What does On the Brightside mean?

Never Shout Never: On the Brightside Meaning

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On the Brightside Lyrics

I met a man of two feet tall
This man was quite ambitious
In a world that is so vicious to us all
I said, "Hi," as he replied
He said, "Listen to these words
That I have lived by my whole life

"You're only as tall as your heart will...


    #1 top rated interpretation:
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    Nov 16th 2011 !⃝

    On The Brightside, is a song that shows how people feel about themselves and how others feel about them. It also demonstrates how words can influence their feelings. For example, in stanza 1, they start by describing how people see the first man as poor. Then they go on to describe how the man feels about himself in stanza 2. He is a man who wants to achieve many goals in life, even though the world is “vicious”. The first man the speaker meets does not care about what others think about him. The man than says to the speaker, “listen to these words that I have lived by my whole life”, in stanza 6.
    In stanzas 7-14, the man tells the speaker that you make yourself, no one makes you. He explains to the speaker to not look at the negative things in life, but to look at it in another perspective, a positive one. The man is stating that even though he is poor, he still can achieve something. He can still do something with his life and he is happy.
    In stanzas 15-19, the speaker meets the second man, a man who sees himself as wealthy. This is how others see him as well. The second man walks around as if he has many friends, but in reality, the world does not find interest in him. He then goes on to say in stanza 19, “Listen to these words that I have dreaded my whole life."
    Stanzas 20-27 are similar to stanzas 7-14. The man tells the speaker that you make yourself, no one makes you. He explains to the speaker to not look at the negative things in life, but to look at it in another perspective, a positive one. The difference between the first man and the second man is that the second man feels that he is seeing life in a positive perspective, but he is unhappy. He dreads these words because even though he is applying them to his life, it does not seem to change the circumstances.
    In stanzas 28-34, the speaker starts by speaking of how people see him. Others see him as an average man, just as he sees himself. Then he states in stanzas 29-31, “Just looking for some answers in a world that answers none at all.” This refers to the fact that not everyone knows all things, that no one person is perfect. In stanzas 33-34, the speaker tells the audience, or the reader, that he does not stress about how others feel about him. He does not need to please anyone but himself. He states, “Because I found some piece of mind”, meaning that he believes that he is perfect, just the way he is. He has found some “peace” with who he is.
    In the end of the song, stanzas 35-42, the speaker reminds us of the words that he was taught by both men. He reminds us of these words to teach a lesson that should be applied to our lives. This song influences the feelings of those who listen or read it because it shows how others feel, not only about themselves but also about other people. It also demonstrates how each person is influenced personally.


    #2 top rated interpretation:
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    Jun 7th 2013 !⃝

    no matter what the world says or makes you feel its what you think and whats on the inside that really matters and to look on the brightside when you are going through trouble that others have it worse and your pretty lucky in the song its brightside that your middle height not giant but not small


    #3 top rated interpretation:
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    Apr 12th 2011 !⃝

    Obviously you are all wrong.
    This song is so inspirational.
    It talks about how the world has it's own nature and that they make you feel like you are different and not worth it.But instead you should stick to your own nature and be positive and follow your heart. This is a very transcendental song. You just have to dig deeper to find more. :)

  4. anonymous
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    Sep 22nd 2021 !⃝

    I thought it had something to do with success and money. Turns out I was somewhat correct. The two foot tall man wasn't actually two feet tall, its just that he is perceived as poor.
    The same with the twelve foot tall man, but in an opposite way. He is perceived as wealthy. He says that he dreads the advice because he grew up too privileged to need to contradict a bright side and a negative side.

  5. anonymous
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    Apr 8th 2020 !⃝

    For me this song is a reminder, a reminder that tells you "you are you no matter what people say about you" you might feel so down because there were others who are far beyond your reach but always remember you're roughly six feet tall. Always remember you are worth it. Never doubt your worth as a person.

  6. anonymous
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    Sep 13th 2018 !⃝

    I think the interpretations listed before me miss something very important, the only line that actually puts some perspective to what is actually going on with the singer's life, why he saught out these people:
    "I'll say hi, but not reply to the letters that you write because i've found some piece of mind."

