What does Losing My Mind mean?

Daughtry: Losing My Mind Meaning

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Song Released: 2011

Losing My Mind Lyrics

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  1. Leberist
    click a star to vote
    Dec 6th 2011 !⃝

    Although, I've never experienced meeting a girl like this on a train, I've meet a girl and felt a similar way. This song is fairly simple to understand: guy meets awesome girl, has to look twice to make sure he isn't imagining, he makes his move and things happen as they ought to - love. He is is crazy about her, she's causing him to lose his mind. He thinks about her all the time, every minute of everyday. Every motion, everything she says, how she says it, her eyes, her face, everything about her drives him crazy with passion.

    My favorite part is: "one part angel and one part danger". Daughtry turned quite a phrase here. Meeting your "angel" always feels a little dangerous, not life-threating dangerous, but the danger of falling in love. It's a strangely stupendous feeling to lose your mind over a girl, in retrospect, it's outright crazy.

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