What does Bones Exposed mean?

Of Mice & Men: Bones Exposed Meaning

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Bones Exposed Lyrics

It's like loving a lion that cannot be tamed,
I snap at the thought or the sound of your name.
Pulling teeth from my stomach,
you've been eaten alive.
My blood fills your lungs,
my soul, you're inside.

My feet they stand on ashes from the...

  1. anonymous
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    Jun 28th 2018 !⃝

    Bones Exposed is about someone that has been hurt emotionally by another and they are trying to fix them-self while trying to be civil to the person that's causing them pain. “A cut cannot heal, unless you leave it alone. I'll open mine daily, leaving bones exposed.” I think this part of the song is about the memories they left you with after tearing you apart, because they could have seemed different then, but they show the person they really are making you realize everything they did was fake, it's hard to forget who they used to be. Remembering things they did or the way they seemed reopens the wound, when someone leaves, that really isn't the hard part, forgetting them is. All the memories of who you thought they were cross your mind, reminding you of how much you hate the person for betraying you, and your set of values. “Scratching and itching I'll keep biting my lip, from this pain that I'm feeling, picking wounds of regret.” this part is about how much you regret associating yourself with that person, and giving them the chance to learn your weaknesses, strengths, personality traits, where you live, what you like, anything about you that you wouldn't necessarily like to share with the rest of the world. It's about the regret you feel for trusting them, letting them into your life, and showing them who you truly are. It's about the regret of not listening when others told you to steer clear of them, wondering what was so bad when they seemed pretty nice. When the song goes, “If I say I wouldn't be hostile, could you say you would do the same?” I think it means, in front of others you make it seem like not much changed, and you'll act civil towards one another so they don't ask questions, but when you have the option, you avoid each other like you’ve got the black plague. When Aaron Pauley sings, “If we're all made just a little bit broken, tell me who is to blame? Tell me who is to blame?” it means everyone does something to hurt another person or make them feel bad even if it didn't mean anything to you, it could have meant the world to them. For example my pink boxing sweater means the world to me. No one knows why except for me, so when someone spilt paint all down the front I wanted to hurt them in every way possible. To them it was no big deal and I could just “wash it or get a new one” but the paint won't come out and it wouldn't be the same sweater I wore every day in sixth grade, or the one that I wore when I became friends with people who actually wanted me around, after having no one for a year. When you value something and someone comes along and tells you how worthless, or ugly it is, you could do everything that would physically hurt them, because they don't know the meaning or memories behind it. Every one of us has at least one thing that makes us shatter like glass, each piece slowly digging in, eating away at us in a way nothing else can because it means so much more than anything else, and someone had to come along and destroy it. I think when Austin Carlile screams, “leaving bones exposed.” he means seeming weak or showing too much expression in front of someone else, making them believe your just whining over nothing. But in reality, it's not nothing it's all the things that built up over time and whatever that person did pushed you over the edge, finally making you break. And I think Austin screaming is about the anger that you feel towards the person for things they’ve done that make you feel pain, hurt, anger at the the things you thought they were. “We're broken, we're broken, imperfect, we are all to blame.” it means we've all done something we regret, something we’re at fault for, we’ve all done something to someone else weather we knew them or not, we still became a monster or a bully to someone. This song is about being broken after someone pushed you over the edge, they did something you can't forgive, and the ending is about being aware that all of us no matter who we are have done something we regret that we can't just ignore because it's a mistake that isn't worth making again.

  2. anonymous
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    Jun 30th 2015 !⃝

    It seems to me to be about how everybody has sinned, or done something bad.These are your "bones". People can be scared of you for what you've done, and in the video a man has the power to see your "bones" and gets scared of various people and judges them on what they've done.
    The basic meaning of this song is: We have all done something wrong, and don't let that push you away from people (don't judge by the cover) and know people before you decide they are good or bad. Also that everyone has done something bad, "We are all made just a little bit broken, we are all to blame."

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