What does When the Day Met the Night mean?

Panic! At The Disco: When the Day Met the Night Meaning

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When the Day Met the Night Lyrics

when the moon fell in love with the sun all was golden in the sky all was golden when the day met the night when the sun found the moon she was drinking tea in her garden under the green umbrella trees in the middle of summer when the moon found...


    #1 top rated interpretation:
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    Oct 24th 2016 !⃝

    I believe this song is about Brendon and Ryan. Ryan being the moon and Brendon being the sun. If you think about it, in northern downpour, "Hey moon, don't you go down" is like Ryan not really wanting to leave the band. In impossible year Brendon sings, "there's no sunshine", possibly meaning that he doesn't feel like himself or is unhappy. Just an assumption, but I'd really like to know what they mean by summer, because a lot of songs include it...


    #2 top rated interpretation:
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    Aug 16th 2009 !⃝

    This song is the love song that Ryan wrote for his previous girlfriend, Keltie Colleen. In it, he was the sun and she was the moon, which can be gathered from the lyrics.

    The lines 'when the moon found the sun, he looked like he was barely hanging on, but her eyes saved his life in the middle of summer', Ryan and Keltie met when she danced for them on stage at the VMA's, which is also the year they won the VMA for video of the year for sins. If this was in 2006, the performance was not long after Ryan's father passed away, but I could be wrong.

    The lines 'well he was just hanging around, then he fell in love, and he didn't know how, but he couldn't get out, just hanging around then he fell in love in the middle of summer' was his realization that he met someone pretty awesome in his life, but it was a sudden turn of events that he didn't see coming.

    Overall, this song is beautiful.


    #3 top rated interpretation:
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    Apr 22nd 2010 !⃝

    Through out history masculine energy is represented as "day" or the "sun", Father Sun and Mother Moon etc etc. The moon and the sun represent the duality of life. Black and White, Ying and Yang energies.

    When the day is ending and the night begins, it's twilight or "golden" hours. During twilight hours, day and night become one.

    To me, this is a love story how a girl saves a boy. It's a beautiful story, how her strength and good positive energy with her "smile" "saves his life".

    She loved him when they first met and knew then but through her patience and good heart, he fell in love with her.
    "When the moon fell in love with the sun
    All was golden in the sky"

    He didn't really expect to fall in love with her, he was just hanging out, chillin, then one day realized he'd fallen in love with her, as how I believe it is with men.

    Green umbrella trees are shade trees. Could have something to do with the oneness of nature.

    This song speaks greatly to me about the duality and oneness in life. How two seemingly opposite entities merge to become and that is what creates love. It's a very enlightened song and it does not follow general social cliques of a man courting a women but rather a happy women's love to a man saving his life.

  4. anonymous
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    Jul 30th 2022 !⃝

    It kind of just seems to tell the story of a sunset/sunrise. When the sun and moon see each other (right when the sun is setting because both the sun and moon are peeking over the horizon), the sky turns to gold (orange).

  5. anonymous
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    Jun 20th 2018 !⃝

    I feel like it’s the one about the girl getting kidnapped because of the screaming at the end in the last 20 seconds there’s chattering then what sounds like kids panicking and then a scream. And another thing I read was that a tea party in a garden sounds a lot like a little girl with her friends

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  6. anonymous
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    Oct 24th 2016 !⃝

    If you think about it this song is actually about the the two most opposites finding each other, and helping each other to show them whats true love an actually be, and again They might be two opposites but they have more in common then anything, because think about!
    The Sun shines at the day giving light to us While the moon does the same but in at the night.

    So actually the song is about how the Sun have brighten the moons heart, while the moon did the same for the sun. they make each other happy.

    and when you hear the song you¨ll hear that the moon asks the sun just to talk and give him a little smile.
    while The sun said "Ok" but only if he promises to her to never break her little heart.
    First as we all know the moon was there just to hangout. but then he realised that he couldn´t leave her, because he fell in love with her, so he would shine her days with his bright shine, and keeping his promise.
    and what the sun did is give him the smile to him bright his day and night, and they know they have found the one, and then you know they will be and love each other more then ever.


  7. anonymous
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    Jan 21st 2016 !⃝

    I think it is about two people with differences falling in love with each other. Kinda reminds me of joy and sadness from Inside out XD

  8. anonymous
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    Oct 5th 2014 !⃝

    I'm literally ten thousand percent sure this is about Ryan and Brendon. I think this because

    1. In Trade mistakes Brendon mentions 'I won't fall asleep tonight as long as you're still burning bright' (The sun, Ryan. The moon, Bren) This could be because of the break up with the band and how he misses Ryan.

    2. Ryan has a song called 'Lonely Moonlight' which could be about Ryan feeling bad about leaving him, he uses lyrics like:

    remembering when you were mine

    Lonely moonlight, lonely moonlight

    When I had a younger heart,

    you told me not to fear the dark

    Lonely moonlight

    Someone I love loves someone else

    ^^ Could be about Sarah

    So I'm pretty sure this is the time that they were still 'in love' and wrote this song about it.

