What does Dog Days Are Over mean?

Florence + the Machine: Dog Days Are Over Meaning

Album cover for Dog Days Are Over album cover

Song Released: 2008

Covered By: Glee Cast

Dog Days Are Over Lyrics

Happiness / hit her / like a train on a tra-ck
Coming towards her / stuck still / no turning ba-ck
She hid around corners / and she hid under beds /
She killed it with kisses and from it she fl-ed /
With e-very bubble she sank with a drink...

  1. anonymous
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    May 3rd 2011 !⃝

    I thought it was about hot dogs.

  2. anonymous
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    May 1st 2011 !⃝

    As said before, I consider this song to be a message to Christians in modern Babylon (The United States of America). Also, the music video is very similar to many visions that John witnessed in Revelation. You can rate my interpretation low just because I'm some "stupid Christian", but I know the truth. God help every human who are blind to Jesus.

  3. music_is_my_life123
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    May 1st 2011 !⃝

    The song doesn't have one direct meaning. It could mean a LOT of things like: The Holocaust,Life,Hot Dogs,Relationships ex.
    Have a great day! :)

  4. anonymous
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    May 1st 2011 !⃝

    I think the song means the same that all Gaga's songs mean lately, that there is coming a time of oppression where if you dont conform and leave the old standards of love and decency behind, you wont survive. The horses mean the war and oppression thats coming.

  5. anonymous
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    Apr 22nd 2011 !⃝

    I think this song could mean something different for everyone. "Dog days" I know means bad days, sad days, and other stressful times. She could be interpreting that she is in bad times, but when happiness comes, she is shocked, and running from it, to scared that it will get her hopes up then leave. Also like love, mabye her heart was broke, so when love came back in her life she was scared of being turned down again."Run fast for your mother, fast for your father, run for your children or your sisters and brothers, leave all your love and your lovers behind, you cant carry them with you if you want to survive" This could be what she was thinking and wanted to warn people in love, if they want to survive they should give it up. "the dog days are over" is saying the bad times are over, and she opens up to love again.

  6. anonymous
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    Apr 14th 2011 !⃝

    To me this song is about the end of a relationship. Yet one of those relationships that give you a feeling of freedom when they end. "the dog days r over" meaning those days of being tied down in that specific relationship have finished and its time to move on. "happienes hit her like a train on a track" happiness hitting somebody in in ironic kind of way (like a breakup) so something that wouldnt usually make someone happy. "you better run" meaning running away from love and being independent. "leave all you love and your longing behind you cant carry them with you if your gonna survive" this to me obviously has to do w getting over someone. Leaving any feelings you have for them behind if you are ever going to move on(survive) and live ur life

  7. Blackandgold
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    Apr 12th 2011 !⃝

    I think its a girl who was depressed for a long time maybe because she lost someone close to her like a husband. she stayed still for a long time because of the deppression she was in. One day happiness hit her maybe because she fell in love with someone else and in order to be happy she needs to leave her long lost love and longing for whoever she lost behind because she can't carry it with her if she wants to survive. At first she tried to fight it and hide but a new life is coming(horses) and she needs to start running with it for the sake of her children and all her family.

  8. Ruth Spooner
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    Apr 4th 2011 !⃝

    This song is a perfect example of the Artist's Unconscious constellating an image of the TRUE SELF. This song is a mystical allegory, the woman is the Woman of Joy, The Holy Ghost, the shekehinah, Sophia or Divine Wisdom as Muse.
    The phrase ;dog days; originally meant the oppressive heat of mid summer when the dog star, Sirius, ruled the sky. A quick perusal of the album fleshes out the idea of oppression: lonliness, alcoholism, spiritual dryness and an evasion of destiny. "Bubbles down a sink."

    This is the first stage of a seeker after wisdom: depressed, hemmed in, lost and enslaved in Egypt.

    The biblical metaphor is extended in the next verse with a reference to the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse. (See: "Revelations")This gives the song a powerful "or else" message. The smaller ego is given a choice to participate in higher consciousness or be destroyed. The Artist is confronted by the empirical psyche.

    The verse "All I ever wanted from you/ was everything you had / and what was left after that too" is indicitive of a spontaneous riddle from the Unconscious - A Sphinx. Only Lady Nature can say such a thing- that we are all mortal and "from dust to dust/ ashes to ashes."

    This revelation of the liberating power of humility before our mortality brings about the true esctasy the Artist has been seeking though inebriation. This is divine intoxication.

    The theme of total realisation of joy is repeated in the official music video: the Artist is the Woman of Joy, her own higher self, her true Muse. There is an image of a Krishna child, as the heart strives on a simple pop-tune rhythm.
    Concordia University
    Montreal, QC

  9. anonymous
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    Apr 1st 2011 !⃝

    I think she was a jew girl in a concentration camp. She got away riding on a dog. But the Nazis caught up to her and killed her dog. She then went ape shit for love to find her lost family and killed one of the Nazis and stole his horse. She then rode the horse until she found happiness.

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  10. anonymous
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    Mar 29th 2011 !⃝

    My friend said that Florence did an interview and said that this song was about giving up hot dogs.

  11. anonymous
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    Mar 21st 2011 !⃝

    The song can also be understood in many ways like slavery, the holocaust, and according to an interview with Florence, about her journey to becoming a veggie-head and giving up her favorite food HOT DOGS!!!!!!! LOL

  12. anonymous
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    Mar 21st 2011 !⃝

    IT ABOUT LIFE The Dog Days(the hard times) Run fast(keep on going for your mom, your children, ex.) Most of the song is just figurative language.

  13. anonymous
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    Mar 20th 2011 !⃝

    THIS IS THE TRUE MEANING: I just recently started reading the bible and am fascinated by Revelations and this song is very clearly biblical. According to Revalations, horses will wage war on those who are not "saved" on judgement day. The reference to family means stay close to and value family love because nothing else will go with you to the next level. Even if you've got the love is a cover, these two songs fit togther very well.Another song that I just realized references same scenario is War Pigs by Black Sabbath, always loved the song, but just now understand the reference to judgement day. crazy to think Ozzy got that message before a saner person like myself did, hahaha.

  14. anonymous
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    Mar 14th 2011 !⃝

    I think that this song is about a girl who falls in love and though she tries hard not to it's still inevitable but then she throws that love away for some reason or the other and now the hard times of trying to evade love and the hardships of love are over (dog days) and now she should run as fast as she can away from love for the sake of those whom she loves and love her that is her parents, children etc. The horses that are coming are probably the men she has fallen in love with. All she ever wanted from the guy was completely all his love and his heart without leaving any behind. So that's how I understood it. One more thing, who spreads these malicious rumors about Africans???????

  15. anonymous
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    Feb 26th 2011 !⃝

    The song was inspired by an art instalment she saw each while riding her bike by the south bank in London. It read: the dog days are over (hence the title of the song). With it she tried to capture the joys and happiness of the artist's idea (in this case, the artist is Ugo Rondinone).

    Here's the picture:

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