Deadmau5 - Raise Your Weapon Meaning

Raise Your Weapon Lyrics
Launch your assault now, take it easy
Raise your weapon, raise your weapon
One word and it's over
Rippin' through like a missile
Rippin' through my heart
Rob me of this love
Raise your weapon, raise...
#1 top rated interpretation:While I can understand how some may interpret this songs lyrics literally being about war and armed struggle, it's not. The lyrics are being spoken in metaphor: they are comparing the process of a breakup or divorce as being a series of battles eventually becoming an all-out war, with the two opposing sides in the battle being the people involved, one the position of the narrator/singer and the other her partner. The gender of her partner isn't mentioned as it's unimportant to the story.
This particular song currently has very pertinent meaning in my life.
I'll go through the lyrics, line by line, and then give a summary at the end.
"Rippin' my heart was so easy, so easy"
In this line the singer is speaking from the position of the hurt partner, the one who has been wronged. Quite simply, she's stating (bitterly) that her partner has been cold, distant and indifferent to the hurt that has been inflicted.
"Launch your assault now, take it easy"
In this line, 'assault' is being used as a metaphor for an argument or 'attack', the arguing and yelling has started again, and she's asking her partner for understanding and to consider her feelings. There's an unspoken, yet implied feeling that there is still hope for resolution to the problem if her partner will just stop taking the offensive against her. She doesn't understand where the anger her partner has is coming from, but she needs it to stop. The way the line 'take it easy' is spoken is in a soft and soothing way, further implying that for the singer, things don't have to be this way. She believes they have a choice in how to address their problems, and is pleading for mercy.
"Raise your weapon, raise your weapon"
The conflict is escalating, and so she is describing her partner raising their voice as the raising of a weapon. Weapon. Singular. This will be an important point later in the song.
"One word and it's over"
This one line has double meaning, and for being only five words long, is the most important statement in the song. In one sense, she's saying 'one more word, one more harsh or thoughtless comment or deed and I'm gone', but at the same time, she's also saying (as anonymous mentioned above) that it will take only one word: "I'm 'sorry'" or "'forgive' me" has to be mentioned in order for this conflict to end.
"Rippin' through like a missile"
The words and acts of her partner are being used as weapons to hurt her. Quick and impersonal as the bullets from a gun (which are missiles) or (in this line) possibly implying a greater impact by using 'missile' to mean rockets or bombs. Note, that to this point, no words have been used to state that she has retaliated or even defending herself.
"Rippin' through my heart"
Her lover's selfish attacks are going right to the core of her and what she feels for her partner.
"Rob me of this love"
She wants to lover her partner, she *still* loves her partner, but the hurt is growing and she's aware that her partner is winning in his attempts to hurt her, and thus, her love and affection are slowly bleeding away as a result. She believes that her partner's actions are deliberate, specifically intended to 'rob' her of the love and affection she wants from her partner and aimed at ending the relationship.
"Raise your weapon, raise your weapon and it's over"
As mentioned before, she's on the precipice of their relationship. She's stating (again) that they have a choice of where to go from here: to forgive and rebuild, or to continue and complete the destruction of what they have shared up to this point. She's giving a warning to her partner, that they are dangerously close to the limit of what she can tolerate and still come back from in this.
"Love your ego, you won't feel a thing"
There is bitterness in this line, accusing her partner of being selfish and self-centered. She sarcastically states that her partner 'won't feel a thing' as he continues his assault. The singer is stating her belief that while she stands there, bloodied and wounded from the conflict, her partner is apparently unscathed and ready for more.
"Always number one"
Again, this line has subtle double meaning.
She's stating openly that her partner always has to come first, to be 'number one'. Perhaps though, she's also saying that she believes she might also be partially responsible for her partner being so narcissistic: if she hadn't of always put her partner's wants first, before her own needs, she wouldn't now regret having fed the (now) out of control ego of her partner.
"The pen with a bent wrist crooked king"
Her partner is taking the lead, calling the shots and isn't entirely being fair or considerate in the decisions being made for their relationship. 'The pen with the bent wrist' is being used as symbolic of action being taken, and ties in the next line.
"Sign away our peace for your war, one word and it's over"
Here, she's emphasizing that instead of taking the initiative to try and find the root cause of their conflict, or even to simply stop hurting each-other, her partner is actively taking an aggressive stance and is consciously making the choice to hurt her, to continue the 'war' between them. While the 'one word' statement could still mean that she's willing to forgive and rebuild, it's less so at this point. There is resignation in her voice that the end is coming soon, and while she doesn't want it to be so, she can't deny where the actions and choice of her partner are taking them.
