What do you think Born This Way means?

Lady Gaga - Born This Way Meaning

Album cover for Born This Way album cover

Covered By: Glee Cast

Born This Way Lyrics

It doesn't matter if you love him, or capital H-I-M
Just put your paws up
'Cause you were born this way, baby

My mama told me when I was young
We're all born superstars
She rolled my hair, put my lipstick on
In the glass of her...


    #1 top rated interpretation:
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    Feb 10th 2012 !⃝

    Lady Gaga was interpreting that she doesn't care if she stands out. She doesn't care if people don't like the way she looks because she likes how she looks. She doesn't judge people if they are Black/White, Gay/Lesbian, or any other race. She accepts everyone for who they are from the outside. It only matters if they are a bitch then she judges them. But mainly she means to be who you are!


    #2 top rated interpretation:
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    May 27th 2018 !⃝

    Be yourself don't let anybody change who you are and what you stand for.


    #3 top rated interpretation:
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    Oct 18th 2018 !⃝

    Hail Gaga.

    This beautiful song is about not being ashamed of who you are because, no matter who you are you are amazing. LGBTQ is not wrong, never has been and never will be. For all those idiots who believe otherwise, open your eyes, this is 2018.

    Some of my friends are bi-sexual, two are lesbian and one is transgender. I love them all heaps and Lady Gaga sent the most incredible message to all with this song.

  4. anonymous
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    Nov 23rd 2022 !⃝

    I'M 11yr old,and born this way has helped me through so much .I could not thank lady gaga enough for what she has done for me with her powerful music and kind personality.I don't understand why some people think she is demonic.some of her music may sound like it, but if you see her on stage inviting people to go on stage and sing with her , and making people's day,you will see how much of and angel she is.LOVE YOU LADY GAGA

  5. anonymous
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    Jan 31st 2022 !⃝

    Inspired by 1990s music which empowered women, minorities, and the LGBT community, Gaga explained that "Born This Way" was her freedom son

  6. anonymous
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    Apr 6th 2021 !⃝

    I'm a huge fan of gaga, i wouldn't sleep without listening to her songs. At first i became her fan by seeing her talent, who wouldn't agree that she's talented.?!.... I'm personally a strong believer of Christianity. So days passed by i listen gaga songs everyday but her lyrics are too obvious that she's been trying to mention that she's a illuminatist, even though i listen to her songs, but i personaly won't follow or agree to her intentions I'd listen in a way that i love the rythm and beat and of course the lyrics of some of her songs, but eventually something in my mind tells me not to listen to her songs as a true believer of Christianity, so i analysed and studied the hidden messages that she's been trying to say the whole time. After a proper analysis with some references i came to know by my heart that she's truly a devil worshipper, guys please be aware, you know by your heart that what she's tryyna say the whole time, at first it was so hard for me to admit that she's a devil worshipper but everything is way too damn obvious....the guy who wrote this blog i can truly understand your feelings and what you trying to say ...but guys like us have let everyone aware of what they are doing unknowingly or knowingly by listening to her songs.... what iam trying to say is, 'listen to her songs, but do not believe what she says, atleast'; you know what I am trying to say, her music composing talent and her singing talents are fascinating no one can deny it...but we must never let her intentions come true... this guy who wrote this blog about the born this way song is 100% true this isn't the only song she's trying to say to follow Satanism almost every song in this album is like that...it doesn't matter how you took the lyrics either literally or metaphorically,l you know by your heart what you are doing so please be aware of everything, and pray to lord Jesus he'll guide you to the right path or he'll show you the hidden things the influencers trying to say ...even after if you repeat the same mistake it'd be an unforgivable sin ....we are all humans so we can change as fast as god ...so take your own time and argue with your mind amd take the right decision to your life, even I'm saying this to you but I'm also one of yourself but im atleast started trying to change my self
    .... I'm also a bisexual mostly a gay....but what i did in the past was believed gaga that i almost admitted as a gay.... but now im praying to god everyday to change that kind of intentions ...and I'm dead sure that lord will help me to get rid of this shit and finally i acknowledged what is right amd what is wrong.... but still im listening to her songs I'm aahamed to say this but eventually I'd stop and now I'm on the process of abandoning all of this devil's tricks hoping god will help me through ...

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  7. anonymous
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    Jul 5th 2020 !⃝

    Come on people! This song is NOT about anything religious, i.e. Jesus punishing those who are gay, or bisexual, or transgender, or something, this song is about being yourself and accepting the fact that you cannot change it if you are born with some quirks. Also, one other thing. If you are actually bothering to read this, then I have something important. I am of Jewish faith. I am different from others. I stand out in my whole neighborhood. I was born that way. I can’t change what other people think about it, but I can accept the fact that I was born this way, baby!

  8. anonymous
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    Apr 20th 2019 !⃝

    She says that God didn’t make a mistake making her the way she is. She was born that way and are taking pride in that The subway kid is also a play of the milkway man/subway sand-witches, referring to children who are neglected by parents of industrialisation and marketing schemes. The “I love this record” part may be a reference to “Just Dance”. Evergreen might also be referencing the colour of an American bank note. i believe she says “transgender”. “transgend*red” is an offensive term

  9. anonymous
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    Feb 13th 2019 !⃝

    They range from blistering blasts of criticism for the powers that rule, to melancholy observations of how we've always had problems and always will, to even cheerful and upbeat songs that point out the optimistic view of society.

