What does Safe and Sound mean?

Taylor Swift: Safe and Sound Meaning

Album cover for Safe and Sound album cover

Song Released: 2011

Safe and Sound Lyrics

I remember tears streaming down your face,
When I said I'll never let you go.
When all those shadows almost killed your light,
I remember you said "don't leave me here alone",
But all that's dead and gone and passed tonight.
Just close your...

  1. anonymous
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    Mar 12th 2012 !⃝

    i think mabey about peeta because when katniss is dieing i believe she say dont leave me here alone so... :D mabey its peeta holdin on to a memory of katniss when she dies

  2. anonymous
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    Mar 12th 2012 !⃝

    I think when i first saw the music video i thought that she might be katniss daughter and before she died and stuff cause when they showed the mockingjay pin i thought of tht and the hosue she goes into would have been her "mothers" and its a memory ......or mabey i thought about rue and peeta i dont know !!!! I thought when she was in the woods that her mom taught her to be there and that is like her home and stuff

  3. anonymous
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    Mar 11th 2012 !⃝

    I think it has to do with katniss and peeta because she says don't leave me here alonein the book. In the lyrics it says I remember when you said dont leave me here alone. It also says to close your eyes (go to sleep), and peeta always comforts katniss after her nightmares. I think it is peeta to katniss.

  4. anonymous
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    Mar 10th 2012 !⃝

    I think its about Katniss singing to Prim, and not Rue, because in the Hunger Games book, it shows the words of the song Kattnis sings to Rue, and these arnt them.

  5. anonymous
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    Mar 7th 2012 !⃝

    ---Potential Spoiler---

    I think its Prim, singing to Katniss.
    In the video Taylor appears pure and innocent just as Prim does in the book. The Civil wars make me think that they are a future version of Katniss and the man she will end up with. Katniss says in the books that Prim is the only one she is sure to love, and is even willing to sacrifice herself to save her sister.

    In the very first line of the Hunger Games Katniss reaches out for her sister. I think its easy to overlook that Prim motivates Katniss throughout the books. I think Katniss feels a certain safety around her sister. I guess the thought of it is what makes me cry when I hear the song! There is a slightly heavenly feel to it also.

  6. anonymous
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    Mar 6th 2012 !⃝

    I think that this is an interpretation of all the hunger games,How cruel and wrong it is for children to suffer playing a game for entertainments sake and for a reminder, I mean I am 12 and I just can't help but stop and think about the fact that I myself would be eligable for such a horible thing.It's not about, Katniss and Peeta being in love but the in humain things people would do to prove a point,a reminder that we need to stay true to ourselves and bitterness should never overcome thought and humanity.

  7. anonymous
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    Mar 4th 2012 !⃝

    I think its about rue and it'll probs be played when she dies :(

  8. anonymous
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    Mar 3rd 2012 !⃝

    For some reason when I hear this song I think of a Mother talking to her baby, alone in her home during the War for Southern independence, as the Union Soldiers are marching through the South burning citys and homes.

  9. anonymous
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    Feb 27th 2012 !⃝

    Even thought this song is for the Hunger Games, it reminds me of Twilight for some reason. Nonetheless, Taylor wrote it about how the characters in the book were feeling, NOT what was going on. So, here's my intrepretation:

    Going from the first verse, I think it's introducing a situation where there's a person who is wanting somebody else, which in this case is Taylor, to be with them through the hardships in their life. "I remember tears streaming down your face when I said I'll never let you go" and "I remember you said don't leave me hear alone." Basically, it's like depending on that one person to keep you going.
    Then the chorus is Taylor promising to stay with that person. She's telling them to close there eyes, and take a deep breath; everything is going to be alright. And come morning light, they'll be safe and sound.
    Onto the second verse, I think it goes to Taylor saying, "don't you dare look out your window, darling everything's on fire". In otherwords... don't look at what's going on. Forget about it the arguing, and the war that's raging on. Hold on to the lullaby that she's singing to them; remember it even when she's not singing.

    That's my interpretation. Which, of course, could apply to the whole Rue situation entirely. (:

  10. anonymous
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    Feb 25th 2012 !⃝

    I think the whole song is to Peeta because of the verse "The war outside our door keeps raging on" which i think is refering to the other tributes.

  11. anonymous
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    Feb 24th 2012 !⃝

    okay so thought this song was about peeta and katniss but now reading all these it could be about rue too...the words dont really fit to be sung to prim srry...but i could b wrong...so ya bi!

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  12. anonymous
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    Feb 18th 2012 !⃝

    I think it refers to all of Katniss' loved ones or anybody else's(Peeta, Prim, etc..,) Something you sing to them when you think they are about to die, or when you don't want them to die, anything related to death. But honestly I think it's about two people who love each other and then one goes to war but gets injured so the lover tries to nurture them and heal them but realizes it's hopeless and sings this lullaby to make the pain go away for the person dying. But no matter what they will always be together connected by this lullaby.

  13. anonymous
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    Feb 17th 2012 !⃝

    I think this is obviously about the Hunger Games because it was made for the movie, but its also more than that. It is about how love is strong enough to deflect the cruelty of the world."all those shadows almost killed your light" says that the evil of the world almost ruined her innocence and purity, but the speaker's love protected it. this really is a beautiful song about love and protection.

  14. anonymous
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    Jan 27th 2012 !⃝

    I think the meaning of this song is for two friends. One is in a lot of pain and trouble and the other friend is comforting him/her. When it says "when all those shadows almost killed your light" its means all those people around you aree trying to put you down. And when it says " just close your eyes the sun is gowing down you'll be alright you and ill be safe and sound" it means don't worry everything will be alright. And "don't you dare look out your window darling everythings on fire the war out side keeps ragging on" means don't pay attention to all the people around you that cause you harm. Finally when it says "hold onto this lullaby even when the musics gone" means when your ready to give up and you have lost all hope remember this song and believe. Well anyways this song reminds me of one of my good friend. Shes always going thro a hard time and I told her to listen to this song because it reminded me of her.

  15. anonymous
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    Jan 24th 2012 !⃝

    This seems like it should be placed when Katniss is trying to get Peeta's medicine. "Just close your eyes,
    The sun is going down.
    You'll be all right,
    No one can hurt you now.
    Come morning light,
    You and I'll be safe and sound."

    She makes him go to sleep, the meeting at the Cornucopia is at sun down and she should be back by morning to give him the medicine he needs.

    "Don't you dare look out your window,
    Darlin' everything's on fire.
    The war outside our door keeps raging on,"

    Plus Katniss doesn't want him to leave because he can't protect himself. The fighting hasn't stopped just because he's injured.

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