What does I Hate Everything About You mean?

Three Days Grace: I Hate Everything About You Meaning

Album cover for I Hate Everything About You album cover

Song Released: 2003

I Hate Everything About You Lyrics

Every time we lie awake
After every hit we take
Every feeling that I get
But I haven’t missed you yet

Every roommate kept awake
By every sigh and scream we make
All the feelings that I get
But I still don't miss you yet

Only when I...

  1. anonymous
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    Apr 18th 2007 !⃝

    Yeah um you guys are pretty stupid. First of all, lets get one thing straight...it has nothing to do with children or pedophilia sickos.

  2. anonymous
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    Apr 12th 2007 !⃝

    OMFG...to the fag who posted: This song is about the lead singers addiction to heroine, he is hopelessly addicted, but loves the effects that he gets from it. He hates that he's addicted to this drug, and can't seem to find a way to get out the rut that he has dug himself into with this drug addiction>>> is a fool...they're all straight edge...they're borderline christian...fucking idiot.

  3. anonymous
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    Apr 9th 2007 !⃝

    Obviously, this is an ultimate love-hate relationship song. It could be about a relationship with another person and/or addiction to alcohol or drugs. Since Adam (the singer) was battling an addiction at the time, it could be more about drugs or alcohol. But the song can mean either one.

  4. smarter_than_you
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    Mar 1st 2007 !⃝

    i swear if I see another stupid mistake with the lyrics. it is "after every hit we take" not "after every move we make" I listen to this son ten times a day and did an english assignment on it AND PASSED!!! you all are stupid
    p.s. This song rox
    p.p.s. I was born better than you , face it you don't have a chance in life your a joke!!!

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  5. anonymous
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    Feb 27th 2007 !⃝

    I don't think it's so materialistic and about drugs. I think it's more about falling with someone you know is bad for you. or you start a relationship with someone that you know won't work but you can't help it.

    Basically "I hate everything about you" so he hates what this person does to him and how he falls for the wrong person
    "why do I love you" he can't help falling in love

  6. eyesbloodred
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    Jan 27th 2007 !⃝

    it means this couple loves each other but they pretty much drive each other up the wall... "with every hit we take" has absolutely NOTHING to do with heroine or any other drug... Its saying like fighting... like they hit each other with insults to try and hurt the other one... They hate everything about the other one yet they still love each other and can't let go... So they are putting themselves through hell for the sake of a love that's mixed in with a lot of hate and is pretty much gone

  7. anonymous
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    Oct 6th 2006 !⃝

    I saw it as a drug addition but didn't know it would be cocaine. I thought it was either crack or heroin because even though my boyfriend hates crack for how it makes him feel he does it cause he ove the high...And I figured since you don't "hit" coke and you do "hit" a crack stem I figured it was that...Maybe cocaine if it's injected....That would be more intense then snorting it. Could also be heroine. Crack fiend usually don't think about what they are doing but mostly think about it when they come down and that feeling he gets makes him feel like he doesn't need it anymore and won't ever need it again because he hates everything about it yet wonders why he gets so caught up in uin and fiend for it..The drug controls him and is killing him...Why does it have such a strong hold on him (when he refers to the drug itself- saying you hate everything about me ...Why do you love me?)could be wrong but that's how I see it and this is an interpretation site.

    Love this song by the way...Very emotional...Good beats too

  8. anonymous
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    Sep 14th 2006 !⃝

    Obviously no one sees that, what they really are singing about is.............. "cocaine ya empty barrels". Just listen to it again. You'll see.

  9. anonymous
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    Sep 9th 2006 !⃝

    This song is obviously a relationship. I'm in the same position as him. My girlfriend and I used to be amazingly in love, but somewhere along the lines she changed. She cheated on me, ignored me, and now she hates my guts and never wants to hear me again when all I did was be loyal and show my respect for her. He's saying he's had to put up with all of her shit but no more. They've broken up and he misses her, despite how bad she is to him.

  10. anonymous
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    Sep 5th 2006 !⃝

    I went to school with the drummer neil sanderson (same last name as me too) in peterborough, ontario, canada and the rest of the band is from a little town called norwood which is about 20 minutes away. It is my understanding that every song on this particular album aludes to people that they went to school with. This song is about about a girl he hates and can't stand, but he loves her at the same time because she's so familiar. These guys aren't singing about hard drugs. It ain't their bag, baby.

  11. anonymous
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    Jul 13th 2006 !⃝

    I think this song is about the way love can turn to hate.

  12. anonymous
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    Jul 10th 2006 !⃝

    I think this song is about a break up, and finding out that the guy/girl cheated on you. Even though you hate what they did you still seem to like them.

  13. plasticcup_politics
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    Jun 9th 2006 !⃝

    Okies, maybe it could be about a relationship and he's using a drug metaphor to explain his emotions.

    'Every hit' could mean everytime he is with his sexually and that would explain why they 'sighs and screams'keep up their roommates!!?

    It's still probably all about the drugs tho!

  14. anonymous
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    Jun 8th 2006 !⃝

    I think it'a about a person (a girl) he has always hated...but now smth has changed. He still hates her but is kinda obsessed with her...maybe he loves her. It could also be about drugs...but I like to think that it's about a relationship :D

  15. anonymous
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    Jun 6th 2006 !⃝

    I Don't believe that this song could be about drugs. The singer says in the song "Every time we lie awake after every move we make."

    I believe that this could only lesd to one conclusion. He is not, in fact, hating a drug, but a woman. (Or a man, but I'm rather sure the lead singer is straight, dispite no indicators that this is even, in fact, a woman.)I am not dispelling the drug idea. I'm sure drugs are involved, as in the line "every time we lie awake after every hit we take."

    Now, I am no doctor, and I am no drug enthusiast, but possibly these drugs are causing the man to have mood swings, possibly? Once again, this is just me guessing the affects of drugs. I think that maybe this girl has done something to him in the past, and he does drugs to keep his mind off of it. I believe he started drug use after this person did something bad to him, maybe dumped him or something. This is why he hates her, but the affects of the drugs cause these mood swings that has him still love her as well.

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