What does Godless Brother in Love mean?

Iron and Wine: Godless Brother in Love Meaning

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Godless Brother in Love Lyrics

Godless brother in love
You might as well
Lay down that rose
And fold the flag

She is money and tabs
That broken freedom in
See her big children burning rags
By the riverside

You can hear them on the hilltop laughing
Cursing every...

  1. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    May 8th 2022 !⃝

    I agree with Wisteria, but I think the song is specifically referencing American politicians. Big children burning rags is a reference to the "big" (politicians)children trading their old clothes/lives for new and more expensive ones.

    "Driving eyes closed" is putting them in charge and passing their laws without eyeing consequences. The cover of night not compensating their blindness is a similar reference.

    The "big kids" running down the road is a reference to politician returning home to tell their constituents about what they did but "with no memories" of what they really did while on the hill. "Hear them on the hilltop (Capital Hill) laughing" is a reference to the club these politicians share while in DC.

    Amazing, beautiful and sad song.

  2. anonymous
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    Jan 3rd 2020 !⃝

    For an atheist, Sam Beam presents us with quite a predicament in this song. He is clearly talking about a good friend of his who is godless or an atheist and how that friend has fallen in love with a soulless, gold digging whore who has rambunctious kids. All of them are blind and their souls will be lost because none of them have the light (The Light, The Way, etc.).

    Which side are you on Sam?

    This song kinda makes you sound like a proselytizing Jesus freak. I’m a huge fan but even this one disturbs me, just also happens to be one of my favorites.

  3. Wisteria
    click a star to vote
    Jul 17th 2012 !⃝

    I believe this song is about America, and how our country has gone wrong. You may as well fold the flag. "She is money", that is, money is the main value. She, America, is beautiful, but "her big kids", Americans, have lost their values and their ability to see ahead; they are "driving eyes closed" and "cursing every bird in the air" by pollution.

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