What does Bleeding Out mean?

Imagine Dragons: Bleeding Out Meaning

Album cover for Bleeding Out album cover

Song Released: 2012

Bleeding Out Lyrics

I'm bleeding out
So if the last thing that I do
Is bring you down
I'll bleed out for you
So I bare my skin
And I count my sins
And I close my eyes and I take it in
I'm bleeding out
I'm bleeding out for you
For you

When the...

  1. anonymous
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    Dec 17th 2015 !⃝

    I see a lot of "crucifixtion" and "self-harm" interpretations, and those make some sense. But I interpret this as being willing to die for someone you love. The lyric "I'm bleeding out for you" may imply sacrifice of some sort. And "If the last thing that I do is to bring you down, I'll bleed out for you" may mean that if the speaker drags down his lover, he'd rather be dead than keep dragging him/her down.

  2. anonymous
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    Jul 16th 2015 !⃝

    Okay for those who said self harm, i don't think the lyrics are that literal. I think "bare my skin" is a poetic way of saying he's putting himself out there, like making himself vulnerable. As for "i count my sins" means he's done a lot of thing he's ashamed of (possibly giving into temptation) and coupled with "bleeding out for you" points to the things that he is ashame of has effected who ever "you" is and he's beating himself up for it. Over all I think this song is about him making mistakes that hurt someone he cared about, so now he's having to make himself vulnerable by not only admitting it but also trying to make up for it (which would be supported by the lyrics "So if the last thing that I do Is bring you down I'll bleed out for you" and the lyrics "When your eyes are red And emptiness is all you know With the darkness fed I will be your scarecrow".)

  3. anonymous
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    Jun 25th 2015 !⃝

    I heard all the comments about Jesus, but personally, I believe that this is about someone who is trying to save everyone around him/her and they are dying on the inside trying to keep his/her loved ones safe from whats out in the world, and maybe cutting to try and cope with all the pain he/she is feeling.

  4. anonymous
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    Feb 9th 2015 !⃝

    People say that the song is about the death of Jesus, but, personally, I disagree. I believe the song is about suicide. However, it depends on the person and their life experiences. A religious person might think of Jesus whereas a person with suicidal tendencies might think of suicide. Really it is open to interpretation as all that really matters is what it means to you.

  5. anonymous
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    Jan 2nd 2015 !⃝

    Um, it almost (almost!) sounds like an apocalyptic senario, but that's just how I interpret it... That's probably wrong, but yea, that's what I think.

  6. anonymous
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    Jan 1st 2015 !⃝

    "Bleeding Out" by Imagine Dragons is referring to Jesus dying on the cross. But rather than the song saying that Jesus died on the cross and explaining it, the song gives us, the audience, an inside perspective on what Jesus was going through and what Mary (Jesus' mother) was going through at the time of Jesus' crucifixion. The song also kind of tells us what Jesus was probably thinking through being on the cross for only he and God know how long exactly.

  7. anonymous
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    Dec 26th 2014 !⃝

    I see what you guys are thinking. But for me I believe it could refer too Jesus or just a loved one. I know the band and they don't want it to mean cut away your problems. So, if you'r thinking that just...don't. It's a bad thought anyway.

  8. anonymous
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    Oct 31st 2014 !⃝

    I too believe it is about Jesus's sacrifice for us because the song refers to being the scarecrow and Jesus on the cross looks like a scarecrow from afar, but this is what I love about imagine dragons music is that it speaks to your soul, no matter what you believe

  9. anonymous
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    Sep 25th 2014 !⃝

    What i Think of the song every time i hear it is sacrificing your self for the loved ones and bleeding out is one of them . i don't think it's about self harming or anything like that like the song says :

    Said if the last thing that I do
    Is to bring you down

    maybe it has other meanings that i don't know but every time i listen to it it gives me a warm and good feeling and makes me think about myself again . I must say its a Deep Song.

  10. anonymous
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    Sep 12th 2014 !⃝

    This singer is mormon and therefore religious... To me, this song is not only about Jesus dying on the cross, but judgement day when we will have to tell our own sins, because it says "and I count my sins". As anyone religious knows, jesus was perfect, do what sins would he be counting? This may not be the what the author ment but it is what I interperet it as.

  11. anonymous
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    Jul 26th 2014 !⃝

    When I listen to this song I think about Jesus being crucified.
    "When the day has come
    That I've lost my way around
    And the seasons stop and hide beneath the ground
    When the sky turns gray
    And everything is screaming"
    This refers to when Jesus died on the cross because the sky turned gray with storm clouds and how most of the people were laughing at Jesus and mocking him. :(
    "When the hour is nigh
    And hopelessness is sinking in
    And the wolves all cry
    To fill the night with hollering
    When your eyes are red
    And emptiness is all you know
    With the darkness fed
    I will be your scarecrow"
    When Mary was crying(mourning) over Jesus and the people(wolves) were yelling and crying for Jesus to save himself and yet he still stayed on the cross to save them(us) from their sins.

  12. anonymous
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    Jul 16th 2014 !⃝

    I definitely think it is about the crucifying of Jesus. The diction in the song says it all: "Bleeding out" "innocence" "bleed out for you" "sins" and "scarecrow" (referred to the fact that the way Jesus was crucified is that in the shape of how a scarecrow stands)

  13. anonymous
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    Jul 1st 2014 !⃝

    I never thought about it as relating to Jesus on the cross. But now that I listen to it makes sense. I always thought it was about self harm or how the person has secrets being kept and that its killing the person on the inside.

  14. anonymous
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    Jun 15th 2014 !⃝

    I also believe it's about Jesus and that he counts our sins and bleeds out on the cross for us. The line "take you down" I think means humbling us and showing us our sins and how bad they truly are and about revealing the depth of what true mercy Jesus has shown to us.

  15. anonymous
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    Jun 13th 2014 !⃝

    Cutting yourself.

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