What does Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner mean?

Fall Out Boy: Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner Meaning

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Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner Lyrics

Drink down your Gin and Kerosene,
And come spit off bridges with me,
Just to keep us warm.
Light a match to leave me be.
Light a match to leave me.

I'll keep my jealousy close,
'Cause it's all mine.
And if you say this makes you...

  1. anonymous
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    Mar 28th 2008 !⃝

    In just about all of fob's songs, you hear the lyrics and think "omg, could that be something horrible?" and then you think, no, they wouldn't do that, it's probably...no. It's almost always something horrible. black humor, they refer to suicide quite a bit. In conclusion, "you look so good in blue" yup, he's choking her. She's turning blue. yup, someone's lighting someone on fire. lots of black humor

  2. anonymous
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    Feb 27th 2008 !⃝

    This song is about a girl who is cheating on her boyfriend with him. He wants her so badly that he wants to just "lay in her bed all day", and he doesn't care if he has to be kept a secret or be her biggest mistake. He is jealous of her boyfriend because he wants her for his own. The "wear me like a locket around your throat, I'll weigh you down, I'll watch you choke. You look so good in blue.." Means she keeps this secret with her and its weighing her down, and making her choke on her words because she is not being truthful. He says I'll just "watch you choke" because he is kind of happy that its eating her up inside, because he is hurting too. Even though she may never be his girlfriend she will still come running to him anytime he wants.

  3. anonymous
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    Feb 3rd 2008 !⃝

    Ok well this is extremely random but like the name of the song "nobody puts baby in the corner" is actually a saying of the movie dirty dancing. I don't think it actually has anything to do with the song but yer....

  4. luckybacon7272
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    Jan 27th 2008 !⃝

    Okay, I just wanted to comment on the lines : drink down the gin and kerosene .. come spit on bridges with me .. just to keep us warm .. light a match to leave me be.

    I love the beginning of this song. I agree with everyone saying that he wants to 'burn bridges' with her. but to me its like he wants to come across polite and not completely bitch her out or anything. 'just to keep us warm' its like if someone did something to you and you hated them for it, you would say something sarcastic to them and seem like you're not really as mad as you actually are. he still wants to be with her but not for the same reasons he did before she cheated on him he feels alone

  5. anonymous
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    Jan 15th 2008 !⃝

    "I'll weigh you down.
    I'll watch choke.
    You look so good in blue.
    You look so good in blue."

    I'm probably way off but I think it means that she is going to be weighed down with guilt, and he's going to make sure it happens (I'll watch you choke). "You look so good in blue" just sounds like their dark humor to me, because when you choke, you're supposed to get blue in the face... It seems like he's hinting that she deserves it.

  6. anonymous
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    Oct 31st 2007 !⃝

    I think it's about to alcoholic teens "drink up the gin and kariseen" that are having an affair with each other "keep quiet, nothing comes as easy as you,can I lay in your bed all day ill be your best kept secret and your biggest mistake". makes sense I guess

  7. anonymous
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    Oct 26th 2007 !⃝

    I like what someone said about burning bridges... I agree with that.

    But I think the song is simply about 2 people who had a relationship/affair that was not supposed to get out... They had to keep quiet because they were not supposed to be together for whatever reason. She might have another lover or maybe they are just in a situation where it would be socially unacceptable for them to be together, so they have to keep it quiet. He could be jealous that she is free to show her affection to anybody but him when he is clearly the one she should love. regardless, he wants to be with her, even if it has to be a secret. "nothing comes as easy as you" probably is just a reference to how easy it is for the 2 of them to be together ... It could mean that she is easy, but I think it is more of a reference of how easy it is for him, personally, to be with her. That is how I have always taken it, but either way... whatever it means, he doesn't care. He only wants to be with her. "can I lay in your bed all day?" refers to him wanting to spend time with her in whatever way possible... and it is possible, if this relationship had to be kept quiet, that the only way he was able to show his affection was sexually (since he could probably not be seen with her as anything more than friends).

    i think the "wear me like a locket around your throat" part is not literal. when someone wears a locket, you can see that they love someone, but you can't see who until you open the heart and look at the picture. I think he is saying to keep him in her heart, even if she can't let anyone else know... eventually, the secret will be hard to keep... She won't be able to take it anymore (I'll weigh you down; I'll watch you choke) and she will have to make a decision... either keep quiet and live in agony, which he is willing to do... or cut ties, burn bridges (the reference at the beginning of the song)

    you also have to keep in mind the name of the song... It is a reference to the line in dirty dancing. They would not have called it that if it was not about a secret affair or relationship. The song is not about revenge or someone cheating on him. It is about someone he loves who can never love him back in the way she wants him to and it kills him inside.

    and just so you all know... I don't know who writes the songs for fall out boy, but pete wetz is not the one singing... That would be patrick. pete is the one who does the talking and he jumps around with his guitar on stage a lot. just because he is the one who is most well known does not mean that all the songs are through his perspective.

    my interpretation is probably not the exact meaning that the songwriter had in mind, but I know that a good song can have more than one meaning... It could mean one thing to you and something completely different to another person. I am a songwriter, so I know that people don't always write songs so that they can be taken one particular way. They want people to be able to relate and make what they want to out of it. So no matter how many conclusions we come to here, the song probably means something very different to the writer... and that's ok. but this is what the song means to me.

