What does Sugar, We're Goin Down mean?

Fall Out Boy: Sugar, We're Goin Down Meaning

Album cover for Sugar, We're Goin Down album cover

Song Released: 2005

Sugar, We're Goin Down Lyrics

Am I more than you bargained for yet
I've been dying to tell you anything you want to hear
Cause that's just who I am this week
Lie in the grass, next to the mausoleum
I'm just a notch in your bedpost
But you're just a line in a song

  1. anonymous
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    Nov 19th 2005 !⃝

    Urm, this has been done to death, but I thought I'd voice my opinion anyway.
    "Loaded god complex, cock it and pull it" - I kind of thought he was referring to how detrimental having a God complex can be. Thinking you're above everyone else, etc. For instance, if the general consensus of opinion is true, and it's about a guy wanting to be with someone he can't be with, because they're supposed to have a strictly 'no strings' sexually based relationship, then he could be thinking how his arrogance in this situation (thinking he could hack it when he cant) has led to his downfall, and him being in love with the girl.

    Reading through, doesn't make sense really, but sending anyway...

  2. xxmisspiggyxx
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    Nov 18th 2005 !⃝

    Alright, NONE of you guys know what you're talking about, and OBVIOUSLY none of you love fall out boy as much as you say you do because any TRUE fan would know EXACTLY what they're talking about and what they mean. So I guess because I'm the ONLY one who's a true fan, I'll tell you what it all means.

    Whis guy is TOTALLY messing with you and wanting you to get confused... but seriously... when he sings "we're going down, down" what he REALLY is saying is:

    And then, this whole "loaded god complex, cock it and pull it" he is SUCH a chicken slayer! He cuts off their heads!!! Hence the word, COCK! Then once he realizes that those chickens aren't going "down, down" that easy, he pulls out their tailfeathers ( ....and pull it) it's all a metaphor of how he used to be an all time champion boxer whose name was "the Almighty" (ahem... god complex anyone?) but had a horrible match w/ a guy whose fighter name was "Chicken X"... and he lost in round one! hence "we're going down, down in an EARLIER ROUND!" he thought he was going to beat this guy, but then got his butt kicked, so in return, plagued his revenge on his enemies alias! (a chicken)!

    Okay, all of you are WRONG about "drop a heart..." it is SO "TRABAJAR!" LISTEN TO IT! he's singing.. WORK! IN SPANISH!

    And "we're always sleeping in, and sleeping for the wrong team" that's all about how he goes to bed too late and sleeps in all the time because he hasn't invested in a good alarm clock, AND he keeps rooting for the wrong team! (i.e. Chicken X) and when it comes to rooting for the right team, he's always sleeping! Again, no alarm clock!

    "I'll be your number one with a bullet" is him trying to boost his ego about his horrible loss to Chicken X, so basically he's trying to talk smack, saying that the NEXT round, he'll be swinging so fast that his fists will be like bullets and he'll win! Number 1!

    So honestly guys, I know that you think life is about love and jealousy and relationships and all greasy things like that, but seriously... It's not. It's about boxing! Simply put. ALL of it. life is just one big boxing match!

    And that's the rest of the story...

  3. xxmisspiggyxx
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    Nov 18th 2005 !⃝

    I forgot to mention this in my last post...
    but when he says "we're going down down in an earlier round" this could ONLY mean that the protagonist is in a boxing match and he is losing sooner than he expected because it is only round one. I don't know where you guys got all those other bogus "ideas" from as to what this line could mean.

    sorry kids...the truth hurts....

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  4. anonymous
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    Nov 16th 2005 !⃝

    The band have said themselves it's 'a loaded god complex.'

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  5. anonymous
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    Nov 11th 2005 !⃝

    Ok, there's like a million interpretations for this song, but I'll put my 2 cents in just because.

    This song is the first one I had heard by Fall Out Boy when I first saw the video. It grew on me and I really got into it, so the Sugar We're Goin Down interpretation is coming easy for me. I'll do the whole song, why not?

    "am I more than you bargained for yet?
    i been dying to tell you
    anything, you wanna hear
    cause that's just who I am this week"
    That, in my opinion, means that this guy would tell this girl anything she wants to hear just so she'll love him too, but that's just the way he's feeling at the moment.

