What do you think AEnima means?

Tool - AEnima Meaning

Album cover for AEnima album cover

Song Released: 1997

AEnima Lyrics

Some say the end is near. Some say we'll see Armageddon soon. I certainly hope we will. I sure could use a vacation from this bullshit three-ring circus sideshow of freaks here in this hopeless fucking hole we call "LA!" The only way to fix it is...

  1. wearethestories
    click a star to vote
    Dec 1st 2005 !⃝


    this should be helpful...

  2. cloudcity
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    Dec 1st 2005 !⃝

    You are all correct to certain extents because a song is also about the individual's personal meaning as well as the original meaning thought up by the lyric writer, and of course Tool is all about thought-provoking the listener and is very prone to create philosophers amongst their listeners. Because they are geniouses. Anywho, the seperation/sinking of L.A from the rest of America is definately used as a metaphor, as is the apocalyptic motion felt in the song. Maynard himself said this song was about becoming aware of the collective unconscious (another Jungian theory, linking to the name and some of the concepts withing the album. Look it up and you'll understand Tool's meanings loads more. Especially songs like REFLECTION).

  3. anonymous
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    Nov 24th 2005 !⃝

    I'm going to give my two cents into this interpretation. I, personally, believe everyone is right. A song can have many meanings... not just one. The whole L.A. Theory is obviously correct, considering the holigraph of it sinking into the ocean on the CD. About the combination of enima and anima to come up with the title... yet again, that too is obviously correct. About enima, L.A. Is the anus of the nation where all these hip ganster wannabes, insecure actresses, ect. call home. Personally, I'd love to see it all come down... Flush it all away! The theory of the song being about finding yourself and being yourself, no one else. I believe that to be correct. But I do believe the L.A. Theory... Is a metaphor. Along with the rest of the song.

  4. anonymous
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    Nov 21st 2005 !⃝

    Uhhhhhhhh, I don't know if this is right, but does that metal bullet-shaped thing in the video have something to do with scientology, maybe feeten machines, or whatever they're really called? (that term is from South Park)

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  5. anonymous
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    Nov 20th 2005 !⃝

    I think the song is about the end of L.A in a literal sense. When the San Andreas fault splits apart and causes L.A to sink (over time) the people pf L.A will have to adapt and evolve into for lack of a better word "merpeople". Maynard lets us know this when he says, "learn to swim."

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  6. anonymous
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    Nov 17th 2005 !⃝

    This one is to III: Do you even know who L Ron Hubbard is??...because if you did then you would no he has little to nothing to do with the song as a whole. He is only an example of someone who has profitted on the stupidity of others (Rich others) who believe in a crazy religon full of loosely drawn connections betweeen humans and aliens.

    The song as a whole is about the cruption of southern californa, how money and power make the whole place go around. How it is full of people with their eyes glued the fuck shut. It's about how Maynard wishes it would all go away. Tool is the Pythagrus (ancient mathmeticin in geometry) of our time, Pythagrus felt you could explain the meaning of life, God, and all that is right and wrong with the mathmatical patterns found in Music. Tool realized this and capitalized.

  7. anonymous
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    Nov 16th 2005 !⃝

    It's a combination of interpretations, but as a side note, on the inside flap of the CD it shows California sinking in the ocean...so that gives some merit to the whole LA thoery.

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  8. anonymous
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    Nov 14th 2005 !⃝

    I've been an extremely diehard fan of Tool for about 8 years now and I'd say Zaq hit the nail on the head in my opinion.

  9. anonymous
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    Nov 6th 2005 !⃝

    It's basically Maynard telling people to be themselves and not to follow the crowd. Makes sense.

  10. OzzyOzzy125
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    Nov 4th 2005 !⃝

    Well the song is obviously about Los Angeles. There are hints of all the above mentioned things, but the main theme is that society is in a state today that is a "bullshit three ring circus sideshow of freaks." Furthermore Los Angelas is the center of the corruption, where all the "shit" of the nation ends up...so what our country really needs in as Enema to cleanse our nation. How would a country effectively get an enema? Well, a giant earthquake along the San Andreas fault would be a wonderful way to start.

  11. anonymous
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    Nov 2nd 2005 !⃝

    I think it is about the media making people fake and not themselves. And by "learn to swim," I think he is trying to refer to getting away from the media and learning to be yourself. Any of us could be right, and only Maynard knows the true meaning of Aenima. I think the first guy to post was pretty much spot on. Well done.

  12. babykicker
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    Nov 1st 2005 !⃝

    It's both about L.A. breaking away from the US and cleansing the inner self, with a hint of innocence involved in it. It's about L.A. breaking away, because if you ever bought the CD, instead of just downloading the songs, you would in fact see a holigraphic image that shows L.A. sinking into the ocean. Plus, considering the album is named after that song and the image is RIGHT in the inner part of the CD case, I would like to assume that it is about LA sinking.

    Also when Maynard says 'Learn to swim, I'll see you down in Arizona bay,' it refers to learn to swim because LA is going to sink and that they'll see you in Arizona bay, because that's where they'll have to swim to once it sinks.

  13. anonymous
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    Nov 1st 2005 !⃝

    You're all wrong. It's about the end of the world. Just because it says L.A. doesn't mean it's just L.A.

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  14. Wakutiki
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    Oct 12th 2005 !⃝

    This song is obvously about the fall of California and it breaking away from the US, but what Maynard Says during the song means that its all going to come down one way because you cannot change what will happen. During the time of waiting dont worry so much about things because to waste your time just leads you in circles.

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