  9. anonymous
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    May 23rd 2012 !⃝

    this song is simple to comprehend, but for the biggest question: who is the guy, and who is the girl, I say the sun is guy, and the moon is the girl. Ryan had a scholarship for literature/english, and in english literature, the moon is always the girl. it dates back to the romans and greeks, for the goddess Diana's symbol was the moon. and since this is Ryan who wrote this, being savvy in literature, it would make sense for the moon to be the girl. and it does make sense in the song, when you look at it in a different perspective..

  10. anonymous
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    Apr 22nd 2012 !⃝

    Loving it! I can relate this song as like i'm the sun and he be the moon. I love him forever no matter what.

  11. anonymous
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    Mar 10th 2012 !⃝

    It's about a guy and a girl who fall in low and are like completely different. But they are the same.

  12. anonymous
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    Mar 10th 2012 !⃝

    Well, after reading countless interpretations, I think it talks about a guy and a girl. The guy being the sun, tending to be consistent. And the girl changing.

    So basically, the sun was just hanging out with friends or casually alone. He meets the moon and she's completely opposite from him. He doesn't know how, but he falls in love with her. And like any girl, she tells him not to break her heart. And of course it's in the middle of summer. The middle could possibly mean 12 am, known as twilight or like between day and night.
    Anyway, they hit it off well.

    Idk about the end when you here screaming. I think that in the end, he winds up breaking her heart and she screams "Let me go! Get away! Etc." and they both wind up having conflicted emotions and such.

    This reminds me of Grease.

  13. anonymous
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    Dec 29th 2011 !⃝

    opposites attract is another possibility, songs are interpenetrated differently with everyone, its interesting

  14. anonymous
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    Jun 3rd 2011 !⃝

    It sounds like it's based off the fairy tale by George MacDonald The Day Boy and the Night Girl. There's a lot in common with the book and this song.

  15. anonymous
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    Jun 1st 2011 !⃝

    I'm not sure exactly who the actual people in the song are. I don't know if its Ryan and Keltie; however, I think its obviously a love song.
    I think the guy that is the moon feels like his world is dark and he's barely hanging on. When he sees the sun, his world is brighter. If it weren't for the sun, people wouldn't even notice the moon, because it's illuminated by the sun's light. I think that's how he feels about this girl.
    He knew the girl was special right off the bat, but for whatever reason he didnt expect to fall in love with her. They started out as friends and it developed into more.
    I think the sun and the moon also represent the fact that the people are opposites. They are similar in many ways, but from an outsiders perspective, they seem to be opposites.

  16. anonymous
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    Aug 5th 2010 !⃝

    Yeah...it's about a rapist and a little girl he kidnaps. Did you happen to hear the last few seconds?

    Thanks, TV Tropes, for pointing this out to me. I really appreciate the Nightmare Fuel.

  17. bennn
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    Oct 18th 2009 !⃝

    It's about a down and out dude meeting a chick and his life is gets better. jizz

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  18. kevmm325
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    Apr 7th 2009 !⃝

    The song in my opinion is clearly a fairytale which begins with the moon and sun falling in love and all being golden (When the moon fell in love with the sun
    All was golden in the sky
    All was golden when the day met the night)

    The next stanza talks about the moon hanging out in a garden drinking tea. The moon hadn't ever really seen the sun because she's away or just coming when he's there and when he's leaving she's coming.

    (When the sun found the moon
    She was drinking tea in a garden
    Under the green umbrella trees
    In the middle of summer
    When the moon found the sun
    He looked like he was barely hanging on
    But her eyes saved his life
    In the middle of summer)

    When they finally do run into each other she's brightens the suns day because he's barely hanging on from working all the time in the middle of the summer and he wanted to meet her but didn't know how to approach her. He also didn't want anything bad to happen and so that's why he waited for her to approach him, it's his usual style. oddly enough when he met the moon it was the first time that he was able to feel the intensity of his own heat, for you see he's never had a star come that close to him before.

    (In the middle of summer
    All was golden in the sky
    All was golden when the day met the night)

    in the next stanza the sun makes his move on the moon by asking her if it would be alright if they could talk for awhile, he even promises to give her a smile. The sun works with smiles all day so he thinks maybe she came to see him smile. But she want's more, she wants to be with him and makes the sun promise not to break her heart.

    (So he said, "Would it be alright
    If we just sat and talked for a little while?
    If, in exchange for your time, I give you this smile."
    So she said, "That's okay as long as you can make a promise
    Not to break my little heart
    Or leave me alone in the summer.")

    The sun feels overwhelmed by the moon and wants to be with her all the time but has to go to work, but then he does somethnig that he doesn't usually do, he missed work, which was just fine by the moon.

    (Well he was just hanging around
    Then he fell in love
    He didn't know how, but he couldn't get out
    In the middle of summer
    All was golden in the sky
    All was golden when the day met the night
    In the summer
    All was golden in the sky
    All was golden when the day met the night)

    The sun is a conservative gentleman, while the moon is a charismatic leader. The moon has everyone wanting to go see her up close but she only had eyes for the sun, which is why she went to see him. This worked out well for the sun and the moon because they both ended up falling in love.

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