What does Sledgehammer mean?

Peter Gabriel: Sledgehammer Meaning

Album cover for Sledgehammer album cover

Sledgehammer Lyrics

you could have a steam train

if you'd just lay down your tracks

you could have an aeroplane flying

if you bring your blue sky back

all you do is call me

I'll be anything you need

you could have a big dipper

going up and down, all around...

  1. MaggieStar
    click a star to vote
    Nov 25th 2013 !⃝

    This song is about sex but has nothing to do with a dirty mind. It is about him offering his masculine strength for her feminine receptivity. The point is he wants to be HER sledgehammer!

    It is obvious if you read the rest of the lyrics:

    Show me round your fruitcage
    cause I will be your honey bee

    He also says he's kicked the habit, which suggests that he may be seeing her as a more permanent relationship potential, no longer just wanting to 'sow his wild oats'.

    I think this song can be viewed on many levels. In tantra energy sex is sacred and there is male and female energy in both partners. When love ripens and becomes permanent there is the potential for a wonderful exchange of energy between the two. Two dont just become one, each becomes stronger in their own right because of the exchange.

    Of course this is a popular song made to appeal to the masses so it has the earthy sexual overtones of Mr Gabriel himself which is why it appeals to so many people.

  2. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    May 11th 2013 !⃝

    I dont believe this song is about sex. I just think its about knocking down a woman's "wall" to let him into her life. He states that he wants/will do anything for her. So he want to be the one that she lets into her heart

  3. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Aug 16th 2012 !⃝

    Off cause its about sex. Det point is, that if you say so, it's clear that you have a "dirty mind". The lyrics in itself is absolutly not about sex.

    In the US i the 1980's local radiostations where often controlled by christian organisations. They where banning songs they ment where unsuitible for christian minds.

    So PG wrote Sledgehammer. If you listen good in the beginning of the song he says "how can anybody fool them". If the radiostations banned the song they would admit, that they themselves have a "dirty mind", so they played it...... and was fooled :-)

  4. Anaboo11
    click a star to vote
    Jun 29th 2012 !⃝

    this song is so about sex!!! ha peter is a smooth one I love this song

  5. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Dec 13th 2011 !⃝

    This song is about sex, plain and simple. I had no idea you were so saucy, Peter Gabriel!

  6. anonymous
    click a star to vote
    Jun 20th 2011 !⃝

    A sledgehammer is used for, amongst other things, knocking down walls. And the character in this song is almost begging to be the man who breaks down his lovers walls. The walls around her heart of course. If this were to happen then all the other lover's delightful promises would come true. Blue skies back, big dippers etc.


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