What does Colder Weather mean?

Zac Brown Band: Colder Weather Meaning

Album cover for Colder Weather album cover

Colder Weather Lyrics

She'd trade Colorado if he'd take her with him
Closes the door before the winter lets the cold in,
And wonders if her love is strong enough to make him stay,
She's answered by the tail lights
Shining through the window pane


  1. anonymous
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    Apr 23rd 2011 !⃝

    I thank he left a girl he loved over a argument and she committed suicide or something and he is stuck in colder weather(earth) and tomar maybe he will be better like up in heaven with her? That's just all i could get from the video

  2. anonymous
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    Apr 18th 2011 !⃝

    Read an interview with the songwriter. He had a girl he liked a lot in Kansas City (Colorado was added for the song), but he was on the road performing and always had to leave. While on the road with the band, they had plans to pass through Kansas City to visit a radio station. He was going to see her then, but the radio station cancelled and they went on to the next stop instead of passing through. He had to call her and tell her he wasn't coming and she let him have it. He got back on the bus and started writing the song. Zac Brown helped with some of it and another memeber of the band also contributed.

    So it's about him being committed to his career; he loves her, but has to keep going.

  3. anonymous
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    Apr 16th 2011 !⃝

    I think this song is about a traveling musician who met and fell in love with someone on the road and leaves her behind despite his feelings. Yet the girl lives in his heart no matter how far away he is. As his job (music) and perhaps other reasons in his real life back home make it impossible for them to be together.

    Either way, GREAT SONG!! :(

  4. anonymous
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    Apr 16th 2011 !⃝

    I think that old sport is a truck driver and the chick wants to go with him to be with him but he wont take her cause she is scared of love and the "colder weather" is his mixed emotions and he cant decide what he wants (:

  5. anonymous
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    Apr 16th 2011 !⃝

    I think it's about a band member myself. It also reminds me of the Bob Seger song, "Ramblin Man".
    Think about it.

  6. anonymous
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    Apr 11th 2011 !⃝


    According to this site it's about a love that can't work due to geography and timing. She apparently sees him as a gypsy soul, but he's just chasing his dreams.

  7. anonymous
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    Apr 8th 2011 !⃝

    I think its about a guy who has an addiction to something that takes him away from the woman that he loves. His addiction is the "colder weather" that he;s stuck in. But no matter how far down he gets she gives him the love to pull him back out again.

  8. anonymous
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    Apr 7th 2011 !⃝

    Okay 4th comment hopefully my last. Okay so in mah last one i sayd she burned in the house but no he burns it down. In the video im reallyyy confused on how she dies. But yea, im jus clearing that up that i was very wrong about that. So yea. Somebody explain to me how the girl dies?

  9. anonymous
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    Apr 7th 2011 !⃝

    Okay so this is my 3rd comment. Well i just watched the video and realized what i sayd about Zac knowing she was going to die and of course the girl knowing it too and hym leaving so he doesnt have to be there. Well that was stupid, Because in the video it looks like the house burns down and shes in it. I see kinda how the colder weather can fit in there, because of how hes in colder weather and shes sadly burning to death. Im sure thats not what it is meant to mean but yea i just noticed that. But anyways just wanted to update what i just sayd because now it makes no sence.

  10. anonymous
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    Apr 7th 2011 !⃝

    I posted comment earlier on what i think this song means. But now that i think about it..do you think when the girl dies..it was intentional? Did she kill herself because Zac was gone. Or maybe he knew she was dying. Maybe they both knew. And so he didn't want to stay there with her to watch as she passed away. I cant really decide between that idea and the idea that he just cant do commitment and so he leaves her now so he doesn't hurt her in the long run and then in the end she dies and he says soon we'll be together. Im not sure what it means yet. But I'm trying to figure it out.

    I'm just pretty sure the meaning of the song isn't about hyz brothers drug addiction. It just doesn't fit with the video. Some ppl are saying its about that, but I'm not thinking it is. And about him being a trucker? Noo..i don't think that's it either. Maybe about him being on the road or something like for music but idk. That also doesn't fit with the video. Its more of a sad ballad video and the idea of her dying and them knowing she was going to and him leaving because of it, yea, that fits. Or the idea that he just cant do commitment and so he leaves her now so he doesn't hurt her and then she dies in the end and then he regrets ever leaving her but knows they will soon be together.

    All i know is its a very nice song and very emotional and im going to work towards finding out the true meaning even tho im thinking maybe they dont want us to know it, maybe we are supposed to wonder about it and all have different opinions.