  10. anonymous
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    Mar 24th 2014 !⃝

    Capital H.I.M. refers to His IMPERIAL majesty Haile Selassie I, the emperor of Ethiopia whom Rastafarians believe was and is the incarnation of Jesus Christ, so my interpretation is that she is suggesting that no matter what your faith is or whom you worship, we are all equal.

  11. anonymous
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    Oct 8th 2013 !⃝

    This song is a very good example of a song with social commentary because it conveys a very obvious message. The song is about accepting yourself regardless of where you come from or your appearance and being who you are, not trying to change yourself to fit in. The song also is about that everybody is free to make their own decisions and people will support you instead of judge. In this song Lady Gaga is encouraging people to be themselves and I think it’s a great message to convey to society.

  12. anonymous
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    Aug 13th 2013 !⃝

    There is nothing wrong with who you are you were born the way you are and no matter who you are.

  13. anonymous
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    May 6th 2013 !⃝

    I think it is about being who you are, regardless of what you look like or who you choose to love. Everyone is their own person and this song reminds us of that. No one forces us to make the decisions that we make. I'm autistic and this is my theme song. For those who are offended by the lyrics, don't be a drag; just be a queen.

  14. anonymous
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    Sep 11th 2012 !⃝

    Somebody had told me that the meaning of Capital H I M was His Infernal Majesty....

  15. anonymous
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    Sep 7th 2012 !⃝

    Born this way is about:

    1. loving yourself and being proud

    2. being born over and over again until you find the most fantastic part of yourself, that makes you the happinest.

    3. Lady gaga shows that she loves her little monsters like a mother her kids. no matter how they are and from the bottom of her heart.

  16. beaver
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    Jul 25th 2012 !⃝

    Lady Gag is like Madonna, Cher, Liza Manelli, Barbra Streisand, Kathy Griffin--in that they love to pander to the gay crowd an order to become filthy rich while their minions become dirt poor buying all their over-the-top, over-rated and over-priced concert tickets, DVDs, CDs, movies, ringtones, t-shirts, perfume, Kmart inspired garments, bedspreads, house paint, pillows, shoes, diet pills. The list is endless. Ever wonder why "they" make millions for a single, one night appearance and you can't even make rent? This is not happenchance. This is preordained. Not by God, not by Target or Walmart but by the marketing department of any one of the large studios. Its a no-brainer. The formula is a proven gold mine.

    Said formula: Pretend you're enamored with the gay lifestyle by saying and doing all the things gay people love to hear or see such as: "...you go bitch", "...hey girlfriend" or wear loud and wild and colorful flowing clothers with a copious about of cleavage showing or make sexual references of ANY kind, especially homosexual ones.

    See folks; "Celebrity" performers such as Madonna and Gaga are first and foremost attracted to sex---then people. Starting to get my drift?

    When Lady Gaga et al. realizes that the only group that has money at the end of the day are gay folk, this is when the phony gay-pandering kicks in. Mix some tawdry remarks and an abundant amount of tits and ass (albeit good looking ass),and a customer base of mostly free-wheeling AND free spending single people who like booze, well the cocktail for separating you from your wallet has been poured.

    One last brain fart. "Born this Way"
    Lady Gag is like Madonna, Cher, Liza Manelli, Barbra Streisand, Kathy Griffin--in that they love to pander to the gay crowd an order to become filthy rich while their minions become dirt poor buying all their over-the-top, over-rated and over-priced concert tickets, DVDs, CDs, movies, ringtones, t-shirts, perfume, Kmart inspired garments, bedspreads, house paint, pillows, shoes, diet pills. The list is endless. Ever wonder why "they" make millions for a single, one night appearance and you can't even make rent? This is not happenchance. This is preordained. Not by God, not by Target or Walmart but by the marketing department of any one of the large studios. Its a no-brainer. The formula is a proven gold mine.

    Said formula: Pretend you're enamored with the gay lifestyle by saying and doing all the things gay people love to hear or see such as: "...you go bitch", "...hey girlfriend" or wear loud and wild and colorful flowing clothers with a copious about of cleavage showing or make sexual references of ANY kind, especially homosexual ones.

    See folks; "Celebrity" performers such as Madonna and Gaga are first and foremost attracted to sex---then people. Starting to get my drift?

    When Lady Gaga et al. realizes that the only group that has money at the end of the day are gay folk, this is when the phony gay-pandering kicks in. Mix some tawdry remarks and an abundant amount of tits and ass (albeit good looking ass),and a customer base of mostly free-wheeling AND free spending single people who like booze, well the cocktail for separating you from your wallet has been poured.

    One last brain fart. "Born this Way" was conceived and masterminded by the gay lobbist in Hollywood, SF, Miami, NY and Fargo ND, an order to stop the perceived notion that gay kids are bullied more then "regular kids" and that "gaykids" need special protection from Hag Hating Hetros.

    All the above mentioned "ladies" have collectively come to the same conclusion in that if they can pretend to be on the "gay side" on issues then the money flows from
    one wallet or clutch into another bigger wallet or clutch.

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  17. anonymous
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    Jun 19th 2012 !⃝

    I think the meaning of this song is we are strong because of god and our mother :).

  18. anonymous
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    Apr 30th 2012 !⃝

    There is no more literal songs from Gaga like Born This Way. The message is very accurate and easy to understand. Love who you are regardless of what others think or say. Everyone is born who they were meant to be, whether it is one's destiny to be Gay, Straight or Bisexual, Lesbian or Transgendered life. Don't hide yourself in regrets or mistakes from your past, just love yourself today and everything will be okay. Honor and cherish the superstar that we are all born to be, and express it, but don't hide who you are.

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