Lady Gaga - Bloody Mary Meaning

Bloody Mary Lyrics
And when you're gone I'll tell them my religion's you
When you come to kill gaga upon my lips
I'm ready for their stones.
I'll dance, dance, dance
With my hands, hands, hands,
Above my head,...
#1 top rated interpretation:Bloody Mary is actually quite a simple song, it's not that deep. It is sung from Mary Magdalene's point of view.
Lady Gaga herself said, "Bloody Mary is quite subtle actually, it's a song about Mary being divine and human at the same time, with a subtext (maybe it's not even a subtext) about the role of a woman who is supposed to be a superstar and a real woman at the same time. Not life alteringly deep perhaps but it works as a pop song."
The first verse is about how people don't understand the love Mary and Jesus had for each other, and that when he's gone she'll tell people she worshipped him. She will refuse to let Pontius kill Jesus, and will withstand any punishment (such as stoning) for this act.
Then she says she will continue to pray like he told her to, and she knows he will die so she forgives him (for leaving her) before it happens.
The chorus is her explaining that even though she feels pain, she won't show it, because she's Mary and needs to be strong, even after he's gone. Her saying, "I won't crucify the things you do" means that she won't judge or punish anything Christ does, as Pontius does.
The second verse refers to Michelangelo's statue of her and Jesus after his death, and how you cannot depict the full extent of her fury even in art form. She says she will wait for death to join him because "Je ne veux pas mourir tout seule," which means "I don't want to die alone" in French.
Then the rest is a repeat of what she says before, until te end where she says "Liberdade e Amor," which means "Freedom and Love" in Portuguese. -
#2 top rated interpretation:In my opinion it is about what Lady Gaga stated it was about,what Mary had to deal with.
She was in love with Him as one of His most devoted followers. Even after He dies, she will still follow Him and practice the religion. She will not mind if she is stoned for loving Jesus. She is known as bloody mary from a person's point of view that did not follow Jesus because she followed him. Many of His followers were despised, like Mary, for the fact that they were following Him. She will ":still be Bloody Mary because even though Jesus washed away her sins, she will still be known as bloody mary to every one else for what she believes in. She will not cry because she has to stay strong.
Every one is overthiking this. In NO way was Lady Gaga trying to offend any one or anything in anyway.
This is entirely my opinion. -
#3 top rated interpretation:Michelangelo's statue is of Mary, the mother of Jesus, not Mary Magdalene.
Why is bloody marry sound like an sacrifice for Jesus Christ song it kind of scares me to hear it on the radio-stations sometimes in the car and at home at my house and I am not interested having it on the internet or something like the radio stations
To the people getting all worked up... I'm sorry that you are upset, I can understand why someone who follows Christ would find these lyrics hard to digest but remember... It's just entertainment... Take that for what it's worth.
Normalmente tudo que vem da lady Gaga é algo satânico e com certeza essa música não é uma excessão.
When did Hollywood ever supported Christianity? Dig deep and seek truth. Of course it’s blasphemy.
And to see so many people believe it’s about Mary and Jesus in a positive way it’s said.
When did Jesus say to dance with your hands above your head. Obviously they don’t know the word of God and is how so many will fall away. -
Bloody Mary typically refers to queen Mary the first of England because she had so many people killed. Not sure how Jesus’s mother has become labeled Bloody Mary
I think that it is not right that she is using Jesus' name for a video. The message is wrong but unlike some "musicians" today there is still some truth there 'cause some "musicians" just talk about.... STUFF! I won't say anything more.
Who the hell are you to make a stupid song about Mary and Jesus. Disgusting. Did you have nothing better to write about.
This is pretty much blasphemy.
This song lacks respect to our Lord Jesus. It glorifies the fanfic that was the so called 'romantic' relationship between Mary Magdalene and our Savior.
The fact is they were never together in that way. They were at the most just friends. She followed him just like all the other disciples.
The sooner people stop believing in this fanfic like the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny, the better they can do something better with their time to contribute something meaningful to society like helping the homeless get off the street and feeding the hungry. -
Not all of these songs take any particular stand on religion, however. Some of them are merely spiritual in nature, while expressing a humanistic view that leaves an actual deity out of the scene, yours to believe or doubt.
This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
This song is about how Christianity stole "the crown" from Satanism.
"Love is just a history that they may prove
And when you're gone I'll tell them my religion's you"
Here the true satanic lady gaga tells that how Christianity used love to stole concepts from earlier existing satanism.
She - the satan - will not crucify the things which is actually done by god to his son jesus. She will not cry for such god either.
"I won't cry for you
I won't crucify the things you do
I won't cry for you, see
When you're gone I'll still be bloody Mary"
Hail Lady Monster. -
when i first listened to this song and read its lyrics i don't know what to say. another song from lady gaga which mocks Jesus. and the video is full of representations.
this website is to write your own interpretations. not to criticize what others are doing. so for those people who do, you shouldn't read here.
the song is about mary magdalene, i was not born at the time that's why i really can't say if she is at the bad side. or at the good side but is being utilized to promote alliance against the ever famous Jesus Christ. -
the song is about the "Bride" of Christ, in relation to the "Holy Blood, Holy Grail" Theory's. the line where she says "And when you're gone I'll tell them my religion's you" is a reflection on the Gnostic belief Mary M. went to Rome to tell of jesus' rebirth in to the world and to rejoice at his return, and to present an egg as a sign of this truth. the egg is often looked at as a symbol of her Child with Jesus Christ, witch would be why she would be "ready for their stones"...ect. people look over that, you can all look it up too.
This is about her love in Jesus and not being let down as he died be remembring his strengths as what he died for.
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