What does Peaceable Kingdom mean?

Rush: Peaceable Kingdom Meaning

Tagged: 9/11 [suggest]
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Peaceable Kingdom Lyrics

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  1. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Mar 22nd 2018 !⃝

    this song might sadly be also about the gradual damage done to us and our American dream of what once William Penn and the Quakers dreamed, made and wanted for us, to all live in a ''Peaceable Kingdom'' of America, that the warmongers and the infiltraters have been destroying throughout the years, by ungodly wars and their ideologies that led up to the most recent 9/11 tragedy attack on us. All in order to force their ''own kind of a peaceful kingdom''. On not only us, but also throughout the world.

  2. kooljohn176
    click a star to vote
    Dec 14th 2016 !⃝

    About the times and circumstances that were set in motion, before and after seeing the twin towers coming down on us and our loved ones on 911 that was and is remembered in lament. A time when having our hopeful dreams in life come crashing down on us suddenly that shattered our reality out of nowhere. For some of us, the tragedy in that time also felt like was destroying our personal dream for a ''Peaceable Kingdom'' when living with the hope that the dream would be attained down to us by our earthly creative living, or when going up there someday to meet our loved ones. Reminds me so much of Patti Smith's ''optimistic vision'' of her song for dreaming and wanting for us to rebuild a ''Peaceable Kingdom'' back again as heard ''once upon a time'' in a fairy tale a long time ago that was ''real'' peaceful and warless. Now in the hope that it could be obtain peacefully again with deep faith and love like what the Bible says, where that peaceable feeling was lost and forgotten throughout time in the hearts and souls of the many people that still have the power to dream with the deep yearning to re-imagine a ''Peaceable Kingdom'' that would trump over the evil that was done to us, the people and the people's loved ones dreams on both sides of the continent.

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