Tool - Faaip De Oiad Meaning

Faaip De Oiad Lyrics
Um, OK, I'm a former employee of Area 51.
I, I was let go on a medical discharge about a week ago and,
[chokes] I've kind of been running across the country.
Damn, I don't know where to start,...
#1 top rated interpretation:I always thought it was just another Tool thing...unexpected, initially puzzling and provocative, and it sounds amazing. It just sounds great.
I can't assign too much thought to it....having been in audiences that had been completely suckered by Maynard into chanting along with him only to be treated to a "Think for yourself...and never repeat what other people say" delivered in that tone he uses that makes you feel stupid... because it never struck me as something that needed too much thought and that, in fact, was intended to once again sheep out the masses and make Maynard's point yet another time.
People were guaranteed to get all ramped they did about the "nazi" carryings on from another Tool cd....cookies anyone?
I think it sounds incredible and that was probably the main intention. That and of course "They're gonna lose their minds over this..." Tool being Tool. -
#2 top rated interpretation:Tool constantly challenge their fans to think for themselves, and will even go to lengths to deceive them just to keep them on their toes (lacrymology anyone?). Perhaps this song is an example of how, after everything that Tool has done to persuade their fans to not be sheep, we still tend to believe things without giving them much critical thought. Honestly, if we apply the same kind of scrutiny that they encourage us to do with religion (xtianity in particular) to things like UFOs and the paranormal, we end up with very similar results (debunked) or a very similar herd following. Sometimes I think Tool gets a kick out of putting songs like this on their albums just to see what kind of silly interpretations people come up with. Opening one's mind isn't a rejection of mainstream thought and a subsequent embracing of alternative ideas which are just as equally silly; opening one's mind is allowing it to expand to concepts and perceptions that one has never considered before - often counter-intuitive - while embedding a filter of scepticism and rationality.
Aliens, extra-dimensional beings, and other entities/ideas now being discussed are nothing more than mental fictions, and are no different than anyone's subjective religious/mystical experiences. The mind is a wonderful place to explore, filled with mystery, wonder, and even danger, but let us not mistake these subjective experiences for external realities or entities.
"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."
~Aristotle -
#3 top rated interpretation:I am an avid fan of both Art Bell and Tool, and was actually listening to the show when that person called both times. And I have to say, it was the scariest shit I have ever experienced. He was talking, running, and crying all out during the call, and just the way he said it all was extremely believable. The disconnection of the satellites was just the tip of the iceberg. I think Tool might be using this as just to say that we don't know everything. The name, as the first poster already pointed out, translates to the voice of god. Again, probably Tool pointing out that we don't know everything. When the guy calls back, in a flat, droning voice, saying it was a hoax, that proved, at least to me, its authenticity.
The guy was released on medical leave...meaning he was employed, or at least connected to the facility through some related company/branch wasn't as of he were some random, mental patient abruptly let out of a psychiatric facility. Lol
The #1 "theory" is saying that "Aliens, extra-dimensional beings, and other entities/ideas now being discussed are nothing more than mental fictions, and are no different than anyone's subjective religious/mystical experiences". To say that as technology progresses, one will not run into extra-dimensional beings, is to say that we are, literally, alone in this massive universe. Is this possible?
Of course...but one must be careful in conveying this because things brings "us" back around to the idea that we are alone in this massive universe...which sounds awfully similar with... ... . anyone?...Okay, then Ill say it..the idea that we we placed into this 3 dimensional space with limited knowledge and capability.
If that's the route one would like to go, fine. (I surely have my own beliefs/intuitions). If that isn't the route one would like to go then one must admit that "extradimensional beings" are possible. As technology progresses, eventually it will mend with our collectiv3 consciousness, to a point that our technology will have a consciousness of its own that is connected and controlled by our own consciousness. We will, at that point, have become the "imaginary" extra-dimensional beings to speak of.
