What does Where Is My Mind? mean?

The Pixies: Where Is My Mind? Meaning

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Song Released: 1988

Where Is My Mind? Lyrics

Oh - stop

With your feet in the air and your head on the ground
Try this trick and spin it, yeah
Your head will collapse
But there's nothing in it
And you'll ask yourself

Where is my mind [3x]

Way out in the water
See it...


    #1 top rated interpretation:
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    May 14th 2014 !⃝

    I interpret this song to be a little more morbid than others have, but bear with me I think you'll agree.

    "With your feet in the air and your head on the ground" I see this as someone falling head first towards the ground, possibly suicide but definitely death. The moment of impact is when their head is just touching the ground.

    "Try this trick and spin it" means to show you a way to distract yourself before you die.

    "Your head will collapse but there's nothing in it" means you may die but your mind will not be inside you when you do. You'll be miles away thinking about a beautiful experience you had.

    I plan on doing exactly this before I die. Thank you Frank Black.


    #2 top rated interpretation:
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    Nov 4th 2020 !⃝

    I think this song represents feeling a turning point in life where you realise.. What am I doing? But not in a negative way; it feels like an enlightenment. This song feels so powerful even with few lyrics- despite that, the lyrics that are there radiate carefree and trippy. "With your feet in the air and your head on the ground". It's like nothing matters. No worries, no pain, no stress. Carefree.


    #3 top rated interpretation:
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    May 7th 2009 !⃝

    This song was inspired by the lead singer's trip to the Caribbean. He was at a turning point of his life, he realized he didn't know what he was doing with his life. His drug use never reached a dangerous level or heavy such as other artists but he realized he was losing his mind, so to speak.

    It's a great song and many interpretations can be derived from the lyrics. This song has a style (not sound) that resembles Bush in this sense; By that I mean in a way the band wanted people to take what their own interpretations from the song.

    Simply put, this song is about the confusion the lead singer experienced at a lonely time in his life.

    Absolutely beautiful. Enjoy.

  4. anonymous
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    Feb 15th 2021 !⃝

    In my personal interpretation, this song is about swimming. The writers of this song love to swim especially in the Caribbean and have stated this many times in different interviews. The rest of the song is utter nonsense.

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  5. anonymous
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    Dec 3rd 2019 !⃝

    I think this song, at least to me is being trapped in the grip of addiction and slowly your losing your mind because of the drugs and you just cant seem to find a way out..

  6. Bullfrog
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    Jul 10th 2012 !⃝

    Humans are not yet evolved enough to understand the subtle sounds and gestures of small carribean fish. Maybe one day

  7. kandie
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    Jun 6th 2012 !⃝

    Amazing tune.
    To me, this song is about just tripping through life, and i dont nessasarily mean tripping on drugs, but rather your freedom or care free life... No worrys no stress no cares no responsabilities...just tripping..
    "With your feet in the air and your head on the ground, try this trick and spin it, yeah. Your head will collapse but theres nothing in it and youll ask yourself, where is my mind"
    I think this verse is telling us to try to trip through life a bit, and in doing so we will find all the burdons that build up over time will begin to ease...and all the stress worries cares and burdons that cluttered our minds and caused pressure annoyance n anger in time will fade, leaving us with one question..where is my mind?

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