What does Alligator Aviator Autopilot Antimatter mean?

REM: Alligator Aviator Autopilot Antimatter Meaning

Tagged: Animals [suggest]
Album cover for Alligator Aviator Autopilot Antimatter album cover

Alligator Aviator Autopilot Antimatter Lyrics

Unfortunately, we don't have the lyrics for Alligator Aviator Autopilot Antimatter by REM yet.
Check back soon, as we are always working to find the latest lyrics and adding new songs every day.

  1. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Oct 2nd 2012 !⃝

    Nope. It's about testosterone:


  2. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Aug 4th 2011 !⃝

    it a song to lady gaga. Stipe is saying he didnt like the wat she looked at him and he doesnt care for her. He says he will show her fans that she is stuck in the past and the kids have a new taste on fame. Its a mockery of gaga being a copycat. Stipe is showing that anyone could dress up like her and he says he feels like an alligator because he has been around for a long time.... Great song..

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