What does Dog Days Are Over mean?

Florence + the Machine: Dog Days Are Over Meaning

Album cover for Dog Days Are Over album cover

Song Released: 2008

Covered By: Glee Cast

Dog Days Are Over Lyrics

Happiness / hit her / like a train on a tra-ck
Coming towards her / stuck still / no turning ba-ck
She hid around corners / and she hid under beds /
She killed it with kisses and from it she fl-ed /
With e-very bubble she sank with a drink...

  1. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Aug 30th 2011 !⃝

    Happiness / hit her / like a train on a tra-ck
    Coming towards her / stuck still / no turning ba-ck
    She hid around corners / and she hid under beds /
    She killed it with kisses and from it she fl-ed /
    With e-very bubble she sank with a drink /
    And wa-shed it away down the kitchen sink.

    Happiness is relevant to the participant. where you should be happy but your not hence hitting you, being stuck, hiding, killing, fleeing,drinking and denying.

    The dog days are over
    The dog days are done
    The horses are comin' so you better run
    The dog days are when you are serving someone else.
    The horses coming are when you are free.

    And I- never wanted /
    anything from yo-u /
    Except /
    e-verything / you had
    And / what was left after that too / Oh!
    Her intentions were good, but she ended up taking and needing everything.

    Run fast for your mother; run fast for your father /
    Run for your children all your sisters and brothers /
    Leave all your love and your longing behind.
    You can't carry it with you / if you want to survive

    Expectations come from everywhere but you have to be true to yourself if you want to remain intact, having the courage to put yourself first, forsaking possessions, and being socially accepted.
    The dog days are ove-r /
    The dog days are do~ne /
    The horse-s are co-min'
    So you'd better ru-n /
    You've done what you can. Run with it.

  2. Misslesbo
    click a star to vote
    Aug 28th 2011 !⃝

    The 1st two lines is when 2 womens lips meet in Passion for the first time. Stuck still no turning back. However, this begining part talks about girls long ago and how they had to hide around corners and under the bed. This whole section seems to say that girls always had these feelings for each other but they had to hid it from men becuase they need men to servive. Washed it away down the kitchen sink where girls used to be, in the kitchen. But, the dog days are over. Girls have there own money. Can you here the horses men cause here they come. You can run for family but you notice that there is not a wife to run too. She also tells men not to hold onto the love and don't long for us if you want to servive. She even tells men that she never wanted anything from you just everything you had and girls have that now and they are taking the rest. The love and the pussy. The happiness hit her like a bullet is again two girls finding love together but this time she blames modern man becuase they try to get there girlfriends to have sex with other girls so they can whatch and just their general exceptounce of it. Struck from great heights by someone who should have known better. She is telling men that there days are over.

  3. anonymous
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    Aug 23rd 2011 !⃝

    oh come on. This song is not about love at all. Its about physical and substance abuse. Is noone getting the reference to 'she pours her drink down the kitchen sink"? Its about an abused child growing up and realizing the abuse that was spread within her family. Run fast for your mother, run fast for your father. run fast for your children. Its a coming of age song. A coming through song.

  4. anonymous
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    Aug 12th 2011 !⃝

    I think music interpretation depends on each ones moment, but for my moment this fits so perfectly
    I was stuck in a horrible relationship with my boss and he was married.
    He used to say he loved me but he was raised in a old fashion family ... And could not disappoint his family with a divorce ... I drank myself off ... Went crazy because I tough I loved him .... When I tried to get out he forced me to continue using my job against me... Told me he would trow my name on the mud (I am a known professional on my business)
    One day I woke up and I was so happy and full of energy ... I went to his office told him to run crying to his perfect family I dropped my job ... I was to good for that job ... Told him I was to powerful for that and I would sue him if he came after me ... My dog days were oooooooveeeer

  5. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Jul 23rd 2011 !⃝

    it means HER "period" is over...and if your horny? CHASE her cause her doggy days are over!

