling over him, she is really his mother. In the scene where they are driving to the funeral, the driver is his brother. Basically this song is about what he put his family through, and he is saying sorry for it.

  13. anonymous
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    Feb 6th 2007 !⃝

    In the video he brings the answering machine with the message of concern and nervousness about him. He is leaving that and putting it to rest, symbolizing she doesn't have to worry about him anymore, because He's over his drug/alcohol problem.

  14. anonymous
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    Jan 27th 2007 !⃝

    Ok I am going to settle this. Hate Me has nothing to do with a break-up. In fact it is about his mother's death. No his mom is not really dead, she accually plays his mother in the music video. The symbolism starts at the begining when she dies leaving only a single message on the answering machine for him before she died. Don't believe me? check this out. Http://www.vh1.com/vspot/player.jhtml?id=1540486&launchedFrom=/artists/az/blue_october_rock_/videos.jhtml

  15. anonymous
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    Jan 24th 2007 !⃝

    I believe and have heard that it was about the lead singer, who was an alcoholic and drug user at one time, and how he over came his addiction with the help of his mother and friends. Also his reflections on how they probably felt and why they helped him out. So for the most parts it's about him trying to figure out who he is and who his real friends and family are.

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