  11. anonymous
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    Apr 7th 2011 !⃝

    I think this song is about how Zac leaves the girl he loves because he doesnt want to end up hurting her. And so she says hes born for leaving and has a gypsy soul. And Zac covers up him leaving because hes afraid of commitment, by telling her he will be back one day. And when he reffers to colder weather he means the point in thier relationship, or bitterness. Then in the end, the girl dies. And he wants her back and stuff and he talks about her ghost. I think the song is defidently like a ballad and it has alot of emotion towards the end of it. Thats just what i think..its alot like the rest of you guys's ideas but yeah i dont think its about a truck driver or whatever. Its clearly about him not wanting commitment and the girl trys to cover up how she really feels by saying hes born for leaving. Which, i think he knows that too. And thats why he leaves so he doesnt hurt her. But in the end he regrets it and still feels her ghost. Very powerful song.

  12. anonymous
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    Apr 7th 2011 !⃝

    This song is about a trucker. He meets this girl and falls in love. She wants him to stay, but he has commitment issues and leaves her. Once he's out on the road he then realises he does want to be with her. When he goes back for her, she is dead.So he settles in colorado and just waits till he can be with her again.

  13. anonymous
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    Apr 7th 2011 !⃝

    My take on it is once again a commitment problem on his behalf for whatever reason. "closes the door before the winter lets the cold in" meaning leaving before the bitterness of winter starts hurting (through her eyes). The only thing he has to run to is his job as a truck driver, but him leaving still haunts him and doesnt know how to go back. She passes"with your ghost again" maybe he is reunited in nirvana or just in mind.

  14. anonymous
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    Apr 6th 2011 !⃝

    i just read an interview from wyatt durrette who wrote the song with the zac brown band. and the song is about a girl he was seeing but it wasnt working for them because he was always gone on the road touring. she wanted him to slow down on the touring but he wasnt willing to do that because they just started dating and he was persuing his dream. they were doing a show with little big town in green bay, wisc. and it was pouring down snow.he was supposed to go see her after but their radio interview got cancled so they were onto their next stop so he had to call her and tell her he wasnt coming. she was not happy and that he got the choures. he said for the guy in the band the song represent missing their families. but he also says whats great about music is everyone has their own interpertation. for him its about impossible love where geography or timing gets in the way and its just not possible

  15. anonymous
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    Apr 6th 2011 !⃝

    this is an interview from the person that wrote the song with the zac brown band. so heres what the songs really about. The Boot sat down with accomplished songwriter, Wyatt Durrette, to discuss the Zac Brown Band's latest single, 'Colder Weather.' Wyatt started the song, but it soon turned into a group collaboration with ZBB members Zac Brown and Coy Bowles, as well as Southern Ground Records artist Levi Lowrey.

    There was a girl I was seeing, who lived in Kansas City. We really liked each other, but geography and timing just wasn't working for us. She was getting pretty frustrated with the whole thing and wanted me to slow down, as far as traveling so much and all those things. I wasn't willing to do that because we were just getting started, and I'm chasing my dreams.

    I was going to see her. We were in Green Bay, Wisc. playing a show with Little Big Town, and it was pouring down snow. We were supposed to go to Kansas City the next day for some radio thing, but the radio people canceled. Instead, we just went on to wherever we were going next. I had to call her and tell her that I wasn't going to make it. She was not a happy camper. She let me have it. I hung up the phone, walked on the bus and wrote the chorus and the melody to the chorus.

    Me and Zac worked on the first chorus together. I knew the song was special. You can just tell as a writer when you've written something that has a chance to be big or special. I knew that one was.

    I sat on the song for six months after that. I did what I always do: sing it to the guys and say, "What do you think of this?" And they'll go, "Oh yeah, that's great!"

    Levi Lowrey is one of the best artists I know. He's a poet. I felt like this song needed the way he wrote, so I invited Levi over to my house one night and we wrote the rest of the verses. It turned out great. It was so weird because that same night, Coy, our guitar player, stopped by. He was just coming by my house to say hey. He didn't know we were writing. He sat down and was listening to us write the verses, and he said, "How about a bridge?" He read one to us, and we were like, "Hell yeah! That's perfect!" [laughs] So we stuck that in there, and I brought all that to Zac. Zac and I finished writing the alternate chorus in the end.

    That one's special to all of us. It holds a spot because of what we do and being away and all those things. For those guys, I think that song rings on missing their family. That's the beauty of art: everybody has their own take on what the song can mean. As for me, it's a story of impossible love where geography or timing gets in the way of it, and it's just not possible.

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