What does Hooker With A Penis mean?

Tool: Hooker With A Penis Meaning

Album cover for Hooker With A Penis album cover

Hooker With A Penis Lyrics

Hooker With A Penis

I met a boy wearing vans, 501s, and a
Dope beastie t, nipple rings, and
New tattoos that claimed that he
Was ogt,
From ¡¯92,
The first ep.

And in between
Sips of coke
He told me that
He thought
We were...

  1. keepgoingspiralout
    click a star to vote
    Jul 31st 2006 !⃝

    This song is about fans that accuse Tool of selling out, when in fact the entire purpose and goal of bands is popularity, fame, and money. Also, MJK points out that the accuser is a hypocrite for listening to their music and supporting the band. He should just "shut up and buy my new record......Send more money."

  2. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Jul 17th 2006 !⃝

    I've always interpreted it just as the song title suggests. You solicit the services of a hooker & find out that she has a penis--she presented herself as something that she's not. In turn, Tool fans put the band on such a high pedestal then come to find out that they're just a band out to make a buck like the rest of them. Seems pretty straight forward to me.

  3. narduzzi1120
    click a star to vote
    May 30th 2006 !⃝

    The meaning of the entire song can be found in the name. A hooker is someone who gives their love away, gives their dignity to reap a small benefit of life. Being a prostitute is a desperate attempt to make money and have a life. The song title describes someone who has gone beyond that. A person who would fake who they are so they could participate in a digusting act to make money. Basically, the whole song describes the depths that people will go to make a life for themselfs. "Pointing the finger, blaming the other" and being a hooker even though you are a man are just 2 examples.

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  4. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Mar 25th 2006 !⃝

    I think that the boy in the song represents someone who blames another for something even though they contributed to it. Obviously, he's saying that Tool "sold out". Maynard comes back by saying "We may have sold out, but its partly your fault because you bought the record." Its basically a song about how we all need to unite and take the blame for something we all contributed to.

    Thats my interpretation. Not sure how accurate it is. I agree with the submissions above also.

  5. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Dec 27th 2005 !⃝

    It's his anger at people pointing fingers at others, as in selling out. From the lines "sucking up to the the man" and "if I'm the man you're the man" and last but not least "buy my new record" are all saying if you buy the record you have no reason to talk because he's the "man" per-say and by buying his record you have just SUPPORTED him. Which if you read the first sentence again shows that if you buy the record you sold out just like he did.

  6. dayhok
    click a star to vote
    Nov 16th 2005 !⃝

    Although the previous interpretation is accurate, there could still be more detail added to it. The song title for instance: Hooker with a Penis. Another name for a penis is a tool and a hooker sells themselves. Therefore, tool is selling themselves in this song. Whether this incident has actually happened to one of the band members or not is still debateable. Then again, finding anything concrete other than songs and live footage of tool is always abstract and rarely acknowledged by the band members themselves.

    The man refers to record and television executives who "run" everything.

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