What does Endlessly mean?

Muse: Endlessly Meaning

Tagged: Love [suggest]
Album cover for Endlessly album cover

Endlessly Lyrics

There's a part of me you'll never know

The only thing I'll never show

Hopelessly I'll love you endlessly

Hopelessly I'll give you everything

But I won't give you up

I won't let you down

And I won't leave you falling



    #1 top rated interpretation:
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    Nov 21st 2009 !⃝

    I love this song!

    It's about an individual who is in love with another, who isn't ever in need of help ''I won't leave you falling, but the moment never comes'' and also isn't loving him/her back, hence ''Hopelessly, I'll love you endlessly''. So its kind of sad actually.

    This lover though isn't being loved in return, promises not to let go or stop loving her, hence the song name ''Endlessly'' and the verse ''I'll give you everything'' He is willing to always and always love, support and care for the other person.

  2. anonymous
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    Nov 12th 2018 !⃝

    Not many people notice this song on the Absolution Album, but its one of my favorites.

    Definitely a song about unrequited love. He starts off with "There's a part of me you'll never know,
    The only thing I'll never show". He doesn't want to share his feeling, it could be because he doesn't have the courage to do so. But i think its most probably because there is something else in the way, where he "..won't let you down". But he will not give her up, try to keep any resemblance of the platonic relationship they have, going. Just waiting for the moment if it ever comes at all. Whats tragic is the finally line of the song, the moment NEVER comes....

  3. Parorou
    click a star to vote
    Jan 24th 2011 !⃝

    The person who sings is one of these people who are introverted, people who don't like to show their feelings for fear of appearing weak or being hurt ("There's part of me you'll never know, the only thing I'll never show"). However, the love he/she feels is so strong, he/she feels it could be easily noticeable, and it's fighting to "come out" ("It's plain to see, it's trying to speak"). Also, he believes his feelings will remain secret and unspoken, that he/she will never have the courage to tell the other he/she loves him/her ("Cherished dreams forever asleep").
    The chorus pretty much explains itself; devoted love for that special someone who may never know he/she loves him/her. So sad, specially the "but the moment never comes" part...

    Pardon my weird English, please.

  4. anonymous
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    Oct 28th 2010 !⃝

    First time I heard it, I thought it was an unrequited love song. After several listens, I believed it was a song of dedication. Even now, I’m still not sure if the words are about someone he is with or someone he wants to be with… or someone he can never be with, i.e. someone who is gone, dead.

    Obviously it’s a very pretty love song of the utmost adoration and dedication. I get the feeling the one it’s written for doesn’t comprehend the magnitude of the feeling, if any knowledge is there that the guy has these feelings at all. (“part of me you’ll never know, the only thing I’ll ever show”) - seems to indicate he’s not being seen in is devotion even if it’s all he truly feels and projects outwards… it’s pretty sad.

    One of my favs! It’d be hard not to want a guy who would feel so deeply as to write in such beauty this kind of thing.

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