What does Last in Line mean?

Dio: Last in Line Meaning

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Last in Line Lyrics

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    #1 top rated interpretation:
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    Feb 11th 2016 !⃝

    Read your Bible, the Sinners and Satan are last to be Judged. Last in line

    Were all thrown on the cross, You can release yourself, but the only way is down.

    You can release yourself from God but the only way is down. "HELL" death

    Don't kid yourself HELL is soul death. NONEXISTENCE.

  2. rabbithead1960
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    Dec 17th 2018 !⃝

    It's about reincarnation. We must "pass the test" of conducting ourselves in an acceptable manner on this plane of existence before we can move to the next (higher) plane. We have lived many lives on this plane but still have not passed the test, so we truly are "the last in line", hoping we finally move on to a higher plane at the end of our current lifetime.

  3. anonymous
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    Oct 27th 2018 !⃝

    I believe that this song is about (or for?) the people who have a dream but struggle to get there. Let me back up my interpretation.

    The first hint I got went from another song. In "Hungry for Heaven", one verse says "You're in danger, the last of a line, but the vision lasts forever". Now this song is about dreamers trying to reach their dream, literally "hungry for heaven", but who "need a little hell", meaning they must overcome hardships to get there. In this song, the line seems to refer to dreamers, and the last in line may not see his dream come true.

    Let's go back to "Last in Line". The first part corresponds : a "ship without a storm", the "cold without the warm", the "laugh without a tear", the "hope without the fear" all refer to a concept that is not complete without its nemesis. This sentence says it all : "Light inside the darkness that it needs". The dream needs hardships to come true. This part ends with the expression of renouncement : "we are coming home"

    In the second part, a few second later, this is opposed with a "we may never (x3) come home". We're off to the dream, to the "witch". Now, the rest of the song shows that dreams are ambiguous, both bad and good. Only when we accomplish them can we say we were "evil or divine". I personally think it refers to whether you decided that the end justifies the means, or not. And Dio tells us the answer is not black or white, but grey : "it's the angel or the beast, and the answer lies between"

    Buuut the most important part is not the goal, it is the hardships. The only way to emerge victorious, to "release yourself" is "down", through hell. Again this notion is present in "Hungry for Heaven", but also "Pain" "The Sacred Heart" and so on.
    But not to worry, because we'll find help. We're "fire" (emotions) and "stone" (tenacity). We're also not alone, as "we" is omnipresent. Finally, the hardships themselves are worth the try : "the magic that we'll feel is worth a lifetime"; "the thrill of just the chase is worth the pain". Really an empowering song, one of my favorites... maybe because I am not the first in my own line, ahahah!

  4. anonymous
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    Sep 15th 2017 !⃝

    It's a tribute to George Orwell's novel 1984. In the very first second of the video you'll see 1984 and the video follow's the book. It's about what we are all going through right now with this upside down world. It's an amazing Orwell homage and a warning to us all!!!!Us who are awake are the last in line!!!!! I know the song came out in 84 but that's not why it was in the beginning of the video. And he released the song in 1984 for that very purpose......Only my genius mind has solved this as far as I know...

  5. anonymous
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    Oct 1st 2015 !⃝

    The line leads to hell...now... Who wants to go first?

  6. anonymous
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    Oct 23rd 2014 !⃝

    This song seems to focus on people who are struggling, but still have a chance. The most hopeless people who have great despair, but are still in line. Maybe for heaven, maybe for help, or maybe for finding their way.
    Dio wrote some very deep and meaningful songs. This is probably one of his best as far as leaving the listener saying," what's that about?".
    I think Last In Line is about acceptance in society. Then later on, acceptance in to heaven.

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