What does Sail mean?

AWOLNATION: Sail Meaning

Album cover for Sail album cover

Song Released: 2011

Sail Lyrics


This is how i show my love
Made it in my mind because
Blame it on my ADD baby

This is how an angel dies
Blame it on my own sick pride
Blame it on my ADD baby


Maybe i should cry for help...

  1. anonymous
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    Apr 6th 2013 !⃝

    Add=medication=meth... Looking out those blinds and getting his taping device )Paranoid. Sail (Self realization. Wants to sail, fly, move one, escape), angel dies (good is lost), different breed not listening (loosing yourself and not paying attention anymore... because now youre right and no one's opinion matters but yours) lalallalalala....that's what you hear in your head.
    This is just my opinion. I could be wrong.

  2. anonymous
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    Mar 28th 2013 !⃝

    The song “Sail” by Owelnation can be interpreted in multiple ways and is a vague song in itself. No one can know the abouts of it as much as the one who wrote it. It’s a personal song that is sung from the heart of the individual. It’s private as much as it is not. He wants the listeners to know something he does without sounding too revealing. I believe this song is one of a kind and displays a much deeper meaning when looking beyond the surface.
    The song, I believe, is about complicated relationships; whether it’s a love relationship or relationship with certain entities or organizations. The singer is singing about what’s on his heart and mind; what he’s going through and experiencing. There’s a tone of desperation when following through the lyrics, as if he is crying out for help out of anger.

    The tone of the song is definitely anger, resentment, and arrogance. He’s angry about certain circumstances in his life which he can’t change and doesn’t express those feelings in a loving way. “This is how I show my love” resembles his hurtful feelings which he seems to be aware of. He’s angry at the world and doesn’t seem to care what others think, “I made it in my mind because”. He doesn’t answer why he’s acting this way, but leaves us hanging at just “because”. He doesn’t feel the need to go in depth or explain himself. This displays arrogance and a form of ignorance. As well as, “I blame it on my own sick pride” he admits to his arrogance. Although he admits to it, I feel he’s ashamed of it as well. He’s angry for the way he feels and I think he wishes to change but can’t due to his circumstances and the situation he is in or was in.

    Not only that but the individual is very troubled psychologically as well as emotionally. He feels he’s been corrupt or “ruined” in a way, and in turn, can’t help but hurt others. “This is how an angel dies” can be talking about himself or someone he has hurt. To excuse his hatred or cruel conduct or “lack of focus”, he looks for excuses to justify his behavior and attitude, “Blame it on my ADD baby”. That’s the line he uses to excuse his lack of attention to other people, their needs or emotions; basically his lack of focus and attention to what’s around him. This is another example that resembles his arrogance and indifference for those around him. “Maybe I should cry for help, maybe I should kill myself”. He’s admitting to needing some kind of help and understands that what he’s experiencing is not normal or ok. He may be suicidal and clearly sounds troubled and depressed in so many ways. There’s a very strong tone of indifference throughout the song.

    “Maybe I’m a different breed”, again he realizes he’s different from others and has a hard time relating to other people it seems. He knows his behavior and attitude is destructive and not normal, he feels misunderstood and too “different” from others. He’s also indifferent to what others say or think about him, “maybe I’m not listening”, plainly says, “I just don’t care”. People’s opinions clearly mean nothing to him. He realized he needs help but his pride is in the way or he thinks no one can help him anyways, so he doesn’t take help from those who wish to help. Or he simply doesn’t trust others.

    This individual just wants to escape reality because of his experiences, emotional state, or outlook on life; or all of those. Throughout the song he repeats the phrase “Sail” multiple times, he just wants to escape and not deal with all he’s dealing with. He’s considering suicide as an option because no one can help him, or in his case, maybe everyone IS the problem. He’s misunderstood and just wants to leave or in his case “sail away”.
    A strong sense of indifference goes on when he chants, “la la la la la, la la la la la oh” multiple times throughout the song. Since no one truly even cares about him or actually willing helping him, his revenge is to not care about others either. His attitude is the reflections of what happened or what’s happening to him, and this is simply how he chooses to respond. He also understands that his thinking and attitude is harmful, destructive, and dark. “Sail with me in the dark”, is his invitation to join. He feels no hope or point in improving anything. His direction is darkness itself, and he knows that’s where he’s heading. He’s angry and does not seem to care at all.

  3. anonymous
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    Mar 26th 2013 !⃝

    Bare with me for a little on this one…


    This is how I show my love
    (This is his perspective on things)

    I made it in my mind because
    (His “craziness” [many words can be used here] is produced mentally & not physical like normal people would behave)

    I blame it on my A.D.D. baby
    (He blames a medical diagnosis that the government (doctors) tells him he has weather it be real or not)

    This is how an angel dies
    (Angels are immortal creatures according to the bible and cannot die therefore he is showing that even creatures of god can be affected by what going on in his mind)

    I blame it on my own sick pride
    (He blames himself for what’s going on. His pride that has been created by the influence of the government, TV, and other out side forces other then real things & not the depicted image that is given to us by those above us)

    Blame it on my A.D.D. baby
    (I don’t know if this message changes though out the song)


    Maybe I should cry for help
    (hes thinking that he should tell someone whats really going on)

    Maybe I should kill myself (myself)
    (He dosnt know weather to fear or fight whatever is going on inside of him)
    [This is the first and only word that is repeated throughout the song besides the title.]
    Blame it on my A.D.D. baby

