What does Hit That mean?

The Offspring: Hit That Meaning

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Hit That Lyrics

The winds of fortune
Don't blow the same
She had to get out
And make a change
She had a kid now
But much too young
That baby daddy's out having fun

He's saying
I'm on a roll
With all the girls I know
His baby momma
She ain't so...


    #1 top rated interpretation:
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    Aug 1st 2006 !⃝

    This song is about how our culture is becoming more and more about just sex. Everyone is becoming all sexualized from earlier and earlier ages, and all they care about is scoring for one night, or scoring that one person, with no thought for the future or for responsibility. They're saying that guys go around fathering kids with no intention of supporting them, and girls get pregnant without thinking it through. It's making us seem all seem like oversexed animals (like the dog mentioned by the last interpretation.)
    sex seems rather futile and worthless when there's no love involved- it just is made to sound stupid, and cheap, like in this song.

  2. anonymous
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    Apr 19th 2011 !⃝

    To me it talks about how society had come to a ruin. In the year 2003 about 34% of teens were getting pregnant and sexually active. it is 2011 and now it is about 37 - 40%. of course people lie about sex when asked by a doctor right? Any who, It seems that most teens in our socity are focusing more on sex and less on their lives. Think thats what offspring are saying.

  3. anonymous
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    Dec 1st 2009 !⃝

    I think they are merto station's opposite they write less sex-saturated music. This song is showing the consequences of promiscuity. It is making fun of it more as in "Kristy, are you doing okay" is a bout rape

  4. anonymous
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    Aug 31st 2007 !⃝

    What part of the song makes you think that it's an animal? :P

    It's about having sex, and afterwards, going out and doing it some more, and that it's ruining lives (I.E. Digging his own grave)

  5. anonymous
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    Dec 25th 2006 !⃝

    It's about his girlfriend having sex with an animal.

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  6. anonymous
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    Oct 25th 2006 !⃝

    Its about him using drugs

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  7. Degenerate19893
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    Feb 15th 2006 !⃝

    Basically a dog has made a massive family of puppies and it ison the run because it is set for castration. but the message of the song is there is to much underage sex going on and there are too many underage pregnancies happening and it needs to be cut down on.

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