Tool - Disgustipated Meaning

Disgustipated Lyrics
#1 top rated interpretation:Life Feeds on Life...
The lyrics, up to the point above, are obviously to be taken sarcastically. This has got to be one of the funniest things I have ever heard. I've read that the thing about the rabbits wearing glasses is from a children's poem or something like that. The sheep obviously symboilize the followers of Rev. Maynard, being led blindly through life, their decisions being made for them, agreeing with a simple "Amen" or "Hallelujah."
For life to survive, thrive, and evolve, killing and death are necessary. Death is only thought of as evil by humans, and murder is a term restricted to humans. A snake eating a rat cannot be considered murder.
Humans in today's society have very little significant, life-or-death competition. I have often thought that the world would be a better place if this were not true. If humans had the same survival rate as fish, wouldn't the world be more "Peaceful?" But the other part of me(the APC part) wants to know "What's So Funny 'bout Peace, Love, and Understanding?" But "Peace" is a human concept as well, so without us there would be neither Peace, nor Murder. would the world be more Peaceful without us, or simply less Evil? Maybe both. Possibly neither. -
#2 top rated interpretation:It's difficult the interpret the specific ending part. To be completely honest, I don't believe that it would be of any sense to interpret that part in a way to match and go along with the meaning of the beginning part of Disgustipated, becuase the beginning and the ending are of two completely different things that would not make sense in an attempt to combine to make sense with eachother. That simply cannot be done with logic, becuase of the lack of relevance toawrds each other between the parts.
The song, "Disgustipated" itself as a whole, in my opinion, has many meanings, but the sole message to the beginning being that as the lyrics state, "Life, feeds on life. This, is, nescessary."
It is simply stateing the fact that it is nescessary for humans like all other living things on Earth to feed upon other living things in order to survive. This is nescessary, like the lyrics say it is. It is targeting over obssesive animal rights activists and vegetarians, who believe that it is wrong to eat other animals, becuase they are alive, and have a concienceness and a soul. The song pokes holes in this logic and cause, stateing that everything, (includeing brainless vegetables) in existence is alive in some way if it is in exsistence. It's basicaly saying that everything is just as much alive as everything else even without a concienceness, and vegetarians are hypocrites for saying that only animals shouldn't have to be killed and eaten, for the sole and only purpose that they are aware of it. No matter what, we always eat something that is alive in it's own way, so it goes on to point out that is vegetables had a soul and a brain, would it be wrong to kill them only becuase they are aware of it? Would you starve yourselves so that vegetables such as carrots that are unable to move, (like the preacher in the beginning speech of, "Disgustipated" states) can survive? Like it say's, no matter what, it's all nescessary.
Now, as for the ending message segment. I have heard that this was a phone message that was left on Maynard James Keenan's answering machine by his former landlord. This message can be interpreted to be a scene that takes place through the eye's and perspective of a Serial Killer. Whenever a recent occurence takes place in the scene, the main character changes color to fit that certain aspect. Serial killers have a tendency to kill, due to the fact that they believe life is sacred to them and no one else, so they take life from people to ensure no one else can have it besides them, makeing it to their belonging, whenever this character in the message comes into contact with something such as the grass that is mentioned, they adapt and make it their own, like how he touched the grass and green became his color. The message depicts this as a selfish act of takeing things and makeing it their's instantly upon contact.
At one point they ask themselves why things must always change for him in this way. To make a connection from the phone message to the earlier segment of the Disgustipated, it's as the lyrics state, "This, is, nescessary" for the serial killer to murder, in order for him to stay alive. Later, they then convince themselves that the will of the Devil is to be evil, which killing is an act of, and that the will of God is to be good, wich killing is not an act of. So many people die and kill in the name of God, commiting acts of evil in the name of what is not evil, so they logically say that evil is used for good, so good is not too far from evil, so evil must be related to good, makeing the Devil God's cousin or relative, makeing the murders he has commited alright, as long as he believes it is for the good of things, even if the act itself is evil. At the end of the song the character spots people on his self proclaimed property and land, due to the main character comming in contact with the area and thereby makeing it theirs. They preceed to kill the people they see and make the gift of life they had, their own. The evidence this segment is about a serial killer is overwhelming.
"You had your knife there with you too." - Obvious killing intention and evidence with supporting prop.
"When you stood up there was goo all over your clothes" - Resemblence to blood on clothing after a recent previous killing.
In conclusion, the killer is confused as to why they feel the need to kill to apparently prevent his headaches as the story has given supporting details to, and he battles between his serious need to kill, and their absense of a concience, wich they manipulate and twist to make sense of their need to kill, by saying evil is related to good, if good things come out of evil actions.
The entirety of the phone message segment, may in fact be metaphorically comparing the need to kill, to a serious drug addiction, which is common in Keenan's lyrical writing and a familiar topic to him due to past personal experience. Killing is such a serious topic, but it's a lust and a need, you can't stop after one time, yet it is the same in comparison to a drug addict's lifestyle, the impact of the result of the certain actions, only differ to who it effects, killing effecting many people, but drug addiction effecing mainly the addict the most, but each effect has the same amount of pain in the impact, no matter how it's effect, effects whatever amount of people, it doesn't matter, altough the amount of the impact is the same between both situations.
