What do you think Mantra means?

Tool - Mantra Meaning

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    #1 top rated interpretation:
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    Jul 11th 2006 !⃝

    Its Maynards cat actually

  2. anonymous
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    Jan 22nd 2023 !⃝

    To Zaq,
    Hey man, I am aware of the VERY unlikelihood that you will see this, as you posted 8 years ago. Hell, you may not even be alive. I agree with you; I believe ‘I love you’ is being said repeatedly. As soon as I read your comment, I went on Spotify and listened, and I shed a tear.

    Thank you Zaq.


  3. anonymous
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    Sep 22nd 2013 !⃝

    mantra and the whole album if put together in the correct order there is a story being it and the story is about tool when he was 2 years old and there was a robbery in their house and his mom tried to do something but then she was chocked to death and then in blame hoffman the convo with the doctor is his dad trying to find out what happens and he has no idea what is going on so he says he feels like an alien and starts getting into alien things and stuff...... mantra is the sound of her being chocked

  4. anonymous
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    Feb 26th 2011 !⃝

    The sound is maynard's cat being squeezed: slowed down. They either added it to fuck with the interpretors or they think it is a true mantra, a subtle humming of the soul and spirit

  5. RodrigoX
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    Apr 1st 2010 !⃝

    Mantra means what Mantra means, but I think you should know is that the sounds in Mantra is Keenan squeezing his cats slowed down.

  6. anonymous
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    Oct 23rd 2009 !⃝

    Um apparently hearing a cat getting gently squeezed and slowed down a lot gives the same affect as preforming a mantra. I would love to hear Mantra sped up.

  7. anonymous
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    Jul 4th 2008 !⃝

    If you rearrange all the tracks of lateralus to make 13 eg, 6&7, 5&8, 4&9, 13, 1&12, 2&11, 3&10 in this order the first 7 songs blend into one another making one massive song. At the end of ticks & leeches which is number 8, it says "I hope you choke!" then it blends seamlessly into mantra which sounds like a person choking. I'm sure there are others around who know about this, and why you rearrange the tracks.

  8. paja713
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    May 4th 2008 !⃝

    I fucking love TOOL and Ive always viewed Maynard as a great philosopher and shit, but dude, I'm really quite torn between believing the sides (filler track v.s. deep meaning). I kinda think only the title has a meaning and the actual sound itself is a filler.

  9. OldNo7
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    Apr 12th 2007 !⃝

    The sound being made is Adam Jones blowing through a long tube into a synth made to simulate the humming sound of the Hindu monks chanting. The meaning of the song isn't just in the song itself but also in the placement of the song. There's a good reason that a section of Mantra is tagged onto the beginning of Schism on the video and comes before it on the album. I believe it is supposed to focus and center the person who is feeling torn by the things that Schism discusses.

    As for Schism itself, it is open to interpretation but Maynard did not intend it as a love song. It's about his relationship with God and Christ and how their absence in his life has led him to feel jaded towards them.

  10. anonymous
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    Apr 11th 2007 !⃝

    A mantra is a religious or mystical syllable or poem, typically from the Sanskrit language. (here is where it gets interesting) The Sanskrit language is a classical language of India, a liturgical language of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, and one of the 23 official languages of India. * Note the 23...Viginiti Tres...last track on 10,000 Days. Any connection or cool coincidence???

  11. burningpeaches
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    Mar 11th 2007 !⃝

    I heard it was a slowed down recording of the lead singer's cat. I re-recorded and sped it up like four times, and it actually did sound a bit like a cat meowing, but four times. It sounded absolutely nothing like someone saying I love you; but hey, I'm using shitty gear. Try it yourself.

  12. Zaq
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    Mar 8th 2007 !⃝

    goddamn, shit the bed...

    OK, I said it once, I'll say it again. Listen to it using headphones. It will sound clearer. listen to just one side of the headphones at a time. then try the other. It's someone saying "I love you - love... I love you - Love..." then guess what the next song on the album is. It's "Schism." a song about... well, go to the Schism page and find my interpretation. It makes sense, and Tool may be UNIQUE, but they aren't RANDOM. Their songs have meaning, even "- Ions."

    thanks for reading, and if you don't believe me, then whatever. Think for yourself if you think I'm the authority.


  13. anonymous
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    Feb 15th 2007 !⃝

    To the anonymous post above: that would be ironic for it to be slowed down synchronized crying... Since much of what Tool does includes subtle references to "lachrymology" (sp?). AKA: the study of crying and its healing potential. I believe TOOL wants us to see it as pointless or for purpose, so we may rediscover COMMUNICATION.

  14. anonymous
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    Feb 12th 2007 !⃝

    Sounds like several people crying

  15. anonymous
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    Feb 3rd 2007 !⃝

    Selo, you are wrong, this song has a lot of meaning, but you just don't get it, listen to the song, but really listen don't just use it for backround music.

  16. Selo
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    Dec 6th 2006 !⃝

    "Mantra" has no lyrics, and therefore no meaning. I really don't like the way Tool does more pointless filler tracks than actual songs, but hey, not much we can do about it.

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