  8. anonymous
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    Oct 20th 2007 !⃝

    I think its a story of a guy who fell in love with a girl. He realized that he loved her so much. And loved being around her. Like in the line "And come split off bridges with me".

    "nothing comes as easy as you"

    in my opinion means that he could be himself around her and nothing came easier than loving her.

    "Can I lay in your bed all day?
    I'll be your best kept secret
    And your biggest mistake"

    i think means that even if she may have cheated on him, he still loves and wants her sexually. Even if they could keep their relationship a secret from the guy that she cheated on him for and by doing so he would get back at the guy that his girl cheated on him for. which brings in the line "And if you say this makes you happy/Then I'm not the only one lying"

    "Drink down your gin and kerosene
    And come split off bridges with me
    Just to keep us warm
    Light a match to leave me be
    Light a match to leave me be"

    the first part to me means that he hates her in some way. He may be a little phycotic or suicidal after she cheated on him. He wants to kill himself and her so that they could die together(coz he still loves her) and so he could watch her suffer.

    "So wear me like a locket around your throat
    I'll weigh you down
    I'll watch you choke
    You look so good in blue
    You look so good in blue"

    im not sure bout this line but I think he wasnt sucessful killing her the first time because she didn't want to be around him anymore. So he waited a finally strangled her with a locket. After he killed her he probably looked at her dead face and thought she never looked more beautiful with a blue shade on her face. AS I said, I think he may be phycotic or not mentally balanced.

  9. anonymous
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    Sep 2nd 2007 !⃝

    I think the bit about the locket is far less violent. Instead of him killing her with the locket I think its that "wear me like a locket around your throat I'll weight you down I'll watch you choke" is saying he knows she loves him back but can't show it and its a secret she can't tell which is choking her, weighting her down. and him saying "I'll watch you choke" is him saying there is nothing he can do about it he can only watch her ruin herself with the secret.

  10. anonymous
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    Aug 16th 2007 !⃝

    This song is about a boy and a girl who had a 1 night stand,(keep quiet, nothing comes as easy as you) and he likes her a lot more than she likes him.(Can I lay in your bed all day?/Ill be your best kept secret and your biggest mistake)The girl also likes him but doesn't want to let him know,(If you say this makes you happy/ then I'm not the only one lying) because ahe already has a boyfriend. Obviously the boy doesn't like the idea of that.(I keep my jealousy close/cause its all my mine) He is really pissed off and wants to strangle her with the locket her boyfriend gave her (Wear me like the locket around your throat/I'll weigh you down and watch you choke/ you look so good in blue/you look so good in blue)

    Overall this is an awesome song. Luv ya , Fall out boy! Keep the overly awesome songs coming!!!!!

  11. anonymous
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    Aug 15th 2007 !⃝

    Why does everyone think pete is the only person in FOB?!? He is not, so just get over him and give the other band members some credit!!!!!!!

  12. anonymous
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    Jul 5th 2007 !⃝

    "You look so good in blue" could be speaking bitterly about how cold she is. "So wear me like a locket around your throat/I'll weigh you down, I'll watch you choke/You look so good in blue" might be like the others said about how she was using him as a trophy (if it is from Pete's perspective, it would make sense- Dating him only for his fame or something) and she'd pay for it.

    "Keep quiet/Nothing comes as easy as you," honestly, I agree with the others who say he's calling her a slut. Someone who's "easy." He doesn't want to hear her excuses for being such an easy catch. "Can I lay in your bed all day?" sounds like he's mocking her about the guys she sleeps with. "I'll be your best kept secret" is kind of contradictory of the locket shtick, so again, he might be saying that he'd be her BEST kept secret, since the other guys obviously weren't very secret. But he'd also be her BIGGEST mistake, aside from the huge mistakes the other guys were. So he wants to be her biggest mistake so he can get revenge...?

    "The hand behind this pen relives a failure every day" has a different tone than the rest of the song, because his bitterness is replaced by shame at how much of a failure he is. Whenever he looks at the lyrics or hears the song, it reminds him of how much of a failure he is.

  13. anonymous
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    Jun 26th 2007 !⃝

    Ok so this dude...he doesn't know if he wants to kiss her...or kill her...he's so confused...he's never been in love with someone as much as her but he also never wanted to strangle someone as much as her....it's complicaated love with a side order of mixed signals and a bug cup of tekthronine (gin and kero)

  14. ashley070793
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    Apr 10th 2007 !⃝

    OK so I think loonylovegood has most of it right except for the line "The hand behind this pen relives a failure every day."

    I think that part The hand behind this pen means that he's writing down the way he feels in the form of this song and the part relives a failure every day."

    When the other people hear the song it relieves them of feeling like a failure to no someone else went threw the same thing (or just him writing the song relives him of feeling like a failure)

  15. anonymous
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    Mar 28th 2007 !⃝

    The song is about a boy who really wants a girl but he thinks that she would be ashamed of him. Thus, "your best kept secret".

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