    Maybe I'm a different breed
    (Still lost in his own mind he starts to think that he’s really not like the rest of the people)
    Maybe I'm not listening
    (But quickly does the normal human behavior and negates something that could help him understand whet he’s going through.
    [Signs of anxiety, depression, a.d.d. that knida thing.]
    [He’s going through something much bigger then that but he’s scared]
    So blame it on my A.D.D. baby


    La la la la la
    La la la la la oh!
    La la la la la,
    La la la la la oh!
    La la la la la,
    La la la la la,
    [la, la, la: such a happy tone yet very suttle…)


    Sail with me into the dark
    Sail with me into the dark
    Sail with me into the dark
    Sail with me into the dark
    Sail with me into the dark

    (Don’t fear the unknown)

    The lyrics as a whole can be taken many ways but as a whole I believe he is trying to say that as an individuals we are bottle feed things from those above us and thought how to live our lives. Like him, we should attempt to break the mold and not fear what is out there weather it be aliens, Bigfoot, suits, or anything. Don’t let the thoughts in your mind hold you back from venturing out in to the dark, unknown things. Sometimes a lighted room displays nothing we want to see when a dark room hides the things we fear the most letting us as humans create our own light to overcome the things we once feared.

  4. anonymous
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    Mar 22nd 2013 !⃝

    This song may very well be, and in my opinion is, about the rampant Adderall abuse of college students that cant stomach the idea of getting a less than perfect grade ("sick pride") and how it damages their minds causing paranoia and suicidal thoughts.

  5. anonymous
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    Mar 5th 2013 !⃝

    i personally believe that this song has nothing to do with emotions, i believe he was tweeked out of his mind and saw a sail boat on the wall and got scared so he started yelling at it... thank you for viewing it my way, your welcome : )

  6. ozone33
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    Feb 20th 2013 !⃝

    So ADD folks are able to interpret this song?
    Even more amazing is that a few think you have to have ADD to 'fully understand' the song.

    You've all been had... we'll blame it on your ADD.

    The line 'blame it on my ADD' is a mockery.

  7. anonymous
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    Feb 18th 2013 !⃝

    Liking a song for whatever reason is good. Nothing wrong with finding the true meaning behind it. I've loved this song from the first time I listen to it, I only recently saw the video and didn't change my mind much about the song. I do have A.D.D but don't really relate that much to the song itself. I think the song is about the Government such groups maybe as the Illuminati or gang stalking Ect. I think "different breed" does give alot away. Either way good song and I hope to hear more like it.

  8. anonymous
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    Feb 15th 2013 !⃝

    You know that saying "he's just sailing through life"?.... working off of that...
    The entire music video is made to get the viewer thinking on a personal level... It seems that everything is a danger to the main character. Everything on the outside world. I don't think aliens or abductions are part of the plot.... I think he's running from "all the dangers in life"; everything that causes pain and paranoia and distrust. So he locks himself in his home, where it should be safe.... realizing he can't escape he tries to "drown out the world" by hiding under water in the bath tub..... he tries to stay in his own head where it's safe, but the outside world keeps getting in and trying to take him from what he assumes to be his "safe place"......
    Now, the SAIL part..... let's interpret "sail through life" ....to have everything come to you easily as though there's no effort put forth. Then literally, while sailing in open water you get the feeling that you are small... and part of a much bigger thing....... He just wants to be able to escape the struggle, pain, outside world, so that he can SAIL and enjoy the calm and not worry about anything anymore. He feels like hes the crazy one, when it's actually the world. OR are we all just a little crazy??

  9. anonymous
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    Feb 8th 2013 !⃝

    Add in this song is referring to Alcohol & Drug Dependancy retards.

  10. anonymous
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    Feb 5th 2013 !⃝

    To put 'A.D.D' in a song hopefully means there's some acknowledgement. I'm 31 and healthy looking.. Although the 2nd rated comment on from the person with ADD actually put a tear in my eye. Thank whoever that someones got what I have. AND IS PREPARED TO SAY IT. All the non-believers probably don't have the ability to understand!! :-D

  11. anonymous
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    Feb 3rd 2013 !⃝

    When he says A.D.D. he doesn't mean attention deficit disorder. He means alcohol and drug addiction. Therefore blaming his belief and running from the illuminati and running from the new world order on his alcohol and drug addiction.

  12. anonymous
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    Jan 29th 2013 !⃝

    When's first heard this song I was listening to the radio on my iPhone with my other friends. They told me to change it because they didn't understand it nor did they like it in some way. I have ADD and it has effected me more than anyone can understand (well besides the other people who have ADD too) it has made it so I can't listen to someone for 2 minutes straight. The term "maybe I'm a different breed" said to me that I was different than the other people I know. In my opinion this song says to me that I'm different, I'm an outcast, I'm not like everyone else. Just leave me be, and let me be myself. Just let me "sail" away.

  13. anonymous
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    Jan 23rd 2013 !⃝

    i think this song is outstanding and puts a new perspective to everything.

  14. anonymous
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    Jan 12th 2013 !⃝

    I think he is describing all the things that he is going through to the listener, but he tells everyone else to just blame it on his ADD. I think something much worse is going on with him, but he is "showing his love" by telling the people that he is close to that they shouldn't worry about him. He wants to protect them from the truth. But he is also trying to find a solution to his problem. Should I get help? Kill myself? But what he really wants to do is just sail away. Just simply walk away from his problems.

  15. anonymous
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    Jan 11th 2013 !⃝

    I'm pretty sure it's just simply about having ADD. Incl. the illuminati stuff. There's a lot of conspiracy theory about ADD and other increasingly prevalent issues being deliberately caused by the Illuminati to facilitate some kind of one-world-control. Kind of makes you want to sail away.

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