What does Feel Good Inc. mean?

Gorillaz: Feel Good Inc. Meaning

Album cover for Feel Good Inc. album cover

Song Released: 2002

Feel Good Inc. Lyrics


Feel good(x8)

City's breaking down on a camel's back,
They just have to go 'cause they don't know wack,
So all you fill the streets it's appealing to see,
You wont get out the county, 'cos your bad and free
You've got a...

  1. anonymous
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    May 26th 2006 !⃝

    Feel Good Inc is a song about how materialistic human affection has become. These days, men want the robust women and "the common goal". This current notion is represented by the Feel Good Inc factory. None inside want love for affection, they merely want to "feel good".

    2D thinks back to what love used to be and that is symbolized by the windmill: constant, in the open air, free of materialistism, and like someone said above, it represents individual thought. The FG tower is murky polluted, crowded and dark, never moving, always stagnate.

    The Gorillaz are reminding us about the days where love was a big deal, but now it has become temporary excitement and lust. Everyone sings and raps about hate and having no emotional attachments, and it reflects on everyone, but these people eventually become lonely themselves, like 2D.

    I suppose Noodle is on the Windmill due to her neutrality I suppose. Noodle wouldn't be caught dead in that tower. I suppose she represents a free, simplistic soul.

  2. anonymous
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    May 11th 2006 !⃝

    I think the windmill might represent purity. Probably innocence too, because Noodle is the youngest member of the band, and she is the only one in the windmill instead of in Feel Good, Inc.

  3. Gorilla.z.eng2001
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    Apr 16th 2006 !⃝

    Most of you are correct, in saying that the whole city is corrupted. The factory called feel good inc. Is a place where people that are feeling down can go. The windmill represents the last remaining none government controlled farm. Clearly the farm is good the grass is growing and all that. In the video, at the begining, in the audience there is a cloud of smoke. However, people automatically say, It's the Gorillaz it must be drugs" but that's not it at all THE GORILLAZ DO NOT USE DRUGS.

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  4. mentel
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    Mar 21st 2006 !⃝

    Hi I'm new here.

    With the new video for El Manana out it shows Noodles floating garden being attacked by the helecopters and they stop the windmill, obviously has some tie-ins to this one. Could be the big corporations again.

    I don't know though so don't worry about it.

  5. TheRedKing
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    Feb 22nd 2006 !⃝

    I'm new to this site...actually I didn't know it existed. I googled it. Anyway, I may be crazy but I've listened to the whole album several times and in a way it seems to be telling a story with each song (maybe excluding DARE, not sure what's up with that one). If you listen to the lyrics of each song they all seem to have this similar feeling. Feel Good Inc. Is like the main character of this story representing this massive corporation that got all its wealth and power by telling others how to live their lives better.
    I guess In order for me to explain it as I hear it I'll tell you the story I hear.
    Once upon a time their was our world. Nice for the most part with some trouble thrown in here or there but nothing to bad. As the years passed and the cities grew, so did the corruption and greed of those in power. As is with many economies, when one rich and powerful person takes charge it is rare for them to share the wealth. The cities and countryside in general deteriorated until there was nothing left. The days drug on only to bring sleepless nights. Finally something came to the people in the form of a large tower spelling the words Feel Good Inc. up above. Surely this is the hope they were looking for...or was it. People flocked past the war torn streets, past the gangs of children armed with guns (as had become a normal occurrence), and quickly to the tower. Many immediately rushed inside knowing that this was their salvation while others, still skeptical at the idea of another corporation being able to give them something good could ever exist.
    As it went those on the streets were probably better off. Like any powerful company, Feel Good was no different. Their idea of what could make someone "feel good" was not really the best. And the fact that they themselves (and other corporations like them) probably caused what was wrong with the world below anyway just made matters worse.
    I believe 2D represents one who had no choice in the matter. Maybe forced to join the Feel Good ranks. Just listening to the song you can tell he's saddened. He dreams like a child thinking the grass is greener on the other side. He sounds trapped like perhaps he's forgotten what the world outside is like or maybe he doesn't know. His windmill flying in the sky is his escape. He says "windmill windmill hand in hand" at which point you can envision a smile on his face. Like it's the guy's mental escape from the world around him. Asking "is everybody in?" perhaps there are others like him who feel otherwise trapped. He's asking if those others are onboard with him.
    Now to take it a step further, lets skip ahead to fire coming out of a monkey's head. Now I could put this by itself but I feel it is related. Perhaps this land unknown by others truly is happy because the corruption that brought about Feel Good has yet to touch it...until now. Maybe when 2D is dreaming of his happy little windmill perhaps he had heard rumors of Mt. Monkey and this is just how he envisions it. In the video of Feel Good you see at the end the helicopters. In "Fire Coming out of a Monkey's Head" you hear the speaker telling of the strange folk coming in helicopters and airplanes. He also tells about how they mine the mountain which if you listen turns out to be a volcano. He says "The Strangefolk, they coveted the jewels in these caves above all things, and soon they began to mine the mountain, its rich seam fueling the chaos of their own world."
    Are these people "hidden behind dark glasses" just more agents of Feel Good Inc.?
    Well that's how I see it anyway. I could be way off but I don't care.