The philosophers you quote failed throughout their life times, that eventually, you have to end up somewhere... Afterall (even if you don't believe in a higher power) the universe will eventually expand, cool, become frigid, and cease to exist. -
I think that certain people may possibly be attempting to explain the "meaning of the song/clip being on the album" to fit their own personal beliefs. There is so much time in between each album (is an average of 5 years fairly accurate?) much time to grow, change, and mold to what you become by the ebd of your life. Stranger things have happened on this planet/during our lifetimes than TOOLpossibly beginning to believe in some sort of ultimate, extra dime sional being...Perhaps they are attempting to convey what they believe to be the truth. But then again, maybe that's me attempting to explain the
reasoning for the song being on the album to fit some deeply embedded beliefs of my own (no matter how far I've strayed/wandered. -
Ok first and foremost if you pronounce the words it sounds a lot like "vape da weed" haha. Second the caller heard on the track was indeed serious and was indeed part of a government program. What happens in highly classified areas is that false information is given out (well it's not really false just encrypted) that is alarming and causes some people to snap. Those people who snap and whistle blow are not fit for service in top secret installations and also serve a second purpose of misinforming the public when they start running their mouths. The encryption is quite simple and I will not start running my mouth so you'll have to figure it out for yourself.
I'm not gonna even act like I have the answers this is my opinion, but I am an occultist and one of the favorite lies of the darkness is that there is no light. Anton levay, Marilyn manson, Ozzy, Tyler the creator etc. have turned satanism into just really outspoken atheism. lol Enoch is an apocrypha of the bible meaning some Christian pastors thought it made the sheep ask to many questions so they axed it.Lol If you overlap the more popular theories on the nature of God the important parts shine through. That's the purpose of the songs in my book and that's what mystics do. Enoch is a book of mysticism and many mystics use DMT. What DMT tells us is that god comes from within per say. So with all that in mind it becomes clear to me that this song has seriousness at it's core. Alien abduction is a spiritual experience with your body on earth and your soul tuned into another place. An uncanny number of people report seeing an owl or horned animal before their abduction. This all is supported by occultism. The owl is the visionary the female the receptive one. And vice versa for the horned animal. It all depends on left brain or right brain domination. The fourth kind gives good insight once you realize she wasn't physically abducted. Anyway thanks for reading the rant I think it makes a bridge to connect the concept of god to the concept of aliens. PS if you still believe me, you won't I think that gods are just a mirror of the build up of elements of our psyche that coexist in our plane. Watch Graham Hitchcock on youtube.
try this order...
1. Returning from an abduction - Disgustipated
2.Being taken in by the people in the field - Lost Keys
3. Treatment - Rosetta Stoned
4. dying and evolving to the next level - Faaip De Oiad -
Every time I listen to this song I get goosebumps all over. It just makes me feel terrified, like I'm the man in the song. I don't know if that's one of those metaphors for "the man is humanity and the thing after him is the government" or whatever, but that's how it makes me feel. Like someone's watching, waiting until I turn my back.
Their are talking about illuminati killing us off so they can control
The masses duh! Oh and the government knows about it too. -
Faaip De Oiad means "The Voice of the spirits" or "god", I've heard it could also be translated as "The voice of the Angels". So I think the way Tool meant this song is that this guy calling on the Art Bell show might have been sent by God or the holy spirit to warn others.
But as for the incident on the Art Bell show, i have my own theory. The Government is hiding stuff from us in Area 51, obviously. That's the reason it was built underground - to keep the enemy (especially the russians at the time) from having an eye on what they are up to.
It's been a long time since then.
Anybody forget about Roswell New Mexico?
Well I don't think that incident had anything to do with aliens. And it wasn't a weather Balloon either, like the government had said. I saw a Documentary about that incident - It was a Secret, struggled attempt to spy on the russians.
The Government tried to keep this secret, of course. Who would want to inform the enemy? Luckily, some crazy people thought it was debris from an alien ship, and spreaded the rumors. Soon, almost everyone thought it had something to do with aliens. The Government let this rumor spread - it kept their secret safe!
Many decades later, the government revealed the information, because many people still pressed on the government about this incident. The information was useless after so many years, so they figured they could let it go.
But there are still a lot of people who believe in aliens. Well, all those test flights with highly technological craft around area 51 seem very convincing that there could be a more highly advanced lifeform.
But just look at the time that has passed. It's been more than 60 years since then. How long did it take to build the "world's fastest jet"? Not very long. Now why did I quote that? Because I think after so many years, there would have been a change in technology. But it's still the world's fastest plane? I don't think so. New technology is being kept secret - even though they are flying around with it right in front of our noses.
All these UFO sightings are tests with man-built craft, in my opinion.
If you don't believe my theories, then ask yourselves: Why do these UFO's only come out at night? And why is it that UFO activity is mostly around area 51?
And why does the government chase people away from public streets if you stay there too long?
