What does Build God, Then We'll Talk mean?

Panic! At The Disco: Build God, Then We'll Talk Meaning

Album cover for Build God, Then We'll Talk album cover

Song Released: 2007

Build God, Then We'll Talk Lyrics

It's these substandard motels on the (lalalalala) corner of 4th and Freemont Street.
Appealing only because they are just that un-appealing
Any practiced catholic would cross themselves upon entering.
The rooms have a hint of asbestos and...

  1. anonymous
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    Jun 17th 2006 !⃝

    I think it's about a woman who is at one of the sleazy hotels in downtown Las Vegas. Apparently the woman is looking for a job with the lawyer's firm, and they have agreed to dicuss 'business' ("I'll hire you if you sleep with me") at an old 'historic' Las Vegas hotel. The lawyer also has a wife (the Mrs.), but even if she knew that he cheated, she wouldn't leave him because of the money her husband brings in, being a lawyer.

    I think it's a song about peoples morals- about how people will sell out for money, although I could just be projecting here...what do you think? Am I right? I guess the person that wrote the song is the only one who can really confirm.

  2. anonymous
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    Jun 14th 2006 !⃝

    All you people think way toooooo deep into this crap. The song is just about a virgin who sleeps with lawyer to get a job. SHE'S NOT A HOOKER!! SO SHUT THE HECK UP ABOUT THE DARN HOOKER ALREADY!! I know.. I'm good! pretty much rock!

  3. anonymous
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    Jun 14th 2006 !⃝

    Another interpretation of a "purse" would be money, usually collected as a gift or offered as a prize. I think this definition would make more sense in context of the song.

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  4. anonymous
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    Jun 14th 2006 !⃝

    First of all, love the incorporation of Sound Of Music into a Panic! song. My only issue is that of the "purse." I see one interpretation as a child in a womb -- Any other ideas?

  5. anonymous
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    Jun 11th 2006 !⃝

    This song is simple... It's about a hooker!!!
    "It's these substandard motels on the (lalalalala) corner of 4th and Fremont Street.
    Appealing only because they are just that un-appealing
    Any practiced catholic would cross themselves upon entering.
    The rooms have a hint of asbestos and maybe just a dash of formaldehyde,
    And the habit of decomposing right before your very (lalalala) eyes.

    Along with the people inside
    What a wonderful caricature of intimacy
    Inside, what a wonderful caricature of intimacy"

    this is describing the motel that the "Mrs." and her "client" are in...
    the 3nd verse is talking about the "virgin". She's fixing her make-up after her "client" leaves. "There was a terrible crash" meaning the cops busted her...
    "Between her and the badge She spilled her purse and her bag, and held a "purse" of a different kind" this meaning she's holding her purse that contains the money that her "client" paid her.
    There are no raindrops on roses and girls in white dresses." meaning that it's not what she expected...

    "It's sleeping with roaches and taking best guesses
    At the shade of the sheets and before all the stains
    And a few more of your least favorite things."
    mean's that the hooker know's now what she was doing was wrong and gross.. He refers to the men as "roaches" in the song because sleeping with men for $ is just as bad as sleeping on a bed full of roaches...

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  6. anonymous
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    Jun 7th 2006 !⃝

    I think that when he says she is a virgin , he is using irony, and I think it is about a woman who gets a job by sleeping with a man, whose whife is economically dependent of him and has to accept the fact he cheats on her.

  7. anonymous
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    Jun 6th 2006 !⃝

    I think that this is the story of the girl after the past three songs how her life is going down the drain and she has to get a cheating lawyer to help her get money.

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  8. anonymous
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    Jun 5th 2006 !⃝

    Basically he's telling a story about a lawyer who sleeps with a virgin, she's doing it cause she wants him to hire her. His wife stays with him cause she needs his money. Obviously there's more to the song than that, as far as symbolism goes, but I'm not exactly sure what. I think its pretty much about how screwed up people are, and about the desperate things they do to get what they want in life.