To make a concluding possible connection between the phone segment and the beggining part of, "Disgustipated", The Serial Killer could be used to say that this specific individual believes it is necessary for life to feed off of life, so he resorts to killing to confirm his need for death of others to stay alive, and his only excuse and logic to go by, is that it's nescessary for life to feed off of life. -
#3 top rated interpretation:I don't really care about the first part because it's not to be taken seriously, but the final words at the end are..."It was daylight when you woke up in your ditch. You looked up at your sky then. That made blue be your color. You had your knife there with you too. When you stood up there was goo all over your clothes. Your hands were sticky. You wiped them on your grass, so now your color was green. Oh Lord, why did everything always have to keep changing like this. You were already getting nervous again. Your head hurt and it rang when you stood up. Your head was almost empty. It always hurt you when you woke up like this. You crawled up out of your ditch onto your gravel road and began to walk, waiting for the rest of your mind to come back to you. You can see the car parked far down the road and you walked toward it. 'If God is our Father,' you thought, 'then Satan must be our cousin.' Why didn't anyone else understand these important things? You got to your car and tried all the doors. They were locked. It was a red car and it was new. There was an expensive leather camera case laying on the seat. Out across your field, you could see two tiny people walking by your woods. You began to walk towards them. Now red was your color and, of course, those little people out there were yours too."
This section of the song is clearly a reference to the inner workings of a serial killer's mind. Serial killers in general tend to have very possessive characteristics and these feelings tend to cause them to commit the murders. They believe that even human life is their own, so they feel nothing when they take the life of another. It's just like taking something that belonged to him/her in the first place... -
They needed to fill in 16 minutes of the album. Mr. Keenan has unusual humor. And it may just be something thrown together to fill the album they were contracted to do. I remember when this album came out. The song was a hidden track. Get stoned and listen to the cd and all of a sudden you are freaked out by more cool shit. I don't feel there is any hidden message. Just reverend Maynard being Maynard. Green jello... the show for scientology... funny shit. Tool is one of very few bands that every song is good. Every album every song.
Cries of carrots (humans). Harvest day (dying). To people serd just dying where religion says were being harvested (afterlife). My interpretation
It is the mixture of Children of the Corn and music.
We foget or even denie consciously that everything we eat we kill like song this is necessary this nature we have separate are shelfs the natural shelfs and spiritual shelfs and are stuck in this so called artificial landscape, well thats a lie, a lie that have convinced are shelfs, and forgotten the knowledge of the old, the superstitious used to be well known and vary well understood and now the so called intellectuals call this woo or even sometimes pseudoscience the misguided or even at worse misleading religious leaders call this demonic forces or the work of the devil or some kind evil lol, but I ramble look I see this to be quite simple and I don't like to use that word just because I see it on this quite a bit, but point is this all life has a consciences a soul rather we like it or not, bad news for the vegetarians out there but with no disrespect, we eat we devore life just as all material life does this by no means a justification this is just necessary.
I always thought the message part of the song of "waking up in the ditch" was, an abductee who woke up drugged with some sort of LSD or something. To experience colour change on a trip of good LSD is very possible. As for the people in the distance... they were looking for where the light was coming from to take pics with the expensive camera to go with the case in the car. One question I had was why is he speaking to Rev. Maynard...who is he portraying that's defending the carrots and rabbits (People & food)???
12345click a star to voteAug 8th 2009, 23:48
Anyone care to venture into the song title and how it relates to the song? If I'm not mistaken it is a combination of the words "disgusted" and "dissipated". Interestingly enough, the song seems to have 2 parts with seemingly different meanings.
UH..."disgusted" and "dissipated"? Not so much. "Disgustipated" is a combination of the words "disgust" and "constipated". Not the end of the world, just not sure where you got "dissipated" from when everything you or the rest of us know about Tool/MJK's predilection to mention all things anal/excretory. It shadows the narrative in that a living creature devouring, digesting, and finally excreting other living organic matter is a neccessary biological function without which life could not continue and when someone tries to subvert that cycle by eating "guilt free" foods(see Vegan or strict vegetarian diets)that biological system tends not to work correctly. If you're eating foods that are hard for you to digest in the name of feeling better about yourself for not sacrificing a life to feed your own, which is the natural way of the world, your other connected biological functions won't work properly either, hence, "disgustipated". I think it's just the band being witty with a play on words.
As for the rest of the song, I wouldn't read too deep into it, I think it's just Tool/MJK taking a concept and having a little fun with it as well as playfully poking at Vegans or other extremists that believe all life is equal and that "meat is murder" etc. The point is pretty straighforward; for life to be nourished, death HAS to occur and to try to live outside of that circle is to be going against the way all life is designed. However I don't think the title of the song has all that much to do with the narrative, that the lyrics aren't there to explain the title or vice-versa. I think they ARE related, but not so exclusively that one can't exist without the other. They could just as easily have called the song something else( Rev. Maynard's Wild Ride) and we'd get the same message out of it.
