What does that song mean?

Music News Wrap-Up 6/28/13

Posted Jun 28th 2013, 20:26 by Penguin Pete

Catch the new music+Internet documentary film Downloaded


Spin got a sneak preview of the soon-to-be-released documentary film Downloaded, and gives it a review here. The lucky ducks. The film follows the rise of Napster, the legendary file-sharing service that brought digital music to the masses - and brought lawsuits to the founders.


R.I.P.: Devo's Alan Myers


Alan Myers of Devo fame passed away June 25th, after a battle with cancer. Myers may have left Devo citing lack of satisfaction with his artistic muse, but fans remember him forever as their favorite Devo drummer.


Well, we have to do it now: Here is the song that made Devo Devo, with percussion by the "Human Metronome" himself.



Gail Zappa claims trademark to Captain Beefheart


Gail, the widow of The Prophet Frank Zappa, peace be upon his name, has apparently acquired the trademark rights to the name of Captain Beefheart, aka Don Van Vliet, the longtime collaborator of her husband. This is raising a bit of hubbub in the music world, because Gail is known to be a bit tenacious defending the rights to her husband's work. Captain Beefheart fans might also wonder if this is what he would have wanted.


David Lynch did a video for Nine Inch Nails


Strap on a helmet so it doesn't make a mess when it blows your mind, because here's Nine Inch Nails' new video, directed by David Lynch. Lynch and Nails go way back - NIN contributed quite a bit of the soundtrack to the film Lost Highway. "Came Back Haunted," get it while its hot.


Anthony Keidis got jumped by security guards on his way into a Rolling Stones concert


What's a Pepper got to do to get into a concert? A bodyguard choked Keidis for comign into a Rolling Stones concert, because he mistook him for a fan. Because... that's what you do to fans. Keidis is fine, if a little miffed, but says in his defense, "I love the Rolling Stones!"


Finally, everybody get up and dance to the end of DOMA


Billboard magazine posts "25 Great Gay Moments In Music" to celebrate the historical civil rights victory for people of minority lifestyles in the US. We should declare June 21st "Gay Day" and make it mandatory that everybody is gay on that day, like it or not.



I call dibs on Rick Santorum. He's the only guy I have a crush on.



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