What do you think Blood // Water means?

grandson - Blood // Water Meaning

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Album cover for Blood // Water album cover

Song Released: 2018

Blood // Water Lyrics

We'll never get free
Lamb to the slaughter
What you gon' do
When there's blood in the water
The price of your greed
Is your son and your daughter
What you gon' do
When there's blood in the water

Look me in my eyes
Tell me everything's...


    #1 top rated interpretation:
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    May 25th 2022 !⃝

    I have read a lot of interpretations and I think I finally fully or mostly understand. if u haven’t seen the music video watch it it adds a lot of context. So here’s what I think: it’s about big corporations and government who prioritize money and wealth over the state of the world and they continue to poison our world (global warming and stuff like that) just for money. The line “you poisoned me just for another dollar in your pocket” shows this. He is also saying that the price of ignoring these issues and continuing to poison the world is your sons and daughters dying because the world will be uninhabitable soon enough and everyone will die (hence our blood will be in the water.) If u have seen the music video I believe the water and drinking the water is an analogy to doing all those bad things and when the business man aka the dad willingly drinks the water for money and then dies it’s because he was so blind to the consequences of his greed he couldn’t see that it affects everyone. And that water killed his child too. And the company is just a representation for all the big corporations in our world. That’s pretty much it!


    #2 top rated interpretation:
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    Sep 26th 2019 !⃝

    I'm pretty dure it's about how big companies are destroying earth just for money, since it says lines like "the price of your greed is your son and your daughter", refering to how the figure generations are gonna hace to suffer the consequences of humans nowadays being greedy and poisoning earth for money, which is also another line: "you poisoned me just for another dollar in your pocket". I feel like the "Blood in the water" line refers to the consequences of global warming and climate chance, how it's gonna end up killing all of us if we continue at this rate, therefore it will be our blood in the water."lamb to the slaughter" might be comparing a lamb to earth, and how it's being constantly harmed and slaughtered, and might also make a reference to the constant killing and slaughter of animals(idk tho). Of course there's many other obvious lines like "when the last tee has fallen" and "the river has run dry" but I don't think those need explenation


    #3 top rated interpretation:
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    Dec 22nd 2020 !⃝

    Many of the lyrics seem to refer to the plagues of Egypt:
    - "We'll never get free": the Israelites were enslaved in Egypt and had no hope of getting free against the powerful nation until God brings Moses and the plagues to free them.
    - "Lamb to the slaughter": for the last plague, the Israelites had to slaughter and lamb and put the blood on the doorpost in order to avoid their children dying to the angel of death.
    - "blood in the water": one of the plagues turns the Nile river to blood.
    - "The price of your greed is your sons and your daughters": the final plague costs the Egyptians their first-born sons who die to the angel of death because of their greed in not allowing the Israelites to go free and wanting free labour.
    - "there's a knock on your door": this also refers to the angel of death coming to the homes of those who have not put blood on the doorpost and "knocking" before killing the first-born son.
    - "I am the storm
    I am the riot
    I am the swarm"
    Two more plagues were a hailstorm and a swarm of locusts. The riot could refer to the fact that the Israelites are beginning to want freedom and fight for it.
    - "Now I am the violence
    I am the sickness
    Won't accept your silence
    Beg me for forgiveness"
    God gives the Egyptian king a chance to set His people free, but the king rejects it. Because of this, God justly becomes the "sickness," not satisfied with the King's silence in not allowing the Israelites freedom. He asks the king to beg forgiveness and follow his word in order to free himself of the plagues.

  4. anonymous
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    Dec 13th 2022 !⃝

    Capitalism. It is about how people are doing things for money that will destroy the future generations. The music video appears to hint heavily at big pharma. References to biblical plagues seem to be allegory and not literally talking about the biblical plagues. Also, the music video hints at the futility of religion ever solving any of these problems.

  5. anonymous
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    Aug 9th 2022 !⃝

    If you watch the music video there are some things that aren't corresponding to the lyrics. My personal theory is there is a company called RXX (a big pharma company) that is trying to control the water by putting some sort of drug in it. They shut off the water supply to everyone and made them drink the tainted water to keep everyone under their control.

  6. anonymous
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    Apr 1st 2022 !⃝

    I like train.trainlike me to do it

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  7. anonymous
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    Nov 25th 2021 !⃝

    this song is about the rich and greedy who run big corporations. They are killing the environment by putting profit over planet. Grandson is telling them that in the end, they too will suffer the consequences of their actions and there will be no excuse for what they have done.