"Dropping your bombs now"
"On all we've built"
Her partner has escalated the conflict, going beyond hurtful words and deeds to intentional destruction of the foundation and infrastructure of their relationship. She's watching and reporting on what she now perceives to be the wanton destruction of what they have worked to build together: the trust, love, shared memories, common goals, even the friendship that they once had. All of that is going now, being consumed in her partners selfish acts.
"How does it feel now to watch it burn, burn, burn?"
A very simple statement: she's bitterly asking her partner if they don't feel anything at all? Obviously the partner wants to be free of the relationship, but the singer is asking that one question: Why? Why was it necessary to do this? In this way? After spending the time and effort necessary to build up trust and love and all the other things that make up a friendship, much less a romantic involvement, why would their partner willingly destroy what they have built together? She is asking her partner what it feels like to be the one to willing destroy what was once the most important thing in their lives.
"Raise your weapons, raise your weapons and it's over"
As I mentioned when this line was first used, it /was/ used in the singular. This is important change, as it's the last change to the lyrics before the bridge and then the verses simply repeat. The singer at this point is now actively engaged in the conflict, raising her own voice and fighting back instead of being passive and asking for peace. Now, instead of looking for a resolution to their conflict, she (perhaps out of hurt and spite) wishes to inflict some hurt back, to go down fighting as it were and do some damage of her own before they part ways. As another mentioned above, the transition from a single voice with piano accompaniment into the Dubstep after this point symbolizes the "war" between them with it's harsh conflicting sounds and beat.
This song, while haunting in it's simplicity, describes what it feels like to be on the losing side in a dying relationship. The song takes us through six of the seven stages of grief/loss:
The only stage not covered by the piece is the last and most important one: Acceptance and Hope. After the Dubstep bridge, the song then goes through the entire lyrics set again, in quiet reflection of the relationship. The way the song ends, in a gentle way, I believe indicates her final acceptance that "it's over" and gives hope to a new beginning, and looks to the future for the ability to trust and love again. -
#2 top rated interpretation:its about how true love is a war.. in war when you rais your weapon you surrender. she surrendered, so shes sayin raise your weapon.. one word and its over, and now we can be ourselfs and love each other and stop the bullshit lol. you would have to go tro it to understand :)
#3 top rated interpretation:A friend of mine figured this out. He thinks it is about divorce possibly from a cheating spouse.
The weapon is the pen.
Sign away our peace (marriage) for your war (divorce).
One word (divorce) and it is over now. -
People told me its about circumcision but its not. It's about the duty of a murderer to have to murder someone that was framing someone for assault, and the someone they framed moved to Africa to save suffering dogs. The only sad part is that I never got to prove it.
I think the song is about divorce, however I discovered this song while going through one and it fit everything I was going through perfectly.
So now, here's my interpretation.
"Rippin' my heart was so easy, so easy."
Could be anything that lead to the dissolve of the relationship.
"Launch your assault now, take it easy."
The initiating of a divorce. but don't be too harsh.
"Raise your weapon, raise your weapon,"
Raise your pen, a weapon mightier than the sword.
"One word and it's over"
Signature. Finalize it.
"Rippin' through like a missile,
Rippin' through my heart,"
Cold words on the paper cutting through mercilessly
"Rob me of this love"
Just what it says, rob me of this love we had in our marriage.
"Raise your weapon, raise your weapon,
And it's over"
Raise your pen, (to sign the document) and its over (our relationship)
"Love your ego, you won't feel a thing"
Love yourself, but your heart is numb and wont feel it.
"Always number one,"
Putting yourself first above everything else, as always.
"The pen with a bent wrist crooked king"
Signing the document with a bent wrist. Crooked king(or queen, the voice singing is female but doesn't have to represent the gender of the voice of the lyrics.) King is representative of the head of a kingdom. In this case, the household, the dominant partner.
"Sign away our peace, for your war"
Sign the document ending peace between us, for your war (not mine)
"One word and it's over"
(there is no hint of reconciliation, so its not im sorry, or forgive me)
"Dropping your bombs now, on all we've built"
All the details of the divorce that are tearing the houseold apart, property and children if any. Everything they worked together to build for themselves.
"How does it feel now to watch it burn, burn, burn?"
Now that you have done this, look at it burn. How does that make you feel to see what you have destroyed.