And... What does all this have to do with the art bell show? Well, my opinion is that the Government is making use of the all the alien theorys. They think they can do what they want right in front of us - and they are right, because the mass of the people think it is all alien hocus pocus.
After the Roswell incident, the government saw that they could keep information hid from the public - if they are stupid enough to believe in stuff like aliens.
And now, they are making use of this phenomena. My belief is, they are even "feeding the fire". The Government is watching over stuff like the art bell show, in case someone opens their mouth. So my theory is, they called in on the area 51 night (special program of the art bell show) and made some freaky statements to get some people freaked out so that they definitely believe in stuff like that. And the cut-off was the cherry on top, making people believe the government has information about aliens to lose. And as for the call backthe other day - this could have been another mind trick, making people believe the government forced him to call back and tell everyone it was a joke, so people would think the government has (again) something about aliens to hide.
Well, all in all a very complex theory...
But I hope I am right, because if that guy who called in on Art Bell wasn't lying, then we are all DOOOOMED I would say... -
The ordre has to put Rosetta Stoned un last as he admits having taken drugs : "the Deadhead chemistry!
The blotter got right on top of me
Got me seeing E motherfucking T!"
He is trying to explain his trip.
So the order has to be : lost keys/Rosetta stoned/Faaip De Oiad -
Go to youtube and look up "Area 51: the frantic caller", and then look up "Area 51 caller calls back on Art Bell coast to Coast" I think the ties between faaip and rosetta are coincidental, but you be the judge. I love how the interpretations on this site never turn into immature name calling and arguements unlike the comments on youtube. Obviously because everyone posting on the subject share a common interest and its all just waxing poetic anyway.
The member of Tool are known to smoke DMT, as if the Alex Grey album covers aren't a dead give away. They're in touch with another dimension that most people will never even think might be there, let alone experience or comprehend. DMT visuals are not hallucinations! It's a doorway to another planes, planes where other entities do exist, like the ones talked about in Faaip De Oiad. Tool knows what's up; this isn't some bullshit conspiracy theory, or a hoax. It might be trying to get you to think, but not by feeding you a fake scenario. This shit could be realer than you could ever imagine! I get chills every time I hear this; smoke DMT and I promise it will all seem a lot more clear.
just be ready for something you can't ever prepare for. -
i think that this song is anti-governmental and is saying how the government is keeping secrets from us and they really don't care about the public and human safety because the song says that they could have taken us somewhere to be safe but they didn't and the man in this song says that he is being chased cross country and sounds very scared and the fact that they never told us as well as the fact that when he says that the remaining will be easier to control it is talking about the government controling us and basicaly using the aliens as a wepon.
Faaip De Oiad is "Voice Of God" in the sacred laguage Enochian. This language is said to be the "Language Of The Spirits" or Voice Of God. This last piece of Lateralus is bringing on the idea of aliens hidden in our society... The recording is from a paranormal radio talk show. Some of this recording (in my opinion) relates to Rosetta Stoned in Tool's latest album 10,000 days. That's my interpetation.
Hey uumm I don't know why but I put this song in my ipod and it all starts normally but then after 30 secs a very acuate sound stars and then it just repeats the faaip de olad I know it is usually oiad but here it says really clear FAAIP DE OLAD and then it is accelerated and slowed somone pleas explain me this
thx a lot -
"Tool constantly challenge their fans to think for themselves, and will even go to lengths to deceive them just to keep them on their toes (lacrymology anyone?). Perhaps this song is an example of how, after everything that Tool has done to persuade their fans to not be sheep, we still tend to believe things without giving them much critical thought. Honestly, if we apply the same kind of scrutiny that they encourage us to do with religion (xtianity in particular) to things like UFOs and the paranormal, we end up with very similar results (debunked) or a very similar herd following. Sometimes I think Tool gets a kick out of putting songs like this on their albums just to see what kind of silly interpretations people come up with. Opening one's mind isn't a rejection of mainstream thought and a subsequent embracing of alternative ideas which are just as equally silly; opening one's mind is allowing it to expand to concepts and perceptions that one has never considered before - often counter-intuitive - while embedding a filter of skepticism and rationality."
Sorry, but Tool are into what you'd probably consider Hockus Pockus. Check out album cover representations, lyrics etc. Honestly, how you get Tool encouraging your silly 19th century materialist worldview, which is itself nothing more than a fashionable dismissal of anything that doesn't fit within current academic theory, I don't know....
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