  8. HungryBoy1234
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    Sep 2nd 2021 !⃝

    I think you are all missing the point! It's got to be about him talking to someone that killed him for some money hints the pic for it on Spotify and the greedy guy had a son and a daughter and the dead guy is going to get revenge by killing them somehow in the water or drooping there dead body's in the water. And that's what I think about this.

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  9. anonymous
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    Jul 24th 2021 !⃝

    I think it’s about separated parent, and one parent using the child for gain or money and lying to them about the other parent, and when the child finds out the truth to why one parent kept them away from the other what are they going to say, its not forgivable when it was for their own gain!

  10. anonymous
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    Jun 11th 2021 !⃝

    This isnt a personal interpretation but you all should watch the official video for it if you haven't, it gives much, much context and clues to the meaning (Which, I, in fact, am still trying to figure out for myself)

  11. anonymous
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    Jun 4th 2021 !⃝

    I think this song is about how the govermnet is making us spend money and that if we keeping killing animals we will have nothing left to eat and we will all die and that family is important

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  12. BigMuds
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    May 23rd 2021 !⃝

    I think its about grandson finding somebody who tried to poison him as a hitman and the person got kidnapped by grandson. Grandson also kidnapped his children which relates to "the price of your greed is your son and your daughter". Other lyrics to support this interpretation is "you poison me just for another dollar in your pocket" and "Beg me for forgiveness". The song is also conveyed as grandson singing to the hitman as a form of torture with the lyrics" Whats your alibi" and "Admit you were toxic". Finally, I think the term "Blood in the water" is a reference to the way of poisoning so the hitman put the poison in the water.

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  13. anonymous
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    May 6th 2021 !⃝

    This song is a song that i think means the government is killing the human race for money and power this is god trying to set us free but government is declining and the “blood in the water” part i think means that all the deaths of lack of food and the chemicals in the water are killing people when they try to drink it and so everyone so reads this.........................Take care of our planet please we will end up going extinct but i think grandson is saying save our planet by pointing out about the government killing the human race please recycle.

  14. anonymous
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    Jan 14th 2021 !⃝

    i think its all about the sins in Egypt like if u sin the nile river is going to turn to blood which i is the bit that says 'and the river has run dry' and 'what ur gon o when theres blood in the water'

  15. anonymous
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    Nov 16th 2020 !⃝

    Per come la vedo io la canzone parla del ciclo della violenza, di come in questo mondo persone per puro interesse personale, molte volte soldi, uccidono altre persone.
    L'ho pensato per le linee che dicono "now i am the violence, I am the sickness" e penso si riferisca al fatto che dopo aver ucciso qualcuno, le persone che lo conoscevano cercheranno vendetta e di conseguenza si creerà un ciclo di violenza. Alla fine dice anche "when the last tree has fallen, the animal can't hide" lasciando intendere che ogni azione avrà conseguenza. Il tutto può essere legato a un trauma dell'artista, però vedo anche molto plausibila la versione sul cambiamento globale

  16. anonymous
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    Oct 7th 2020 !⃝

    I'm pretty sure that its saying that our future isn't going to be pretty if we keep giving into the government. The lines "You poisoned me just for another dollar in your pocket" means that the government is controlling and lying to us just for more money.

  17. anonymous
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    May 14th 2020 !⃝

    I beleive the song Blood // Water has something to do with gangs, basically ΅we will never get free lamb to the slaughter ´'
    to my interpretations means, we cannot get food for free, and i need me and my family to eat, ´ the price for your greed is your son and your daughter 'meaning the main protaganist of this story had done something for money,now this really goes to show when the song then goes 'you poisened me just for, another dollar in your pocket. ´ to feed the main characters famaliy, or their son and daughter. so i beleive that he went to a gang and asked for some money, now he had an assasionation job for the money.

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  18. anonymous
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    May 2nd 2020 !⃝

    Well, it kind of reminds me of humanity.. It may mean that since humanity is so greedy, consequices come for your actions. Poison? Well, I get it, but I can't exactly explain it in words. You know how people make people want revenge? That's what I'm thinking. "You'll never get free"? Well, you can't escape what you did, aka you can't escape your ALIBI. Sounds familiar? "What's your alibi?" Yep. It all makes since now, doesn't it. He may be referring to the bible, and it makes since. Blood in the water also might mean death, and this song also reminds me of the Second Coming. But the "I am the Violence, I am the Sickness" will most likely refer fo revenge. And back to the poison, "You poisoned me just for, another dollar in your pocket." Sounds pretty greedy, huh?

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