    The singer is recovering from some bad relationship (a deep relationship, but not necessarily romantic. Could be anything), one that left his life and sense of self in shambles. He feels like he is small, and as if he's all alone in this great big world.

    He meets these fellows who represent different perspectives, one is a lot worse of from him and a lot better off by apperances (this could pertain to anything, looks, financial status, life), but he soon discovers by their words that these apperances mean nothing.

    "You're only as tall as your heart will let you be." You are only as good, as whole, as happy, as confident, as you let yourself be. Nothing else has the final say in this but you. That person from his past relationship may have made him feel small, but that's because he let them. He doesn't have to give them control over his own feelings, he can control them.

    "You're only as small as the world will make you seem." There are so many people out there, billions. You aren't alone, and that past relationship isn't the only person in the world. The world is huge and it can make you seem small in a good, self concious way. It lets you know there's a lot out there left for you to discover, many people you have yet to meet.

    "And when the going gets tough, and you feel like you may fall, just look on the bright side, you're roughly six feet tall." Things will happen, relationships just like this past one may be enevitable. But no matter what, you are you. You're just another human. And that is such a good thing, because you being an average human doesn't define you, you define you. You define yourself by your own heart and the people and things you seek out in the world.

    The singer was in a bad place, he experienced a devistating relationship and atill longed for that person that hurt him, that mad him feel awful. But after his soul searching, he has discovered that it wasn't them who wrecked him but himself. And he doesn't need that person to feel good again, to build himself back up. He doesn't need them anymore, because he has taken charge of his own life. And something like this may happen again, and he may feel this way yet again, but even if he does, he can now see the brightside, he's just another human in a great big world.

  7. anonymous
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    Dec 8th 2016 !⃝

    I don't feel the height reference means literal height. It's more of how the world or society "views" us. The man of "2 feet tall" loves the words because it means all men are created equal or "6 feet tall" if you will. He feels that life is what you make it, not what society dictates you to be. The second man of "12 feet tall" dreads the words because he wants to believe he is naturally superior to others. The lyric "you are roughly 6 feet tall" depresses him, because he would like to think some humans are better than other humans. The singer then states that he knows he is roughly 6 feet tall and he is fine with that. He feels good about himself and agrees, we are all "roughly 6 feet tall"

  8. anonymous
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    Sep 24th 2012 !⃝

    The song is telling you if you're very short and you feel bad about it can be a good thing, and if you're tall it can be good too. I'm 6'3 and i feel great because of this song, I'm a little taller than others but I shouldn't feel bad about it.

  9. Julie21
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    Sep 23rd 2012 !⃝

    12ft=man with a lot of money, not happy
    2ft=man with little money, very happy
    6ft=him.. wanting to have some money and be happy and be himself.

    Can you put the puzzle pieces together?

  10. anonymous
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    Jun 24th 2011 !⃝

    i seee it as the man of 2 ft is poor but lives a happy life, while the man of 12ft tall has everything in the world but isnt happy. The artist of this song christofer drew ingle is saying hes not poor hes not rich hes not sad or happy but he is 6 ft. being 6ft as he says means he is right where he wants to be.

  11. anonymous
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    Apr 23rd 2011 !⃝

    Not everything is about height. You're okay as you are.

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  12. anonymous
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    Mar 31st 2011 !⃝

    well..... I can tell you one thing that this song is DEFINITELY not referring to the song Mr. Brightside. I think that it means that it doesn't mean how much power or money that you have it matters how tall you are. My reasoning is that if you are 12 feet tall you will have a bad back and a hurt head but if you are 2 feet tall you will be liable to be stepped on by infants (which would make for a bad social life considering all the gossip at parties) and 6 feet tall is an attractive height for most men and is just right. I hope this has helped you.

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  13. anonymous
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    Jan 9th 2011 !⃝

    It's about how you count on the inside, not the outside

  14. anonymous
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    Jul 7th 2010 !⃝

    It's about a guy who is not confident with himself until he sees people in worse situations. Also a reference to the song Mr. Brightside.

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