    "lie in the grass
    next to the mausoleum
    i'm just a notch in your bedpost
    but you're just a line in a song"
    He's sitting back and thinking about the situation next to a mausoleum, perhaps thinking about death and hurting. and for the "notch in your bedpost" part, it means that they had slept together and she wrote him off afterwards, but he wants her back. he wants it to seem as if she doesn't mean anything to him anymore, though she means the world.

    "drop a heart, break a name
    we're always sleeping in, and sleeping, for the wrong team
    we're goin down, down in an earlier round
    and sugar we're goin down swinging
    i'll be your number one with a bullet
    a loaded god complex cock it and pull it"

    Peterpan switched the words around to mess with our pretty little minds, it should be "drop a name, break a heart" obviously. he's always with the wrong person, for the "we're always sleeping in, and sleeping, for the wrong team" part. he's diving off the wrong end and going down swinging (not literally of course, dur) and he knows it's wrong but he can't quit hurting himself this way. i'm not sure about the loaded god complex part, but the "cock it and pull it" part means to just shoot himself or her, because anyone who saw the video would know that when Patrick and Peter sang that part, the girl's father was about to shoot him.

    "is this more than you bargained for yet?
    oh, don't mind me
    I'm watching you two from the closet
    wishing to be the friction in your jeans
    isn't it messed up?
    how i'm just dying to be him
    i'm just a notch in your bedpost
    but you're just a line in a song
    we're going down, down...
    take aim at myself, take back what you said"(background)
    This is where they're at the point to face up to a decision on what to do. and how he's secretly observing her relationship with another guy and how it's killing him inside. he wants to be her guy, but he can't. I explained the "notch in your bedpost" part earlier. and when he says "take aim at myself, take back what you said" he wants to kill himself over her and he wants her to take back what she said so that everything will return to normal. they're both in so far in the deep end that he can't let her go and clearly he doesn't want to. he loves her and it's killing him inside that she doesn't love him back and that she's with another guy.

    Ok, that's my personal take on the whole song (which is my favorite band and song) so anyone crazy enough to read my entire review can email me (KTRocks05@yahoo.com) about your opinions and thoughts because the more I learn about fall out boy, the more I grow to respect and like the band. Thanks for your time people!
    KATIE! at the disco...lol :D

  6. yourexsilly
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    Nov 7th 2005 !⃝

    You understood it wrong, xOBreak..etc. He meant "this is what guys do when they think about you in bed" for when he licked his bass, not the song. It's an opening. And who says everything Pete says is TOTALLY SERIOUS?

  7. x0BreakDance0x
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    Nov 7th 2005 !⃝

    And for you who don't believe Martini Kiss on the Hard Rock Live, Pete said this is what boys do when they are at home thinking about you. He addressed that to the girls and Pete has said more than once it's about masturbation.

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  8. Catt
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    Nov 7th 2005 !⃝

    I think this song is basically about a boy who is into a girl but she doesn't really take much notice, its like she knows he's into her but doesnt act upon it. She's fooling around with other guys and he wishes he was the one that was with her.

  9. anonymous
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    Nov 6th 2005 !⃝

    It's about Pete being unsure of himself and the epidemic that is Fall Out Boy. "Am I more then you bargained for yet?" he doesn't know if hes good enough for his fans yet and he's asking you that.

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  10. anonymous
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    Nov 6th 2005 !⃝

    This song has nothing to do with masturbation, being gay, or wanting another girl. It's all about how they feel about Fall Out Boy in general. Ya'll are just stupid idiots that think they're into FOB because they're on TRL and whatnot.

    "Number 1 with a bullet" They'll be our #1 but not the way they want to be.
    "loaded god complex cock it and pull it" god complex is when you think you're better than everyone else or at a higher power then everyone else. If FOB were to get this way then I'm sure they would stop with this music stuff or whatever.

  11. anonymous
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    Nov 6th 2005 !⃝

    Wow, so many people only look at the surface. the song has nothing to do with a guy that likes a girl or whatever. I know I'm right because the the writer of the song has explained it many times.

    This anonymous person started correctly:
    "I think that a part of the interpretation that is missing has to do with the phrase, "I'll be your number one with a bullet" which is probably a proper use of the phrase. It basically means the best or the first, and with a vengance or passion, and it comes from the way songs are listed in Billboards. Being number one is at the top of the charts, while a bullet signifies that the album or single sold better this week than the previous week, indicating it is continously gaining popularity" -----however they went on to talk about some bullshit.