  6. Evn
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    Feb 13th 2006 !⃝

    Now tht I interperite the song more I think tht it means something else. I think tht it means tht the speaker is depressed, and there is certain thing tht are causing his depression and he thinks about doing damage to tht something, but then he decides not to, because he goes to his "happy place," which is the windmill. Then the speaker is telling everyone to overcome and to be better than the thing tht is bothering u. Hints the point "so don't stop, get it, get it until your Jet Ahead" He says this cause he wants everyone to handle there problems in a peaceful way and not to handle ways like the way tht he was thinking about doing. He knows people are having trouble with life because he says "City's breaking down on a camels back." I may not be 100% accurate but the realation of the drugs and the windmill is way off

  7. Evn
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    Feb 13th 2006 !⃝

    The part about the Windmill. In my opinion means that eveyone needs to relax. Like tht we need to stop taking everything for advantage like the earth tht we live on. And tht he is saying keep turning to make this world a better place. The reason he is saying tht for those of you who don't kno a windmill produces energy in a non-pollution way. The reason I think the whole thing means relax, is because he says love is forever and tht we should appreciate everything. Then he says now is everybody in.

  8. anonymous
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    Jan 26th 2006 !⃝

    The windmill might refer to Don Quijote and Sancho Pansa, a famous Spanish novel written by Servantes.

    Don Quijote tried fighting a windmill imagining it was an evil enemy, but he he was unable to stop it.

    Fighting against windmills is a famous expression in Spanish used describing a battle that is all in vain because you are fighting against imaginary enemies that don't exist.

    In the song, the windmill turns forever ...

  9. anonymous
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    Jan 18th 2006 !⃝

    Here's my guess of this song and no offense to anyone who thought a good one. Most songs have music videos that don't have anything to do with the song so it doesn't mean that they're high or anything. I think 2d is sad in this song because in the part "Cities breaking down on a camels back/they just gotta go 'cause they don't no whack" is there's a lot of well, like most of you said sex, violence, etc. because the cities are screwed up. He says the windmill part because he is referring to how the city used to be green and happy and the chunk noodle is representing a small piece of happiness.

  10. Migduh
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    Jan 3rd 2006 !⃝

    I believe Lamarcus is like dead-on balls accurate.

  11. Lamarcus
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    Jan 3rd 2006 !⃝

    This song is about the things that people do to feel good, while mostly focussing on the darker, more temporary aspects (Such as drugs and sex: "You've got a new horizon, it's ephemoral style," "cheader header," etc). However, the chorus centers on the lighter side of feeling good, like beautiful scenery ("Windmill, windmill on the hill / Turn forever, you and me") and love ("Love forever, love is free").

  12. Migduh
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    Dec 25th 2005 !⃝

    Alright, well obviously the windmill symbolizes good times. I mean come on, if you lived on a huge chunk of land attached to a windmill, would that not rock!? The "windmill" portion of the song expresses his anguish towards his corporation-driven society and his longing to be with the majestic windmill. Just look at the lyrics: "Taking all it on your stride . . . Turn forever, you and me" This windmill has the right idea. He just wants everyone to be more like the windmill itself, forever in a state of complete bliss.

    Alright, honestly, who knows. It's Gorillaz. This is the way I look at the song/video, but in now way do I expect any of you to take that as the real interpretation. All I know is, we all needs to be getting our windmill on.

  13. anonymous
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    Nov 27th 2005 !⃝

    Like what Frodobulletshell was saying, they did create a tower, and then they found themselves trapped inside of it.

    Ok, here's what I think is really about the music video.

    The Gorillaz started out as a band, making songs, and having fun with it, therefore they felt good. In a sense, they started making the tower. as they progressed, other people started to climb into the tower as they were making it, because they liked the songs.

    By the time they had made the tower really high, they realised that being in a band wasn't ALL fun because of all the legal hassles, paperwork, song writer's block and stuff like that. They can't just climb out of all of this though, because they have such a reputation and it would be a big dissapointment if they just quit. So they find themselves trapped inside the tower, wanting to get out but cant. 2D is looking out the window, sadly. I don't know why noodle is on a windmill though.

  14. anonymous
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    Nov 26th 2005 !⃝

    Apparently, according to things I've read, it's about being wrapped up and stuck inside your own world (the tower) of delusions, drugs, partying, chaos and whatever, and then finally waking up and wanting to get out.

    "The windmill imagery line is a representation of a note of optimism, a memory of a simpler time. ... a snapshot of an older world, more innocent. "

  15. Frodobulletshell
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    Nov 25th 2005 !⃝

    First off, there's a bong sound in the beginning, much like a Cypress Hill trip song so you know this one is a smoking song. Noodle talks about music and how it affects the mind, kind of. It's a stoner song it needs not big meaning.

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway

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