What does Dead! mean?

My Chemical Romance: Dead! Meaning

Tagged: Death [suggest]
Album cover for Dead! album cover

Dead! Lyrics

And if your heart stops beating
I'll be here wondering
'Did you get what you deserve?'
The ending of your life

And if you get to heaven
I'll be here waiting, babe
Did you get what you deserve?
The end
And if your life won't wait

  1. anonymous
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    Jan 18th 2007 !⃝

    Well. After listening to this album a million times, what I think it means is that a man is dying of cancer and he's going through heart failure after going to the war. He lost his love while he was at war and still loves her and doesn't want to leave her. And when he dies, his interpretation of death is he joins a parade because his favorite childhood memory was when his father took him to the parades. and I still haven't figured out that girl in the background of 'welcome to the black parade'. you know.. The chick with the facemask and fuzzy hair.. I think she's the one he loves. and she was being punished for asking so much out of everyone around her.

  2. anonymous
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    Jan 18th 2007 !⃝

    i think it is that the patient dying is talking to himself and saying what he hears the doctors and others around him saying.

  3. anonymous
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    Dec 22nd 2006 !⃝

    well, you know the 1st song THE END the 1st track on the album? you notice how the start of the song the hosppital machine thingy is beeping (when you are alive) and it talks about him not liking himself, and dying. The at the start of the song DEAD! the machine thing goes in a straight line (like on the hospital, when you know someone is dead) and basically I THINK the song the patients talking to himself somehow. or somebody is talking to him (probably the doctor, or someone who feels what he's going through) I know this sounds dumb, but since it says 'heaven' it may be a guardian angel, talking or thinking. I think the other songs tell about the patients life and at the ending song (technically famous last words , not blood) I think it talks about him finally accepting death, and not being afraid of it anymore. and on the album there's this art on the tray case and it looks like the patient flying off to heaven (to be seperated from Earth forever), but that's what I think so, yeah.

  4. anonymous
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    Dec 19th 2006 !⃝

    well, I agree with you all mostly except that I feel it's more like, the doctor tells him he's going to die and then everything else is him talking to himself about how no one really like him anyway, and he never fell in love so basically his death won't matter.

    Basically I just don't see it as third person.

  5. nirvanarules
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    Dec 11th 2006 !⃝

    this song is about the doctor telling the patient that he's going to die because there is a problem with his heart and he's almost mocking him telling him that no one really cared about him so he is dying in vain because he had now one cause he never fell in love and stuff and the end of the song there just like lifes a joke you took it to seriously and now your DEAD!

  6. anonymous
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    Dec 10th 2006 !⃝

    Yeah, I think this album is about a man dying of cancer
    Hes dying, he's dead, he's reflecting on his life and the troubles that he goes through accepting death..

  7. anonymous
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    Nov 30th 2006 !⃝

    while I think what you said just about sums it up I also think there are other things.

    the 3rd person seems like someone who cares about the patient a lot.
    i think the 'you never fell in love' could be like I loved you - but you never loved me back.
    i think 'and if you get to heaven, ill be here waiting babe' backs up that point.

    'did you get what you deserve'

    did you really deseve to die.

    I think the 'wouldn't it be grand to take a pistol by the hand' is refering to the narrator wanting to die.

    'noone ever had much nice to say. I think they never liked you anyway'
    they never liked you but I did.

    I will also note that this is the only 'death' song on the black parade from a 3rd person point of view.


  8. GibsonGirl64
    click a star to vote
    Nov 29th 2006 !⃝

    I don't know if anyone else realized it
    But the entire CD is a story line
    #1 he's dying
    #2 he's dead
    Then he remembers his life
    Then at the end he comes back to life
    By doctors...so really he doesn't die
    He just has no pulse
    No one else realized that?
    Just to tell you
    Love the song
    ^Also my SN if you wanna talk

  9. Mindistortion
    click a star to vote
    Nov 22nd 2006 !⃝

    For the 'patient'.

    This song could be about a 3rd person kind of talking to the patient. Telling him how he's going to die soon, and how his life kind of sucked anyways, and he never got to do the things he wanted
    "you never fell in love; no one ever had much nice to say, I think they never liked you anyway"

    and how it would be the best to just kill yourself," wouldn't it be grand to take the pistol by the hand?"

    correct me if Im wrong, but I think that's almost as good as it gets.

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