What does Missing mean?

Evanescence: Missing Meaning

Album cover for Missing album cover

Song Released: 2004

Missing Lyrics

Please, please forgive me,
But I won't be home again.
Maybe someday you'll look up,
And, barely conscious, you'll say to no one:
"Isn't something missing?"

You won't cry for my absence, I know -
You forgot me long ago.
Am I that...

  1. anonymous
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    Jun 23rd 2007 !⃝

    Ok call me stupid, but as we all know everyone gets different interpretations of this song, but I believe one way it can be is Religion, Christianity even. It seems to be about a sinner saying I won't be in church again (I won't be home again)and Jesus is saying in return "hey I died for you, because I thought you loved me and it would make you love me." and also saying one day you'll realize that your missing something.. or someone.. me but afraid to admit wrong so you keep it you yourself... but that's just me.

  2. anonymous
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    Apr 16th 2007 !⃝

    the lines "Please, please forgive me, but I won't be home again" and you won't cry for my absence, I know, you forgot me long ago" could mean anything. This could be a song about running away from home. who knows? and I looked it up on wikipedia, under "list of songs about suicide", and it wasnt there.

  3. anonymous
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    Mar 11th 2007 !⃝

    To me, missing is about caring about someone who obviously doesn't care for you back. It shows how cold and alone a person can feel when they don't feel the love they deserve to have from example: a family member, parents or anyone that you love. I hold this song very close to my heart. My mother is a very complicated, depressive character, who disowned me, threw me out into the cold, abandoned me for good. I have felt that way all my life, and finally she kinda let me go, her final words were she never wants anything to do with me again. I listen to this song, and every word, the feeling of the song I dedicate just to my feelings of my relationship with my mother.
    If you have ever been "thrown away", by someone, anyone, this song depicts the true emotion I believe.

  4. anonymous
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    Jan 1st 2007 !⃝

    Ok I could be way wrong, but it seems to me not to be about suicide. I think it is about living or being around people who never notice you, who never have the time or inclination to notice you. So you leave but even then they don't really care that much. Correct me if I'm wrong but if someone commited suicide there would be a stronger reaction to it than is written in this song.

  5. anonymous
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    Dec 7th 2006 !⃝

    I don't think it's actually about suicide, it's about having faith in people.
    I don't think that it's about a guy. I think it's about a girl and her mother. The mother is an alcoholic or something, and has sort of stopped caring for the girl. The girl is desperate to know if her mother loves her, but there's never any proof. I think that she commits suicide or runs away, and the mother feels a piece of her missing. It proves that there's always an attachment there, no matter if it shows or not.

  6. anonymous
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    Nov 29th 2006 !⃝

    I believe that this song is about someone dying. The now deceased person is up in heaven, but is afraid that no one will notice that she is gone and will not miss her. This person (I think its a girl, possibly Amy)possibly comitted suicide because her lover did not really notice her, or the world didn't notice her. I can not be too sure, since Amy's lyrics are always hard to be interpreted sometimes, but this is probably what happened.

  7. Chocolate
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    Nov 12th 2006 !⃝

    When I was depressed, I connected with this song the most. I thought I was in love, and the person I was in love with knew it. So it was an awkward thing, because he treated me like I was nothing. He wasn't mean or anything, but sometimes, it seemed like he didn't know I was there at all. I wondered if i'd had left him, would he notice that I had gone?

    I wouldn't go so far as suicide, because there's not much in the rest of the song that supports the idea of suicide, except for the bleeding part. The bleeding part is simply dramatic symbolism on how she can do whatever, and yet he still won't care. She can cry, cut, or die and he still won't care. However, the song is not all about suicide.

    In my opinion, it's about her and a guy. There's sooo much in the song about intimacy, so if anyone says that it's not about a relationship, I seriously disagree with you.

  8. anonymous
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    Nov 10th 2006 !⃝

    "maybe some day you will wake up
    and barely conscious you'll say to no one
    "isn't something missing?"

    the song is about two people breaking up. She still loves him but he doesn't feel the same way. She hopes that one day he'll realize what he missed out on, and feel like she does, as if a piece of his life is missing.
    I came to the conclusion she was still in love with him when she says "though i'd die to know you love me, I'm all alone."
    she is aware his feelings for her probably won't be the same.

  9. immortalnight
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    Oct 11th 2006 !⃝

    I can agree with those who are sayings its suicide and it's about a hurting relationship.

    The song does hint at suicide, but I think it's talking about amy (or whoever has the point of view) being in a relationship where she's ignored, put down, and even hated, but apparently has stayed in the relationship for some time now.
    Perhaps she is now thinking of suicide, and wondering; asking if she'd be missed is she did die.

  10. anonymous
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    Sep 30th 2006 !⃝

    Someone above asked what she is saying at the start of the song. I think she says things like:
    "you can't stop the fire", "you won't say the word please" and a lot of other things mixed together which I can't understand. But it doesn't matter anyway, the song rocks.
    People say it's about her committing suicide, but I think it's about someone close to her who committs suicide from the lyrics "I know what you do to yourself, I breathe deep and cry out". Because this person is attempting suicide amy feels she has to get away from it as there is nothing she can do to stop this person. I think that when she sings aloud the lyrics "am I that unimportant, am I so insignificant, isn't something missing, isn't someone missing me" she is saying to this suicidal person 'what about me, if you kill yourself you'll leave me alone, why am I nothing to live for, am I not important to you? Why would you leave me in the dark feeling so
    insignificant!'. From paul. Thanx for letting me share my vews on this song which is very important to me. Visit my myspace at www.Myspace.Com/fidosuperbrat666 there's some cool evanescence stuff on it.

  11. anonymous
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    Sep 14th 2006 !⃝

    I think it's about feeling alone and in the dark and feeling like no one cares about you. Like...If you were gone, missing would anyone care?

    And btw not every fricken song is about a realtionship people! There are other things you can sing about in a god damn song!

  12. Evanescencefreak
    click a star to vote
    Apr 29th 2006 !⃝

    Yep, she's whispering "can you stop to fight her, can you stand to fight her, you can't stop her, you won't see the words."

    If you listen to the original version (recorded by them around 1999) its a slower song, so you can understand every word. (unlike the version in anywhere but home)

  13. anonymous
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    Apr 28th 2006 !⃝

    I think its bout suicide aswell
    "please please forgive me
    but I won't be home again"
    she's leaving for good, dying
    "maybe some day you'll look up
    and bearly concience you'll say to know one
    isn't something missing"
    why would someone look up if she hadn't died
    "you won't cry for my absence I know
    you forgot me long ago"
    see she's gone killed herself but no one cares

    oh and by the way does any one know what she's whispering at the begining of the song and inbetween verses thanks

  14. anonymous
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    Apr 23rd 2006 !⃝

    Just because someone says it's about suicide on a list, doesn't necessarily mean it is. Unless Amy Lee says so herself, I'm not going by any list, but I do see where that idea comes from. and no, nobody should think it's about her sister, because her sister and amy know they love each other (though I'd die to know you love me) this is actually a real hard song to interpret.

  15. Deckard88
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    Apr 22nd 2006 !⃝

    This is about Amy Lee (if she's singing about herself) having a heartbreak for having to leave her significant other, due to a misunderstanding, and yet she still loves him and can't possibly forget him. In this song, it seems as if 'You' doesn't even care about what she's going through.

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