"Raise your weapons, raise your weapons,"
Its not over yet, there are many more legal battles ahead, both with pens.
"And it's over"
But one thing is sure, the marriage is over.
The rest of the song goes back lamenting the whole thing over again because a divorce has lasting impact.
Also the change in tone of the music, to me is indicative of the change of heart that the parties have, sorrow at first and changing to more angry than sad later. -
I think the song is about divorce, however I discovered this song while going through one and it fit everything I was going through perfectly.
So now, here's my interpretation.
"Rippin' my heart was so easy, so easy."
Could be anything that lead to the dissolve of the relationship.
"Launch your assault now, take it easy."
The initiating of a divorce. but don't be too harsh.
"Raise your weapon, raise your weapon,"
Raise your pen, a weapon mightier than the sword.
"One word and it's over"
Signature. Finalize it.
"Rippin' through like a missile,
Rippin' through my heart,"
Cold words on the paper cutting through mercilessly
"Rob me of this love"
Just what it says, rob me of this love we had in our marriage.
"Raise your weapon, raise your weapon,
And it's over"
Raise your pen, (to sign the document) and its over (our relationship)
"Love your ego, you won't feel a thing"
Love yourself, but your heart is numb and wont feel it.
"Always number one,"
Putting yourself first above everything else, as always.
"The pen with a bent wrist crooked king"
Signing the document with a bent wrist. Crooked king(or queen, the voice singing is female but doesn't have to represent the gender of the voice of the lyrics.) King is representative of the head of a kingdom. In this case, the household, the dominant partner.
"Sign away our peace, for your war"
Sign the document ending peace between us, for your war (not mine)
"One word and it's over"
(there is no hint of reconciliation, so its not im sorry, or forgive me)
"Dropping your bombs now, on all we've built"
All the details of the divorce that are tearing the houseold apart, property and children if any. Everything they worked together to build for themselves.
"How does it feel now to watch it burn, burn, burn?"
Now that you have done this, look at it burn. How does that make you feel to see what you have destroyed.
"Raise your weapons, raise your weapons,"
Its not over yet, there are many more legal battles ahead, both with pens.
"And it's over"
But one thing is sure, the marriage is over.
The rest of the song goes back lamenting the whole thing over again because a divorce has lasting impact. -
yeah you, suddenly and surprisingly, all become so "creativeé to explain the song as a simple love song between two lovers instead of taking it so simply. I have to admit that you tried so hard to turn off the military and obvious content of the song but if you take it with this way you will find how easy and clear it is :
- " sign away our peace, for your war" : doesn't this sentence tell you anything, about how G.W.Bush declared the war against Iraq and announced that arabic countries in the middle east are officially the center of evil ?
- "always number one " ==> common everybody know it must be USA as number one power. Not necessarily true but this is what we all know and what american government pretend to say.
- "drop your bombs now on all what we does it feel now to watch it burn ": ==> now for fk sake, man, don't tell me it's a conversation between two lovers, it is about how human being is destroying everything with his machine, because of hate and desire to take revenge.
" Ripping my heart was so easy..." ==> soldiers are human beings, but when they join the war, they can transform to beasts, killing with no mercy,able to go so far, they can even commit war crimes and do horrible things. Many soldiers come back to their countries with psychological issues...
I will not keep explaining the other sentences but i think it's so clear, this song is a kind of blame for those who caused the death of both soldiers and civilinas to satisfy his ego. -
It's about the world's war on consciousness and cosmic awareness against the world's elite that's controlling us. She's telling them to let go of their ego and to feel love and peace. If your mind is open enough, reread the lyrics.
As my mom works with veterans, I've always seen this song as being about war, the leaders that start wars for crooked reasons, and the grief that surrounds it. Something as small as a pen can become a weapon that rips people's lives apart, as their futures and relationships are literally signed away. Families that were once peaceful and loving are destroyed by either the death of a loved one, or the psychological problems the soldier faces once he/she gets home (some may act like completely different people). It fits perfectly with the feelings I've seen families have- feeling "robbed" of the husband/father they once had, the divorces, the idea that their family has been ripped apart, the helplessness.
1) Rippin' my heart was so easy, so easy
Launch your assault now, take it easy
Raise your weapon, raise your weapon
One word and it's over
It was too easy to rip somebody's life apart. Please surrender- just one word and the bloodshed will be over.