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  9. anonymous
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    Jun 5th 2006 !⃝

    The motel is run down because its the kind of place that condones prostitution but that night is different because the girl is not a prostitute but a good little catholic virgin who is forced to screw her boss (the attorney) because she needs the job at his firm. She needs the job because she desperately needs the money from the job, not prostitution. The lawyers wife has no idea or is blinded by his money that her husband is forcing his employees to have sex with him. He just tells her its "strictly business". After the deed is done the lawyer leaves and she is cleaning herself up when police raid the room, breaking down the door("there was a terrible crash"). She drops her things in shock but she holds a different "purse"(a baby in her womb). "What a wonderful caricature of intimacy" talking about the the conditions of how this poor baby was concieved.

  10. anonymous
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    May 24th 2006 !⃝

    The Virgin who has rosery tucked in her lingerie may be a reference to virginity. The cheating attorney has sex with the virgin because the virgin in fact needs a job/money. Also the Mrs. knows of the attorneys dirty deeds yet stays with him because she in fact also needs the money. Also a proposition between the attorney and the virgin.. Sarcastic "simply business" refers to the sex for a job.

    There are no more.... rain drops...white dresses... etc; that is refering to the loss of virginity and the gain of money. No white dresses... but also no more sleeping with the roaches. That's all I've got.

  11. JoelleK
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    May 19th 2006 !⃝

    I think that this song might be like...ok so she's a "virgin"...yet she's a whore...prostitute...what have you...so she like lives a double life...?

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  12. Marie12345
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    May 17th 2006 !⃝

    I do not believe she is the hooker for the fact that at firstin the lyrics she is labeled virgin then the second time after she has sex with the lawyer she is labeled "virgin" plus it mentions something about her getting a job at the firm on monday that does not sound like a prostitute to me. the woman would not sleep with the lawyer for the job but she "really needs this money"

  13. anonymous
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    May 15th 2006 !⃝

    Wow, are you serious? It's about a whore (the virgin) who has an affair with the lawyer (moonlighting) and how the lawyers wife stays with him anyway (caricature of intamicy) seriously, wow.

  14. anonymous
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    May 4th 2006 !⃝

    This song tells the story of the Mrs. (a hooker) going through what she does daily but this one night she just happenes to get caught.

    What a wonderful caricature of intimacy
    Inside, what a wonderful caricature of intimacy
    i think this part is refering to a "little black book" becuase it also says along with the people inside and perhaps the mrs. would be concidered a trophy wife beacuse it also says she really needs his money

    Tonight tenants range from a lawyer and a virgin
    Accessorizing with a rosary tucked inside her lingerie
    She's getting a job at the firm come Monday
    The Mrs. will stay with the cheating attorney
    Moonlighting aside, she really needs his money
    A wonderful caricature of intimacy in here the moonlight is refering to her working another job late at night ( that job is a hooker )

    And not to mention the constable and his proposition for that "virgin"
    Yes, the one the lawyer met with on "strictly business"
    as he said to the Mrs. Well only hours before
    After he had left, as she was fixing her face in a compact
    There was a terrible crash (There was a terrible crash) CRASH!
    Between her and the badge
    She spilled her purse and her bag, and held a "purse" of a different kind
    the mrs. Is a hooker and the crash happenes becuase she gets cuaght

    There are no...
    raindrops on roses and girls in white dresses
    Its sleeping with roaches and taking best guesses
    at the shade of the sheets before all the stains
    and a few more of your least favorite things

    I know that this part is a play on words. It says a few of your least favorite things but it's really his favorite things.

  15. SeikenIX
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    May 1st 2006 !⃝

    I couldn't really figure this song out, but I have two ideas. It's either the fifth and definitely final part of the trilogy, four-parter or that it's describing how all the tenants at a horrible motel are somehow connected, I'm leaning toward the latter.

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