What does Reap mean?

The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus: Reap Meaning

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Song Released: 2011

Reap Lyrics

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  1. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Aug 22nd 2014 !⃝

    I believe this is a song from the perspective of one friend, lover, or acquaintance, to another. I believethis whole song has a religious undertone to it, and hes offering advice/warning this associate of his. Hence the chorus, "if you gain the world by trading your soul, remember you reap just whag you sow." Im not sure if the band is religious, i believe they are, but my point is, what it seems like to me is that he is reaching out to someone who is losing theirfaith, or possibly losing touch of who they are, both could apply. He is obviously fond of this person, though his patience is wearing thin and they are not his mistales to make, or perhaps he is an outsider looking on at a person's life
    He sees someone, as many others before, trading their soulfor earthly gains, "the world", "remember you reap jist what yousow" leads to them "getting what theydeserve, their own place in hell" hes trying to get them to see the consequences of their actions, but is forced to letthem go. "Blinded by big city lights,(desiring earthly glories, big cities, rockstars, riches, fame, its a metaphor) im not saving you tonight, i know thats what you live for"
    Summed up: a good person corrupted by the world losestheir way/faith. "Lost your way, it made you change, it made you dark. But once upon a time you spoke from the heart." (Most heartfelt part of the song that resonates with me as far as im concerned) and hes letting tjem know that by losimg themself and livimg to gain for ones self will have its consequences. He cares for them, but feels that their consequences are deserved. In the beginning verse, he states its not an easy thimg to watch, someone losing tjemself, amd unsuccessfully trying to help. "No one said this would be easy.... its never easy"
    I love this song. Not originalsong withscreamimg btw, i listen to the radio edit version. Its my favorite version
    give it a listen peeps. So sorry if this confused you by me interpretimg the radio edit version, although the difference is slight. And sorry its slightly outta order. But thanks.for taking the time to readthis. Have a great night guys, peace out

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