As for the answering machine message, I personally don't believe it has anything at all to do with what comes before it and isn't related to "Disgutipated" in any way. I think it's just a cool, weird little bonus they added onto the album. And it IS in fact one of the bandmembers' landlord, he even gets a credit on the album (Undertow)as "Bill the landlord" or somesuch. I believe it's supposed to be vague and open to interpretation and just there to be provocotive and induce some use of the imagination. Could also just be an inside joke amongst the band members and their friends.
Most Tool songs have varying levels of meaning, we ALL know and love that about the band. I just think that this is one of the somewhat rare instances of the lyrics/message being pretty surface-level without a whole lot of hidden anything and to try to project all kinds of meaning onto it is just kind of uneccessary. It's still a great song and worthy of repeated listenings. -
OK first... the sheep. we are all SHEEPLE (sheep-people), go read or listen to William Cooper. The people respond in human voices, but also as sheep.
Ok, the carrots and the glasses... Rabbits wear glasses, its a lens they see the world through, their consciousness is in their own world as through their own lenses.
Everyone has their own reality. In some minds, killing carrots is killing life. If you were a tomato, killing a carrot would be murder. We are humans, we have a different lens.
Life literally does feed on life; it is necessary for life to consume life to survive (through our lenses as humans). Plants and small animals, however, can feed off of nutrients (but keep in mind those nutrients come from breaking own molecules which came from living organisms before it) -
When you really dissect the song, all the elements that everyone has interpreted are there.
-vegan viewpoint
-drug perception
When I think of the song as a whole I come up with this...
The first part of the song deals with the dilemma of eating living things as food. I feel that it is presented in a tongue in cheek manner so that it does not provoke a debate on the moral merit of this act.
The idea is simply floated out as an open-ended statement which no one has a clear answer to as whether it is something we should be doing.
The second part of the song states, "this is necessary. Life feeds on life.
The last part of the song is a realization that the universe is one entity and that everything inside of it is one.
However this realization came to light,whether it by drugs or alien abduction, is all the same.
So when combining the parts of the song it can be said that it is necessary to feed on life because that is all there is! Carrots,animals and human beings are from the same life force. We must feed on ourselves because there is no other option. It is necessary.
Listening to this song late at night is kind of freaky. I think the beginning is like a lynching of someone. The preacher has some powerful speech and everyone gets pissed off and goes and kills people. This is probably lyrically inaccurate but that's the vibe I get from the song. The 10 minutes of crickets is like the calm after the violence, and afterwards is like some guy waking up and not really knowing what's going on. So the lyrics I'd say are how humans are both violent and calm, but I got this from the "music" and lyrics
I think Reverend is trying to explain an acid trip but he just can't. lol anyways it doesnt matter because we have to think for ourselves on this.. on everything. If you don't then your just another lamb in the crowd.
I think, like most things Tool, this song has multiple meanings. The baaa sounds made by the sheep obviously refer to religion as Jesus is called the shepherd and his followers are called his sheep. The idea that religious can be led to slaughter and be slaughtered in the name of their religion is prevalent throughout this portion of the song. As anyone who has ever been to a religious gathering can tell you, there are often ''visions'' shared in much the same manner as the first part of this song. I believe this part also references the moronic view that animals are our peers. We feed upon those beneath us. Does anyone believe that cows and chickens would have survived without humans sheltering and protecting them? The strong feed on the weak and that is what the second part of the song gets into. Life feeds on life. If we could hear the cries of the carrots would we spare them? What then? We must become conscious of the fact that we are little more than parasites on earth. We take and advance and kill and destroy but there is no other way. Our lives depend on those facts. It is necessary. The third part has the feeling of an acid trip for me with colors becoming tangible and imagery meaning so much to the subject but I am intrigued by the serial killer aspects that have been outlined above. Like I said and I truly believe, Tools songs contain multiple meanings. I think Maynard wants everyone to interpret his art as they see it because to cause thought and discussion through something so simple is true genius.
Addendum: the user who posted September 13th, 2009 at 12:12AM is clearly right because, and I'm quoting here, in case you're not sure of what the " signs mean, "I researched it for like four hours." On a related note, I have the largest penis in the world. I had been thinking for awhile that I did, but I decided to do some research on the matter, and, after four hours had passed and I hadn't seen one bigger than mine, I have determined that we can now safely conclude that none are as well-endowed as I am. Admittedly, the sample size was somewhat low, but I'm almost positive that Nirvana album covers and John Wayne Bobbit crime scene photos are "statistically relevant." Sorry guys.
I think that the anonymous user who posted March 16th, 2010 at 08:24AM wrote literally the stupidest thing I've ever read. Awesome. As it turns out, the horror does NOT begin in autumn, but rather, in March. Good luck everyone.
This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
The song has a deeper meaning. Most people dont realize that most religions have been used as a form of government and control over those that have a week mind and dont belive in themselves. The song refers to the fact that fanatical religious leaders can cause those that are weak minded to kill those by justifing it as neccissary. The last part is in my oppinion refering to the act of this and tring to justify it by means of an act of god.
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