    This anonymous person was COMPLETELY right: "The song is about Fall Out Boy trying to live up to what people expected of them before this album was released. "Am I more that you barganed for yet, I've been dying to tell you anything you wanna' hear, cause that's just who I am this week" The above is exactly the right interpretation, Pete Wentz has said it numerous times, and I think he would know, seeing as he was the one who wrote the lyrics." ---the song is about everyone expecting them to get bigger and better. about living up to expectations. and its true Peter Wentz (the lyricist) has explained this many times.

    This anonymous person was annoying: "Fall Out Boy's lyrics don't have any relevance to anything because they are written only to be catchy and fit right in with every other mainstream song. But since this singer wears a "trendy" hat, people think that they are something new and groundbreaking. Bullshit." ---just cuz something is popular and catchy does not mean it has no meaning. theyve been around for years, before Sugar and before From Under The Cork Tree. their lyrics have always meant something.

    This anonymous person was annoying as well: "In any case, you can't ignore the homoerotic content. Even the video... antlers.... the kid's part deer... queer, get it? No, of course you don't." ---yes, there are things that sound "gay" and the original line was "wishing to be the friction in HIS jeans". but the song was NOTHING to do with being gay. the guys in fall out boy like to act silly and put those little things in there on purpose. they admitted to it. they wanted to sound gay. but the song IS NOT about some kid that's queer. (no offense to anyone that is...and fall out boy isn't making fun of homosexuals either so I hope no one starts ranting about that...)

    Okay, I'm done. I was really bored. I have no life.

  12. anonymous
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    Nov 6th 2005 !⃝

    I've read from Pete in a interview that the beginning of the song is about how they as a band are just lying like the rest of the musicians out there. "Am I more then you bargained for yet, <i>I've been dying to tell you anything you wanna hear</i> cause that's just who I am this week"

    The beginning part is about how they're just feeding you information that you want to hear. As for the the rest of the song, I agree with the anonymous person about me.

  13. anonymous
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    Nov 4th 2005 !⃝

    I used to sing this song a lot and no one would get it.

    I guess it's about someone hanving a crush on a member of the same sex.

    From a girl's (my) point of view:

    "Is this more than you bargained for yet?
    Oh don't mind me I'm watching you two from the closet
    Wishing to be the friction in your jeans
    Isn't it messed up how I'm just dying to be him?"

    Closet: gay closet
    How I'm just dying to be him.

    Could also apply as being sung by an in-closet male about an out and proud one that has a relationship.

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  14. anonymous
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    Nov 2nd 2005 !⃝

    This song has been interpreted a ton but for what it's worth...

    I think it doesn't matter who the lovers are in this song, but in my mind it's about a guy who feels like a loser, sort of. I get the feeling he's not that cool, or at least doesn't think he is.

    He had a relationship (most likely a short one or one night stand) with this girl but she was too cool for him or left him pretty fast because she didn't share his feelings for her (so he's just "a notch in your bedpost" so to speak).

    So now he's jealous because she has a new guy (possibly hotter or more popular or whatever) and they're making out and stuff and he can only look on and watch.
    (kinda the whole "uncool guy gets dumped for popular guy and is sad/jealous/etc." type concept)

    The "drop a heart, break a name/ we're always sleeping in and sleeping for the wrong team..." part seems to be a commentary on how everyone just uses each other for sex in today's world, and steals each other's partners and whatever.

    This whole song is sorta a commentary on that, I guess.

    I guess it could be about gay men but to me it will always be about a guy and a girl.

    As for the loaded gun complex, who cares? Everyone can interpret that however they like.

  15. lolabrt
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    Nov 2nd 2005 !⃝

    This song has a hint of jealousy in it. The singer wants to be this girl's boyfriend, but he's not. "I'm just a notch in your bedpost but you're just a line in a song" indicates that he means nothing to her, and he's trying to make it seem like she means the same to him. But it's not working too well. The chorus is about their relationship failing miserably in "an earlier round" because they don't even have a relationship. "I'll be your number one with a bullet, a loaded God complex cock it and pull it" means that she might as well be killing him because he hurts so much.

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