  6. anonymous
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    Jul 11th 2011 !⃝

    I think it's about reaching enlightenment and that you have to shed attachments to attain true love and you better because things are about to get bad. The days when we had the luxury of having pets will soon be over.

  7. anonymous
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    Jul 9th 2011 !⃝

    I think that she just had a great loss eg: her true love or someone close died, and she's been depressed and thinks she'll never be happy again. Then love finds her again but she runs, holding on to the past. She trys to leave her mother, father, children and sibling (All her loved ones) behind because she can't lose anyone again. I also think she partily blames her "dog days" on the one she lost.

  8. drtorres07
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    Jul 7th 2011 !⃝

    I've been wondering about its meaning, because it really doesn't make sense that the point should be 'the dog days are over' and yet the main 'audible' chorus is that you should run for your mother, ...run for your father...etc. To me this has been a paradox...and ironic...how can you say that the dog days are over and then say that you should run for anyone...or be attached to someone or some concern/issue during this lifetime to the point that 'it' controls you by having you 'run' or even feel that you should have the need to 'run.'

    For me the challenge with this song is to address and reconcile these seemingly paradox and contradictory views. The only way that I see this to have any 'real' meaning is to view this paradox is to see it through the eyes of transcendence: if you want to survive then you should leave everything behind and in this way the dog days will truly be over. However, if you do 'hear' the horses (death) that are coming then you should run (continue to live in this world) for your ________ (and continue to be attached to someone/something in this world). This is why the tempo increases - denoting heartbeat.

  9. anonymous
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    Jul 5th 2011 !⃝

    My interpretation is this, it talks about happiness hitting her all at once, as if shes been depressed and she finally found happiness. and from there there is no turning back to depression but it keeps following her and she tries to run from it and hide from it in her sleep. She tries to have romance to make her happy and when that doesnt work she trys to drown the depression with drinks and with cleansing, but it doesnt work and all she can do is run. Run for herself and to keep her family from seeing her like that. The dog days are the days she spent feeling sad and alone, like the saying out in the dog house. and then she talks about how shes never happy even when her loved one gives her everything she just wants more and more. therefore I believe this song is about her battle with depression and trying to hold on to happiness.

  10. anonymous
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    Jun 9th 2011 !⃝

    Dog days mean any days were nothing gets done. "Run fast for your mother, fast for your father" and so on means to have a purpose. Have a goal. "The dog days are over" The uselessness is over.

  11. zozopaw
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    Jun 6th 2011 !⃝

    I don't like horses but i love dogs that is why i dislike this song a lot.

  12. anonymous
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    Jun 3rd 2011 !⃝

    I think it is about a female person who is afraid of love. She tries to run and hide from it and instead prefers the "dog days" where she can just run around emotionless and free of attachment. Love has caught up to her in this song and she is afraid. Her white night is coming on his gallant steed or "horse" (the horses are coming)
    The dog days are over, she can't love from love forever, if she wants to continue living devoid of love she has to "leave all her loving and longing behind".

  13. anonymous
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    May 30th 2011 !⃝

    i think that its about her running away from love. but i did actually hear from an interview that it was about her giving up hot dogs when she became a vegetarian.

  14. anonymous
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    May 25th 2011 !⃝

    I think this song is about beating the dog days, beating depression, and living one's life to the fullest afterwards. It's about moving on.

  15. anonymous
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    May 16th 2011 !⃝

    On the Florence + the Machine website, Florence said:
    "For me 'Dog Days' symbolizes apocalyptic euphoria, Chaotic freedom and running really really fast with your eyes closed."

    She's always said that she's hyper-emotional, and that many of her songs represent the strength of her feelings - e.g. howl is about the power of lust.

    To me, this song represents coming through a really dark period in your life, and then when that's over and you're given the chance to start over (and leave your love and longing behind), you feel like shouting it from the rooftops and telling everyone you know.

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