Hurt - Rapture Meaning

Rapture Lyrics
In the life of the wrong, love lingered on, love lingered on to frustration
And if our love is so wrong, what should we do alone?
Or am I just a picture in a photograph?
Why are we stuck in this pantomime, fearing a god who died
People have a lot of things all wrong. Idk what his point is in this song but she obviously sinned with him. She felt convicted about commuting adultry and satan came in a put condemnation on her. She got his voice confused and thought it was God's telling her that. The bible says Its not God's will that any person would perish. For god's sake you have a bible. Read John 3:16-17. She sinned Satan tookthat n made her feel horrible basically and she was infuenced by demons to murder the child. God never leads us into sin. It's Satan that does that. Read Genesis. Well this guy sees all this goin on and hears her sayin God told her to kill and he didn't really believe in God anyways but this made him even more pissed at God than he already was. The truth is noone has ANY right to be pissed at God. If they are then they have a wrong idea of who God really is and probably have just seen the really judgmental religous people. When the truth is that the same man Jesus that this guy thinks had his baby killed died on a cross for his sins not only so he doesn't go to hell but also that he can have a relationship with Jesus dude Jesus is a man that loves everyone and Christianity isn't the social status or religion it's been made out to be. It's really about forming a relationship with Jesus and letting him help us because we can't do this life right without His help. I used to hate God too till I found out what He is really like and that He wants to help me. Dude He wants to save and help everyone but we gotta except His gift by truely believing and putting our hope in this man....Jesus or we go to hell and miss out on eternal bliss with our heavenly father and Jesus who died for us and rose from the dead 3 days later. The guy in this song is totally content with living in sin and has no intention of changing. Just by the lyrics you can tell he has a lot of anger and offense towards God but he's angry at the wrong person. Hopefully he'll get saved and let Jesus help him like Jesus has helped me. If hell really exist do you want to take the chance in just not beliveing till your there burning?
Here's what i think.
A couple had a baby out of wedlock. The mother was a religious extremest and she drown the baby because of her religious beliefs. The whole time this guy is saying untill your rapture falls to pieces(doesn't happen) find in me the room to breathe (stay alive and suffer) "just don't leave". Alot of people are saying that he wants to be with her still, but he doesn't. He wants her to suffer for what she did. I think this guy is really hatefull about the whole thing happening. "and i would if i could destroy your god because your born again(rewarded for your doing)". This dude is really upset. The part i like is when he says "and if what you need is your faith than take a look at my face and know..untill your rapture falls to pieces" I think thier is an emphasis on his hate towards the whole incident. it almost sounds as if he's threatening her. I think the chorus has a double meaning because he says the woman "sang some tune that went" and he repeats the chorus but he says sinful things like suffering that time meaning that she believes the baby is a sin. He eventually comes to say that the baby looked like him. A part of me wants to say that when he says "rest in piece, untill the rapture comes to meet us" he actually believes in some kind of after life and that him and the baby will be together again. He is definatly pissed at this girl through out this whole song though. That's just what i think though -
i thnk it was about the woman killin the child thats y he says was i just a picture in a photo he is askin her how could she do this did the baby and i realy matter an why would god want it dead dosnt he love all his children. another thing i got from this is that his relgen is diffrent from her how he repeats until ur rapture not our. maybe thats the resion her god dnt like marryin ppl from other religons. this song brings up an interesting Q. would U kill the most precious thing in ur lif if god told 2?
Some of these were pretty good. One of them talked about how it could have been his mother and father who were the couple spoken of in this song, while others said he was the father.
- you believe it or not, I'm from Indiana, and J. Loren Wince is also from here, he lived about 45 minutes from where I live now. My friend's dad's friend knows him pretty well, you might have heard of him, his name is acoustic stew and he's appeared on the bob and tom show a few times. From what I understand, the things spoken of in the song are pretty damn well true. I guess you gotta just take my word.
I think this is about j. loren's life. I have heard that his mother and father had a child before they were married. She was an extremist and believed jesus wanted her to kill her 'bastard' son. She kissed him, took him out of the crib and drown him. That's also where I believe the line "so find in me, room to breathe" came from. His brother finding air in j's lungs. but it could also be about his father finding room to let his wife breathe by giving her space and allowing her to follow through with her decision despite his disagreance.
thats just my opinion -
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This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
Whoever wrote the one right above me (anoymous added on 7/31) you get 5 stars from me. I wrote the one ending with explaining the rapture with the quotes and all (7/6), you are the only person who I think explained it well unlike everyone else (no offense).
The guy believes in Jesus too. They are both Christians in my opinion. But He knows that she sinned big time by killing the child. Therefore for her there will not be a rapture unless she repents and changes. He was simply stating that the way she was there would lead to her rapture falling to pieces. He Acknowledges it as her rapture not the rapture. Therefore you have to assume he believes there will be a rapture. She just won't be taken.
The man and the woman in this song have two different religions. Based on my religion I say the woman is a Christian even more I'd say a Catholic. The man doesn't believe in her religion at all and eventually they have a baby. Since their not married and have a kid this would be considered a sin in her religion. So the woman kills the baby to 'repent' for her sins because she thinks Jesus told her to. He says, "Until your rapture falls to pieces" means that he doesn't believe the rapture will happen and they have nothing to worry about. Then later he says, "if this must be than burn with me" which means if it is really true then she should burn with him in hell.
The Rapture is right before the end of the world were all the "righteous" get to go to heaven and the rest are left to burn in hell for all of eternity. -
Basically... The rapture means jesus (at the end of the world) will come to earth and take all the righteous to heaven and everyone else stays on earth so that they can burn in hell for all of eternity. so this couple has a baby and since its "unholy" to have a baby before marriage she kills it to "repent" for her sin. the guy obviously doesn't believe the same way as her so he doesn't agree with that. when it says, "if this must be then burn with me," it means to burn with him in hell for all of eternity because of their "sin".
I believe this song tells a story of a man in love with a woman. She wants to love him, but she is also in love with her False God who has given her Direction to kill theyre child. Now this fills the singer with hate and tells her that "when her rapture(salvation) falls to pieces" she will "find in him room to breathe sinful things are suffering". By this he means that when she realizes her religion is a lie she will come to him and be ok. This story has a very deep meaning and if you don't listen carefully, this song could be mistaken as mocking the christian god.
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