What does Head Club mean?

Taking Back Sunday: Head Club Meaning

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Head Club Lyrics

Well it's getting colder and you're getting distant
and I just keep thinkin
that I never meant it to be like this (to be like this)
You know what comes next (so do I)
You’re begging for a way to gracefully bow out
and say goodnight


  1. fenderchik421
    click a star to vote
    May 2nd 2006 !⃝

    Don't call my name out your window, I'm leaving. That's from a Johnny Cash song, I think.

  2. plasticcup_politics
    click a star to vote
    Apr 2nd 2006 !⃝

    Ok, so yes they're in a relationsip that is possible over. She's become distant form the relationship and he's always complaining about the things she does (I’m only complaining to keep myself busy, sweetie)-thats his way of apologising to her for his part in the relationships failure.

    'I can’t say I blame you
    but I wish that I could
    I’m sick of writing every song about you'-he can't blame her as it was his fault that she grew distant but he wishes he could because then he could finally move on with his life but he can't as he's hang up on the fact that he ruinned everything.(I know hiow tis feels so I have some insight here.)

  3. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Dec 17th 2005 !⃝

    I think this song is about a boy who is breaking up with a girl:

    "Well it's getting colder and you're getting distant
    and I just keep thinkin
    that I never meant it to be like this (to be like this)"

    because he feels she never listens to him or what he has to say:

    "On your way home you should have known
    you never listen to me"

    and this is the last straw so he tells her she means a lot to him, but he can't take it anymore:

    "I can’t say I blame you
    but I wish that I could
    I’m sick of writing every song about you"

    and then it shows that he is done and that its over, no mater what, that this time he means it:

    "Don't call my name out your window, I'm leaving
    Don't call my name out your window, (I'm leaving)"

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