What does Lightning Crashes mean?

Live: Lightning Crashes Meaning

Album cover for Lightning Crashes album cover

Song Released: 1995

Lightning Crashes Lyrics

lightning crashes, a new mother cries
her placenta falls to the floor
the angel opens her eyes
the confusion sets in
before the doctor can even close the door

lightning crashes, an old mother dies
her intentions fall to the floor

  1. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Feb 21st 2006 !⃝

    Ok, here goes...
    I'm gonna do this line by line, so it's easier to understand.

    "Lightning crashes..." --> This term describes how death can strike how quickly and suddenly death can occur; without warning, without remorse, without even letting us know, or us wanting it to happen.

    "lightning crashes, a new mother cries... Her placenta falls to the floor" --> This refers to a miscarriage. The mother cries as she realises that something is wrong. Her placenta literally falls. What's done is done.

    "the angel opens her eyes... The confusion sets in" --> An angel in heaven "opens the mothers eyes" so the new mother can see that here baby is dead. The confusion sets in as the mother wonders why her baby has died... why? it's not fair, she thinks.

    "before the doctor can even close the door" --> The mother already knows the bad news before the doctor can tell her. Whatever the doctor does now is useless.

    "lightning crashes, an old mother dies" --> This is the same "new mother" later in life, having another child. Lighning crashes again, signalling death. This time, the baby is born fine, but the mother dies giving birth.

    "her intentions fall to the floor... The angel closes her eyes... The confusion that was hers belongs now, to the baby down the hall" --> The old mother that has just died giving birth had intentions for a life with her baby. Now, they are shattered. The angel then closes the mothers eyes - she is taking the mother to heaven, her spirit leaves the body, accepting death. Now, the confusion belongs to the baby she has just had. Where is my mother? It thinks. Where am I?

    "oh now feel it comin' back again... like a rollin' thunder chasing the wind... forces pullin' from the center of the earth again... I can feel it." --> This talks about death - as sudden as thunder, circling around, ready to take another life. The composer knows death is inevitable. He can feel it coming for someone, and for him someday.

    "lightning crashes, a new mother cries... This moment she's been waiting for... The angel opens her eyes... pale blue colored iris, presents the circle...and puts the glory out to hide, hide" --> Lightning. More death. The new mother is again in the spotlight... The composer is refelcting on the mothers life now, going back to when the miscarriage occured. Again, this talks about the angel, and death being a circle with life.

    Personally, I love this song. Although it is sad, it is incredibly moving and emotional, and points out that death will strike our earth constantly, taking life after life. Death is a part of life, and it'll happen, whether we like it or not.

    PS: I will probably register here, but I can't be bothered at the moment... If I do, my user name will be "MatthiasMan000". So look out for me, critisise my comments, judge my interpretations, cos I'll be back.


  2. d1545ms
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    Feb 10th 2006 !⃝

    While I don't know much about the band's ideaology, I first took this song to be about an abortion. "a new mother cries" - perhaps the sadness of thinking she made a mistake? "her placenta falls to the floor" - the abortion has been completed. "the angel opens her eyes, the confusion sets in" - the dead baby is now an angel in heaven and is confused as to why its mother would have killed it. further lines of confusion and death of a mother reiterate this. That the baby is confused and the woman's role of a mother has died. The lighting is the symbol of death striking swiftly and without control.

    just my opinion.....

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  3. anonymous
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    Feb 2nd 2006 !⃝

    I think this song deals with two parties...the new mother and her baby, and the old mother.
    In the first verse the doctor coming in signifies his bad news of complications of the pregnancy and the mothers immenent death.
    In the second verse the old mother dies and leaves her confusion of life to the baby down the hall ( the new mothers baby)
    And finally in the last verse the angel opens her eyes and takes the new mothers life.
    The significance of "lightning crashes" is that all of these events can strike just as fast and just as hard as lighting itself.

  4. scrapethesurface
    click a star to vote
    Sep 20th 2005 !⃝

    This is what I think:

    "Lightning crashes, a new mothier cries
    her placenta falls to the floor
    the angel opens her eyes
    the confusion sets in
    befor the doctor can even close the door"

    means that a mother is giving birth and she has complications.

    "Lightning crashse an old mother dies
    her intentions fall to the floor
    the angel closes her eyes
    the confusion that was hers
    belongs now to the baby down the hall"

    To me, it just meens that the mother of the child dies, and her baby lives, and now, "her intentions fall to the floor", meaning, she had planned a life for this child, wanted to be there for school plays, weddings, and grandchildren, and all of that for her was taken away within seconds. Now, "the confusion that was hers belongs now to the baby down the hall", means that now there's this child in this world with no mother.

    The next part just lets us know that this is how it is and it happens every day.

    Then the last part just introduces the "circle" again.

  5. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Jul 14th 2005 !⃝

    The song is simply about reincarnation

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