2)Rippin' through like a missile
Rippin' through my heart
Rob me of this love
Raise your weapon, raise your weapon and it's over
You feel "robbed." Somebody who doesn't know you sent your loved off off for reasons you didn't agree with, and now they're never coming back home. If they did make it home, they may be completely changed and you've been robbed of the person you once fell in love with. Again, just please surrender so it can be over.
3)Love your ego, you won't feel a thing
Always number one
The pen with a bent wrist crooked king
Sign away our peace for your war, one word and it's over
The leader starting the war won't feel a thing. The troops are just numbers. His/her family isn't in danger. As a politician, they've put themselves first. It's callous and crooked. He signs away whatever peace we had for his/her war. Again, please surrender.
4)Dropping your bombs now
On all we've built
How does it feel now to watch it burn, burn, burn?
Raise your weapons, raise your weapons and it's over
I see this as referring to both society and a family. All those years building up a family and now it's in turmoil. All those years building up society and now bombs are destroying it. How does it feel to watch everything we've worked towards burn to the ground? Once again, please surrender.
There are many ways this song can be interpreted, and all are probably right to some extent. -
The weapon is your brain. Take your phone, pc, camera, tablet... and use it. Use it for something worthwile instead of crying about your petty high school relationships. no one forgives, no one forgets. raise your weapons weaklings
I was deeply attracted to this song before I actually listened to its lyrics. Without the distraction of trying to interpret the meaning of the song, I was able to feel it.
After listening to it many times and attempting to analyze its meaning, I synthesized the feelings it invoked with a critical interpretation of its words.
What came up for me consistently is this: Heartbreak on a personal level is experienced by many when they lose a loved one to unresolved conflict. Heartbreak is experienced collectively throughout the world, in all cultures, through losses caused by war. Experienced either personally or collectively, loss caused by conflict is a profoundly difficult emotion. In either case, "one word, and it's over"... could be any of the following: surrender; peace; victory; love; understand; unite; or, on the dark side: annihilation; kill...
A strictly positive interpretation means (to me) that it is possible to end war with one word: peace....which is why I find this song so inspiring. -
I was deeply attracted to this song before I actually listened to its lyrics. Without the distraction of trying to interpret the meaning of the song, I was able to feel it.
After listening to it many times and attempting to analyze its meaning, I synthesized the feelings it invoked with a critical interpretation of its words.
What came up for me consistently is this: Heartbreak on a personal level is experienced by many when they lose a loved one to unresolved conflict. Heartbreak is experienced collectively throughout the world, in all cultures, through losses caused by war. Experienced either personally or collectively, loss caused by conflict is a profoundly difficult emotion. In either case, "one word, and it's over"... could be any of the following: surrender; peace; victory; love; understand; unite; or, on the dark side: annihilation; kill...
A strictly positive interpretation means (to me) that it is possible to end war with one word: peace....which is why I find this song so inspiring. -
I thinks its about an abusive relationship.. shes explaining the fights... its a "war" a battlefield that she is living in.
"ripping my heart was so easy"=its painful how love changes.
"one word, and its over now" = the fight begins again
"always number one, the pen with a bent wrist crooked king, sign away our peace, for your war,one word and its over now" -
I agree with an earlier interpretation. I think the "one word" is DIVORCE. I think the weapon raised is the "one word". The "pen with bent wrist" could refer to signing Divorce papers. All the rest seems logical to me in this light. I'm really impressed with the depth of the lyrics or at least the depth of possible interpretations. Deadmau5 has a surprising knack for this. I think "I Remember" is another good example of his lyrical prowess.
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I believe this song talks about the Yugolav wars.... Specifically when Belgrade was bombed by NATO, when she sings "Dropping your bombs now, On all we've built, how does it feel now to watch it burn..." they destroyed TV radio towers, hospitals, maternity hospitals, financial buildings, major factories power stations despite that Yugoslavs surrendered "raise your weapon". And I also agree with "pen with the bent wrist crooked king" "sign away our peace, for your war" America is part of NATO. (read Feb 19th)
Its about Bushs war on Bin laden. Bush is the bent wrist signing away our peace.. Dropping the bombs on what MAN has built, his ego makes him #1, he wont feel a thing because hes removed from the war by being in the white house. How does it feel to watch it burn is directed towards Bin Laden re: the twin towers burning.
BinLaden is the crooked king. One word and its over meaning Bin ladens in hiding and he knows the war is over if his whereabouts are discovered so he must remain silent. Bottom line-its about how 2 peoples war (Bush vs Bin Laden) dragging everyone else into it -
This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
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